A short review and photos of the red outer sleeve whole Motorheadache mess (hero of the day) single and the complete article that Lars Ulrich originally wrote for the So What! Magazine regarding this occasion.
aku susun2 barang2 aku, jumpa balik ni packaging kaler Merah. Metallica Hero Of The Day single featuring the Whole MotorheadAche Mess.
Hero Of The Day nye single ada beberapa packaging tapi ni yang paling pengsi, complete Motorhead performance, siap terkeluar2 tu logo Metallica dan strictly limited edition. Aku masuk ebay nak cek harga, tak jumpa versi ni dah.
- overkill, damage case, stone dead forever, too late too late. Boleh dapat empat2 lagu ni kat seperate cd singles versi lain pt1 pt2, boleh dapat kat album Garage Inc jugak.
Masa keluar je cd ni dulu dan ntah kat kedai mana eh aku dah lupa, aku beli pasal THE WHOLE MOTORHEADACHE MESS tu.
Aku tak pernah dengar pun Hero Of The Day kat cd ni dari start sampai abis haha.
So mungkin lagu ni sedap, mungkin lagu ni tak sedap, I dont know.
Ni original article Lars aku ambik dari buku So What kot sapa2 sini minat nak baca. Bertajuk - The Lemmy's Birthday Bash Dec 95
featuring Lemmy, Lemmy, Lemmy, Lemmy and Lars.
Click all to enlarge
This article makes a nice read regarding the secret plans that Metallica had to surprise Lemmy on his birthday and how the day unfolds.
The Rest Is How packaging looks like...Very nice poster of Lemmy and Metallica dressed up like Lemmy
and with Lemmy writing his thoughts on the poster.
The cd looks like this
and its stored in an inner sleeve like these front and back photos.