Kira dah beribu ribu ribu tahun ler mayat2 ni semua cam gitu..
Tu pasal siap ada sembahyang2 taiost lagik sebelum pameran ni dibuka.
Aku tak rasa apa2, tapi mungkin ada orang rasa kot huhu.
Cuma, aku bingit, aku tak boleh snap Anubis kasi clear, dua kali aku try..sigh.
Kasi aku prektis speaking london kejap.
These are some photos and brief review of the Quest For Immortality - The World Of Ancient Egypt exhibition being held at the basement of the National Museum Singapore.( 'No flash' photography allowed )
Yep, all these should be real ones, the reason they came from the Vienna Museum was I guess a hundred years ago, the white men came across the sea ( huhu ), they can do what they like in digging out Ancient Egypt stuffs, and bring them back to Europe. Basically these exhibits are from about 4000 to 500 BC, in another words I think some of them are about 6000 years already.
But if the white men did not do that in the past century, I guess maybe we won't have the Powerslave album isnt it?
Mula2 sekali ada bahagian korang boleh kenal huruf zaman purba mesir dulu, cammana firaun2 dan rakyat2 mereka tu semua tulis2 dan baca2.
Ni dia cakap sikit pasal orang zaman mesir dulu nye cara pemikiran gitu..
Pengsi kan?
Ni ukiran salah satu firaun zaman tu tindih tiga jajahan nye, orang afrika, asia dan Libya.
I love the next photo huhu..
one after another, Iron Maiden moments ok.
" Into the Abyss I'll fall, the eyes of HORUS " huhu..
( Scream for me Long Beach!! )
" Enter the risen OSIRIS, risen again "..
( Scream for me Costa Rica!! ) huhhuu
kalo Melayu nye, Osairis beb, Osairis rocks huhu. Iklan sikit ler, one of the much much better malay rock as in "rock" bukan rock lagu rakyat ok?
Satu benda ancient egypt ni, smua pun dia mummiafied kan jugak. ( new year resolution, tak mau main hentam bahasa pasar rabak punye huhu )
Crocodile pun kena mummified jugak. Buaya aka bujang senang.
Mummies of two crocodiles..
kalo confuse ingat "mak kepada dua buaya" padahal..
ni pengsi abis backdrop ni.. panjang sey.
ni aku mula2 catch no ball, apa kebenda sey benda2 ni? aku baca2 tulis cakap omputeh tu aku tak paham sangat, aku nye pick-up slow abis.
so aku rasa rasa ler dari fahaman aku, zaman beribu2 ribu2 ribu tahun dulu kat ancient mesir kira macam dorang punye batu nesan.. tapi boleh jugak macam pintu gitu nak access dorang nye tempat bersemadi kot?
('bersemadi' siol sekali2 wa pakai malay muaha.)
korang nengok ni..contoh.. kerja policia ancient egypt punye. Osiris ni aku nengok memang crucial kat kepercayaan dorang dulu ni eh..
More to come... nanti aku senang2 aku sambung pt 2..besok lusa tulat ke minggu depan ke bulan depan ke haha.
Especially these ones..
kalo senang nanti aku tampal kat multiply album ler gambo2 aku petik, senang sikit.
Serious bebual, ni pameran gerek abis untuk semua orang,
baik muda, tua, dan apa2 background pun.
Up The Irons.