Friday, February 26, 2021

For Those About To ROXETTE, We Salute You. - 3cd Bag of Trix Review/Ulasan.

 As usual first in Broken English, and then Bahasa Melayu Pasar.

again, a bit late..

Triple cd Bag of Trix release from a few months back. 47 Songs from the Vault. What can I say but another Roxsome, Roxking, Roxgeous, Roxderful, Roxmantic, and what else.

A nice problem to have for Roxette is that every song is nice. Even the Bsides, even the unused tracks and their Demos (usually sung by Per is better than the finished products of other acts).

So if you have not get this latest release, it makes an awesome purchase as the continuation of your Roxette collection.

Tak Payah banyak colok.

Rilisan terbaru Roxette 3cd Bag of Trix adalah satu lagi koleksi terdiri dari berbagai sumber termasuk lagu2 belum pernah dikeluarkan sebelum ni YANG HEBAT.

Cam aku cakap kat atas... Roxette ni masalah dia semua lagu sedap termasuk demo ke, atau pun kalau Marie nyanyi dalam bahasa Sepanyol..

So sapa minat Roxette,  enjoy la ngan berpuluh2 lagu ni... walau ada dah keluar sebelum ni versi2 ni.

Dan sapa tak dengar Roxette, relak one corner sampai aku blog lagi sekali entah bila. haha.