aku try ambik gambo , dan aku gembira sangat walau tak cantik mana pun banding peminat lain nye snap. Aku nak gambo aku ada feel live dari audience dan tunjuk lightshow Maiden yang cantik sangat, dan aku suka la aku dapat apa aku nak.
Click all photos to enlarge

Dave Murray and Adrian Smith - Final Frontier

Spectacular Maiden light show during Wickerman

Dave Murray and walk-on-stage Eddie
First time I took some photos of Maiden in action on stage. Its chaotic with all the pushing and movements and blockings especially as the Australians are taller and stronger. Not as good as the qualities that other Maiden fans got, but I am happy with my own efforts and I will treasure the photos always.
Tengok cammana kawan Maiden aku ni siap sedia dia punye bootleg taping equipment, dah siap pakai microfon dalam baju, microfon ada batteri sendiri aku masih ok, tapi siap ngan filter buang bass terlebih tu aku tak tahan haha.
Standard nye bebual...rekod semua wav. format. Self satisfaction. Jumpa ngan kawan dia satu ni pun taper, dorang dua berbual, aku diri tepi je la dengar.
Kawan dia dengar aku travel jauh2 cakap " well, thats commitment " haha.
Ni aku baca kat internet, Melbourne nye Hisense Arena ada 4 rakaman dah timbul, aku nak carik semua la...buat kenang kenangan...Event tshirt Australia, ada orang sua beli untuk hantar pergi Belgium bila nampak ada jual. tak kecoh tu peminat Maiden satu dunia sms2 satu sama lain untuk dapatkan benda2 collectible ni.
Konfem 4 rakaman ni kualiti rakaman berbeza2.

Arrived early, go to the Merchandise store which is still being set up and wala... an event tshirt and there is a programme already printed.
Sorry to those who asked to get some tees, one tshirt is already AUS$50 and I only got one for myself besides getting tees for my love ones. The programme cost AUS$10.

The Melbourne crowd is like not that eager. I even remarked on the forum that compared to the excitment of the Singapore Indoor Stadium crowd which as far as I know go nuts at the start of the intro tape of Doctor Doctor, the Melbourne crowd was like standing in the elevator listening to piped classical music. And I am quite in front. But things got better once Maiden starts playing..
Maybe they are pampered with Maiden? 2008 twice at Rod Laver and 2011 an arena intimate show which I attended plus a Soundwave Festival Headlining performance a week later.

Dave Murray and Steve Harris - Final Frontier

Dave Murray and Adrian Smith - Final Frontier

Steve Harris - Two Minutes To Midnite

Bruce Dickinson,Nicko McBrain, Adrian Smith, Dave Murray, Janick Gers, Steve Harris - The Trooper

Bruce Dickinson, Steve Harris, Adrian Smith - Fear Of The Dark

Janick Gers Adrian Smith, Steve Harris, Dave Murray - Fear Of The Dark?
Dave Murray , Adrian Smith, Steve Harris - The Number Of The Beast
Adrian Smith - Hallowed Be Thy Name?
Dave Murray, Janick Gers, Adrian Smith fooling around during Running Free if I'm not wrong
Bruce Dickinson introduce Janick Gers
Janick Gers receiving salutations
Dave Murray and Adrian Smith during....cant recall what song.
Finally Below is one of my fave photos -
Because it shows Steve Harris looking the audience in the eyes and singing and believing it, Dave Murray with his brightness and smile, Adrian Smith concentrating and feeling, and Janick Gers ever with his usual showmanship.. on the big screen, Bruce Dickinson the ever super performer. All these stances are exactly the same way of my own impressions of each of them.
I will upload more photos at deafeningforever.blogspot.com next few days or next week...
Scream For Me Sydney !

Sydney Opera House taken from the water direction..
beza crowds s'pore dgn crowds ostrolia ni, kat ostrolia dah slalu sgt maiden dtg... s'pore 1st time, tu yg bila opening act R2R perform pun dah terlonjak2 :)
agaknya brapa byk baju diorang tu eh? setiap show sama je...
jeles lak rasanya, haha
pergh...gua speechles...
Up the IRONS!
cantiknye design baju
Superb pixs sum everyting! Camera apa pakei? Hehe.
baju lawa!!! masa kat singapore ari tu sebenarnya aku ada bawa digital recorder yang boleh rakam wav format.... tapi oleh kerana takut benda tu tak boleh bawa masuk then aku tinggalkan kat hotel.. mana tau masa konsert aku masuk drg tak check plak cis, kalau boleh putar balik ke masa lampau mesti aku bawa masuk benda tu lagi with highest quality of recording recorder tu boleh rakam sampai 4 jam.. arrggghhhhhhh ni macam nak suruh dtg maiden sekali lagi ni !!!!!!
tp dia punya official merchandise booth mmg jauh lebih gempak drp yg kat s'pore
mmg semangat gila organizer belah sinun
crita skali berapa riban abis pegi aus aritu...mana tau sok-sok teragak nak pegi lak. Passport pun baru cop masyuk spore je...
Gambar lawa bro!
ehhh... Gambar Nicko mana?
ijau maiden is not exactly a regular in Australia. Cuma since Ed Force One je dorang pakai so dorang really can travel
rakam ah konsert2 ko pergi, then kasi aku secopy, aku suka fans audio bootlegs.
I will try do so , kasi breakdown budget aku
Nicko takde la...
dah tu mamat tu lak memang bangku rendah giler
WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! dah smp ke sana kau. GIGIH uolls ^__^
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