Wednesday, March 3, 2021

ANTHEM feat. Graham Bonnet " EXPLOSIVE STUDIO JAM " (2020) cd review/ulasan

Salam and Good Day. 

This post will have lots of photos as I cant resist to share it with you who have not yet have opportunity to see the beautiful packaging and cute obi strip. (click each photo to enlarge)

As usual in my Broken English first, lepas tu Bahasa Melayu Pasar

Graham Bonnet is 74 this year.

His resume and career is like playing and recording with who's who of Heavy Rock History-

Rainbow, Michael Schenker Group, Alcatrazz , Anthem etc.

So after 20 years, he gets together again with Anthem for this EXPLOSIVE STUDIO JAM 8 songs recording. The songs are

1 - 3 Gypsy Ways (Win, Lose or Draw) , Crying Heart, Midnight Sun from HEAVY METAL ANTHEM album released in 2000 which are old Anthem songs recorded again with full English lyrics by Graham Bonnet.

4 - 5 Since You Been Gone , Lost in Hollywood from RAINBOW DOWN TO EARTH album

(yes... Izumu did that Cozy Powell intro)



7 The Witchwood from ALCATRAZZ DANGEROUS GAMES album

(They really really really slow it down for this song...... A beautiful moment in time yes)

8 Night Games from one of Graham Bonnet's solo album LINE UP.

More photos from the packaging - 

I think Explosive Studio Jam is too kind and humble name for this album. Its a Super Explosive Fabulous Recording all together. 

Anthem has been constantly amazing thru the years with their releases since after their REUNION in 2000. And this shows again.

Its nice to hear Anthems current line up of Naoto Shibata, Akio Shimizu , Isamu Tamaru and Yukio Moriwaka perform these legendary songs with a legendary singer.

Anthem uses keyboards for this recordings.

Nice follow up from the Naoto Shibata side project The Man (which is actually made up of Anthem members too) live double cd where they performed selections of famous rock songs.

I had reviewed it here.. -


Lastly, below photo is a picture of my Anthem collection featuring Graham Bonnet.

I had reviewed and shown the packaging for the year 2000 Reunion of Anthem and featuring the vocals of Graham Bonnet here -

The live 2cd super awesome bootleg of Graham Bonnet live with Anthem  in Tokyo Japan July 13 , 2000 has the setlist as follows...

Till next time, I will try to show packagings of all post 2000 Anthem studio albums cd packagings in the future..  For me after Anthem reunion in 2000 they have transform leap and bound to become such a fabulous band. 

I just want to add although Yukio is awesome, but I need Eizo back in Anthem. LOL!!



ooo kayy boleh agak la kan aku minat Anthem. Band Jepun yang dah berjaya menawan hati gua.

Zaman 80an dan awal 90an mereka best kan Rock Jepun.

Tapi selepas mereka reunion balik tahun 2000, dan selepas projek ngan Graham Bonnet ni,

(tak pedulik la samada vokalis Eizo Sakimoto ke Yukio Morikiwa) mereka dah ubah jadi GERGASI ngan lagu2 dan rakaman2 hebat yang aku minat sangat.

Tak kira jugak la sapa drummer2 mereka. Ada eksiden la. Tapi yang terbaru ni budak Izumu ni dah kira lama jugak. So harap ni line up tak berubah...

KECUALI aku nak Eizo masuk balik, suara Eizo tu Heavy Metal pada aku, suara Yukio ni hard rok la. HAHAHAHAAH. Tapi harap2 dua dua ni la nyanyi sama2. Anthem pakai dua vokalis.

Jangan macam live bluray sambut birthday 60 tahun Naoto Shibata tu.. Anthem pakai 3 vokalis. Eizo, Yukio , Tony (vokalis awal sebelum Anthem jadi retis rakaman)... gitaris pun dua... AKIRA TAKASAKI Loudness pun join tapi berapa lagu je la.. haha.

Sapa tak tahu, zaman Loudness macam sial gitu, tahun2 pertengahan hingga akhir 90an, bila Loudness memang merapek kerepek, Naoto Shibata jadi bassist Loudness. Hahaa.

OK.. apa aku nak cakap pasal cd ni?

Graham Bonnet? Dia kalau apply kerja jadi penyanyi eh... Dia punya Resume tu mesti GILER BABI HEBAT.

Rainbow, MSG, Alcatrazz, Anthem, solo albums, IMPELETTRI (tak ingat spelling) dan sapa lagi la.

Semua musicians dan bands2 hebat semua... TERBAIK DARI LADANG.

Selain tu review lain semua korang baca la kat atas aku cakap omputeh...

Tapi serious ni album lagu The WITCHWOOD tu meleleh siot. MELELEH GILER la menyentuh sanubari ku.

Alcatrazz tapi bukan  Yngwie Malmsteen atau Steve Vai original tapi Danny Johnson.

Korang tengok la Graham Bonnet ni dia dah nyanyi tuk gitaris2 semua giler2 nye... Ritchie Blackmore, Michael Schenker, atas aku baru sebut dua tu, Akio Shimizu dan ramai lagi..

So nasib baiklah Ritchie Blackmore panggil dia ganti Ronnie James Dio dulu. Rezeki dia terus terkenal dah sampai sekarang...

HAHAHA.. ok dah...

Hingga bertemu lagi di lain siaran.. Anyway aku nak harap aku ada time aku nak tayang semua studio album Anthem yang selepas tahun 2000.

Ada aku dah tunjuk kat blog ni, cerita2 sikit tapi rasanya banyak belum.

CEHHHH..... hahaha..

ok bye.


  1. CD live itu best...very limited. live di jepun lagi tu.

  2. aku takder sangat cd Anthem....tapi ko punya cerita kat group whatsapp buat aku terorder dah Explosive Studio Jam ni...haha..

  3. aku envy passion deaf menaip cerita panjang panjang

    urgghhh i hate typing

  4. What is the point of this??
    What is the point of these Japanese bands horing foreigners all the time? Loudness, Bow Wow, Anthem... is it bad management?

  5. The Japanese market demands and loves their Western heroes and this is the way to show it.
