pertama kali dalam hidup aku, aku rasa all day Festival mat salleh cam gini. Aku rancang pergi backpack dan include tengok Maiden kat Brisbane Soundwave pun pasal aku nak rasa cammana suasana festival yang Iron Maiden headline yang ada 40 bands, 6 stage, 46000 peminat ( ni cakap Bruce masa kat Sydney intimate little swarray punye show ) .

Its just a train station stop away from Brisbane Central, actually you can even walk there from the city, and I saw this. This is the entrance? Where is the 46,000 people that Bruce said in Sydney Intimate Show that will be at Brisbane Soundwave?
Then after the entry I saw this.. haha.

And its just the crowd at Stage 1 and stage 2. So I check out the area knowing Maiden will play at Stage 1 at night.
aku tengok kat jadual.. sempat kalo aku datang macam Star Karat dan tengok Dimmu Borgir dan Slayer waktu petang, kira bonus la. Saxon last minit kensel, tapi tu hari Saxon main kat Singapore, kirim salam je la, dorang 2nd of the nite blakang Slash yang jadi main event kat indoor stadium untuk malam kedua. Aku baca Stone Temple Pilots nye malam pertama was like 2000 attendance je.(its sort of a 2day affair ) Aku tak minat STP ni masa zaman lagu2 gini awal 90an dulu, tapi dorang supposed to have lots of fans pe.

This is how the Merchandise Stall for Soundwave Festival looks like, I think most of the bands merch can be found, with Maiden tshirts and stuffs having central strategic displays.

This is Stage 5 and 6. Teenagers and young people congregate here. I dont even know one band playing at these 2 stages.

And this is stage 3 and 4. Slayer and Dimmu Borgir will play after each other at Stage 3 for about an hour each a bit later..
When I was taking this photo I realise at Stage 4 there was this 3piece playing which reminds me of JOHN SYKES BAND. And we all know John Sykes is a master and entertaining guitarist, sings very well while on guitar, and write the songs that make Whitesnake the pop stars back in 1987 haha. ( Check out John Sykes Band cd live in Japan , he plays and sing all the Blue Murder/Thin Lizzy/Whitesnake songs excellently )
This band is called High On Fire. Definitely a very rocking band and maybe I would try to check them out more in the future. I recce them a bit on youtube and hey..they covered Venom too.

Nanti aku cerita pasal bandar Brisbane, tapi ni aku cerita pasal Soundwave Brisbane 2011 je la. Aku sampai Brisbane pagi tu, ingat nak buang je beg aku kat tempat backpackers pasal tak bleh cek-in lagik, last2, aku gi jalan2 kat bandar Brisbane dulu haha. Dalam hati macam tak kuasalah nak tengok band2 rock lain main, aku tak minat sangat.
Dimmu Borgir plays once High On Fire finish.. So..this is how Dimmu Borgir plays live. Unfortunately, no Vortex.
It would be nice if I can see how this band plays live with him.

One thing I like is how the Brisbane crowd , I mean those who are at stage 4 at that time seems to love Dimmu Borgir. There was this young couple beside me who are so in love haha, and seems Dimmu Borgir is their band and playing their songs.
Cuma minah tu nak panjat atas boyfren dia suka guna bahu aku untuk support. Dah la aku tengah rimas keliling aku mat salleh besar2 tinggi2.

The stupid thing is while Dimmu Borgir plays at Stage 3, a bastard band was soundchecking at beside Stage 4, and this provoke unhappiness on Dimmu Borgir fans.
The best thing is when this band who sounds like a Mexican Sepultura to my hearing plays, Slayer was getting ready at stage 3, and as we all know, it will be " Slayer! Slayer! Slayer! " although not that really loud and sustained enough haha.
So I got a chance to see Dimmu Borgir stage exit and Slayer stage entry stage movements with Slayer bringing in all their Marshalls in place.

Aku semangat berkobar2, ni kali aku cakap kat diri sendiri aku nak tengok Slayer dekat2. Pasal dulu tengok Slayer tiket murah so diri jauh.
Jadi lepas je Dimmu Borgir aku tak gerak dari Stage 3 la, hah ko, by second song, aku terpelanting ke belakang...Siot kuat siak mat salleh ni nye rempuh dan movement, aku sudah pasang kuda2, ternaik gi tepi dan ke belakang... Tapi ni Slayer pe.
Dan dorang ada hardcore peminat dorang sendiri hari tu.. Dari pagi kat bandar Brisbane dah boleh nampak dah...Slayer fans ngah lepak minum2.

This photo shows the First Time Exodus' Gary Holt plays with Slayer, taking over Jeff Hanneman guitar spot. In fact after this show, I think Slayer skip Melbourne Soundwave the next day due to Tom Araya also illness.

I think this is the light show during Raining Blood.
Panic hits me when I see the crowd at where Iron Maiden is to play less than 90mins later.

And I realised with a bag etc, cannot enter the front portion of the stage, but thanks to attending Malay Rock concerts all my life haha, when there is a will, there is a way..
So I got a spot here after slipping past security and wriggling my way thru, I am sorry to anyone bulldozed by me, but its Iron Maiden, and this is my last night seeing them on this tour, and I dont know if I can ever afford to see them again.
Then I realise there are many fans who are already there so we all wait patiently, enjoying the sounds of Queen Of Stone Ages who plays at stage 2. Ah.. It was so peaceful and harmony during the long wait I tell you, Maiden fans are so the best haha.

Then.... Iron Maiden explodes on stage, a blazing show.. Iron Maiden headlining Soundwave Festival all over Australia, playing to total of what? near to 200,000 people? Exposing their NEW music to people who had never really knows them before. Such great publicity and chance to expand their fan base. For the hardcore, they did additional two nites intimate shows at Sydney and Melbourne smaller arenas.
And this is why I really like Maiden to play new songs live. They are exposing themselves to many new young fans who are not influenced by the Jurassic Years of Maiden. my love one loves Wickerman and Nomad as one of his first Maiden songs. He dont give a damn about Maiden not playing Run To The Hills or many other old Maiden pop hits live. If you want to listen to old songs, play the cd. Or wait for the next history tour which I think is the next one in 2013 or earlier.

And As I Lay There Gazing At The SKY!!!

Without A Tear I Draw My Parting Groan..Ooohhhh Oooohhhhh!! hehee..
Bruce was having a very very active evening.. Ooo I just read a belatedly opened email which says Maiden played superbly in Sydney Soundwave too..

I love this below photo of Janick and his guitar bath in spotlight during his beautiful solo for Dance Of Death. This is such a fantastic live song with all the singalongs.

I cant get enough of seeing Maiden's lighting 'space ship ' rigs moving up and down and flashing away thruout the 2 hrs....

Steve and Bruce huhu... love the Number Of The Beast song stage presentation.
Too bad they dont have the flames that shot up as per 2008 tour during this song.

Bruce and Steve again... Being together again both of them in 2000 is the best thing ever.

But occasionally, Janick will come over...haha...

and it will be so much fun seeing the three of them with their on stage antics with each other. Really love how they start The Evil That Men Do.
But this photo I so like... The Three Amigos..
Dave having a big smile, and Adrian and Janick fooling around.

Running Free and I know my 4 dates Iron Maiden 2011 shows are up..

Life is tough, work is unpredictable, not knowing if there will be food on the table in a few months time.. Not knowing what job I can do if things go wrong.
Maybe two jobs...I dont know...but there is another part of my life..and this is one of them..
When at work, I do talk 'chicken and duck' with all the India workers and labourers..trying to dig as much info as possible about Mumbai and India in general, especially its safety..
Because...I think it will be Maiden India for me as it will be the cheapest I think and I think Maiden will return to India in near future...
Confirm I am going alone, as my love ones wont go. Thanks Slumdog Millionaire for depicting the unglourious sights haha.
Next...Brisbane...and Lone Pine Sanctuary..
the other bands are NOTHING but slayer clone!
cemana eh klu tiba2 terasa nak "throw small/big water"?
Great post..had a good time reading ur experience in brisbane...
keep on rockin bro..
John Sykes live in Japan tu yang tajuknya "Bad Boy Live" kan?...
memang dasat arr dgr dia nyanyi lagu2 Whitesnake macam "Still of the Night" tu...
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