Musim ujan eh?
Anyway, got a bit of free time, so a quick dual review of my opinion on this live album, first in Malay, then in English. Hope anyone who stumble into this page will find the infos and photos helpful.
Recorded 20 March 1982
Hammersmith Odeon London
Cd1- Murders In The Rue Morgue, Wrathchild, Run To The Hills, Children Of The Damned, The Number Of The Beast, Another Life, Killers, 22 Acacia Avenue, Total Eclipse
Cd2 – Transylvania, The Prisoner, Hallowed Be Thy Name, Phantom Of The Opera, Iron Maiden, Sanctuary, Drifter, Running Free, Prowler

Pertama sekali aku tahu pasal persembahan ni ialah bila aku muda2 dulu
tengok video tape “ 12 Wasted Years “, ada sedutan live dari konsert tahun 1982 ni.
Baru aku tahu Maiden ada buat rakaman untuk konsert ni tapi tak pernah dikeluarkan sepenuhnya kerana beberapa masalah.
Awal tahun 2002 pula, dua lagu dari rakaman live ni muncul untuk single special Run To The Hills yang keuntungan jualannye diperuntukkan untuk bekas pemain drum si Clive Burr yang sakit M.S. tu untuk rawatan dia, dan Maiden nak
kumpul duit untuk buat ubah-elok rumah dia jadi senang sikit dia bergerak ngan kerusi roda dia dan kurangkan semua masalah yang ditanggung sebagai pesakit MS.

Dan akhirnye ngan Eddie Archive, seluruh persembahan malam tu dapat didengar.
Nasik tambah, dvd Early Days yang keluar 2004-2005 gitu, ada video konsert ni tapi masih tak sepenuhnye. Rasanye banyak filem rosak teruk sampai tak boleh diselamatkan.
Apa yang bagus pasal Beast Over Hammersmith double cd ni buat aku?1)Pasal walau berapa banyak bootlegs pun, aku rasa ni la satu2nye full concert rakaman rasmi yang menampilkan Clive Burr dan jugak rakaman terakhir Clive Burr selain ‘Reading 1982’ sebelum dia kena buang kerja ngan Maiden pasal asyik mabuk dan kasi yang lain masalah on-stage.

2)Rakaman ni unik kerana lima dari lagu2 tak pernah didengarkan lagi peminat pasal album baru waktu tu The Number Of The Beast (TNOTB) cuma keluar kat kedai beberapa hari lepas malam tu. Jadi rata2 malam tu peminat2 kat situ majoriti dengar lagu2 ni pertama kali kecuali sapa yang pegi malam2 sebelumnye konsert kat tempat2 lain di Britain. Jadi suasana konsert dia untuk lagu2 yang tak pernah didengar tu lain sikit.
3)Selain lima lagu tu ( Children Of The Damned, Prisoner, 22 Acacia Avenue, TNOTB, Hallowed Be Thy Name ) , Dua lagu baru pulak baru didengar beberapa minggu sebelum tu pasal dah keluar untuk single Run To The Hills ( dan bside dia Total Eclipse ).
4)Bruce masih baru lagi,..tak lama jugak dia baru join Maiden tu jam. Jadi TNOTB ni dia nye 1st album ngan Maiden dan ni dia punye first full proper tour worldwide. Dan zaman ni dia belum mula dia punye trademark “ Scream For Me ( isi nama tempat / negara ).

5)packaging dia serupa Buku Tour Iron Maiden untuk world tour mempromosikan album TNOTB . 24 m/s penuh ngan berbagai maklumat dan tulisan tulisan yang dicetak seperti mana buku Tour tu dikeluarkan tahun 1982 dulu.
6)Semua lagu pun best, tapi yang istimewa buat aku mendengar di live album ni ialah
-Another Life & Running Free kerana Clive Burr kat permulaannye,
-Total Eclipse pasal ni lagu yang sangat dramatik tapi pendek,
-Transylvania pasal memang best dan Dave Murray kat penghabisan nye
-The Prisoner, Aku
FETISH lagu ni.
-Drifter kerana macam zaman Paul Dianno ada nasik tambah eyo yo yo yo yo nyanyi2 ngan penonton.
-Cara Bruce Dickinson umumkan judul dan cerita2 ngan penonton dan Steve Harris pun ada cakap2 jugak.

7)Semua lagu best
tapi yang aku tak suka sangat di live album ni ialah
-Run To The Hills, apsal korus dia tak buat cam studio version…ni jugak sama sebab kenapa
aku menyampah betul versi lagu ni kat album live Live After Death.
66666666666666666666666666666666666666...My full review and photos of Iron Maiden ‘s live ‘Beast Over Hammersmith’ double cd that comes with the Eddie’s Archive. I don’t think there was any official news of the cds being sold separately till today.

As a teenager chasing dragons, I realized the existence of this show on viewing the ’Twelve Wasted Years “ video tape and then in early 2002 of the RTTH Charity single for Clive Burr’s well-being and treatment.
With the Archive, we finally get the full recording of the whole show and later about half of the show finally appeared on the Early Days dvd.
Interesting things that amuse me for this live album are
1)No matter how much bootlegs a Maiden fan try to collect, nothing beats an official recording. Especially I believe this is the only full length concert featuring Clive Burr, and his last one before his exit besides Reading 82.
2)Most of the fans that night have not heard five songs from TNOTB album which was only released a few days after that. Furthermore, two more songs are new ones released as a single and bside few weeks before that. Imagined yourself hearing all these great songs for the first time and its live and you have Bruce mentioning about Charlotte The Harlot having a new ‘business’ address before playing the continuation of her saga. Plus imagine the curiosity on hearing TNOTB and The Prisoner with their spoken introductions.

3)Bruce first proper tour, first album with Maiden. Definitely the fans were sizing him up then.
4)The accompanying 24 page cd inlet is actually the reproduction of the Beast On The Road tour book. So you have the notes by band members, their equipments used, photos and lots more.
5)All songs are great but the highlights for me are
- Another Life and Running Free because of Clive Burr and what if he was still around with Maiden. Running Free especially when compared to Nicko’s version.
- Total Eclipse- The shortest epic Maiden ever done. Not on the original TNOTB album due to space constraint, but after the remasters came out in 1998, was finally included.
- Transylvania for the Dave Murray ending. Similar to the Killers Tour especially one of my favourite bootlegs, the one from Japan which comes in different labels and titles.
- Drifter with that Eyo Yo Yo singalong, similar crowd participation segment with the Paul Dianno years.
- Bruce Dickinson introducing songs and bantering with the crowd. And of course we can hear Steve Harris too.

6)All songs are great but the downside for me have to be Run To The Hills with its different chorus melody line. I do not like the Live After Death version too.
So that’s about it… to be(ast) continued with the other two albums on the Eddie’s Archive – the BBC Archives and Best Of The Bsides soon.