Warning - Post pasal incoming rock concert, so bahasa digunakan is a bit vulgar.
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fast game bongkar kejap carik beberapa koleksi DP aku untuk hiasi post kali ini.
band rock omputeh lain macam Dream Theater, Yngwie J Malmsteen's Rising Force, Dragonforce, aku tengok sekali, dorang datang lagi next tour aku dah tak pegi, tak jadi hal, pasal budget hiburan terhad, dan aku kena pandai pilih mana lebih priority.
Tapi..Deep Purple. Ah ni aku try pergi everytime.Aku dah nengok DP dah tiga kali , and 12 May 2010, dorang akan main kat Singapore for this Rapture Of The Deep World Tour yang ke berapa leg dah, tapi KL nampaknye dorang tak datang.

packaging fireball dan machinehead anniversaries 25years include cool booklets.
Kali terakhir dorang main KL aku rasa 2001 kat Sepang,
and I was there also haha. Front row Steve Morse side of course. Cuba berkenalan ngan mat salleh dari UK semua pasal aku cuba nak hook up ngan traders Iron Maiden haha. (Zaman muda dulu tu.). Skarang tak yah buat muka tembok, skarang semua internet dah boleh carik contacts, but its less fun nowadays compared to say 10 years ago in trading Maiden official and unauthorised items.
5 bulan advance notis untuk Deep Purple, so ok la kot kalo nak budget.
www.sistic.com.sg dah start jual tiket, and what a fark up three tier price level it is.
si@lnye, dorang pegi main kat Singapore Indoor Stadium, the most farked up rock concert place aku pernah pergi.
I cant farking afford the more expensive tickets, so the peasant ones will be right at the higher rows, and worse still, I farking hate the admission part.
Maybe this time DP is at this " classy " place because the promoter is Lushington, and not Lauretta Alabon.

kalo nak mula kumpul atau beli DP ori, aku suggest pergi carik double cd Machine Head 25 yrs anniversary.
dua cd, cd kedua ialah REMIXED. REMIXED as the way Machine Head is supposed to sound. Memang lain dari lain, kalo korang masuk youtube mungkin ada versi Highway Star yang dah remixed tu.. sebagai contoh.
ok, the makcik2 pakcik2 mesti smua happy la main kat tempat indoor stadium, and trust me, geng makcik2 pakcik2 yang turun konsert sweet charity semua akan datang untuk ni show jugak haha.
beb, dorang are the real mat rocks and minah rockers 70an muahaha.
Last aku gi nengok DP kat fort canning, makcik pakai tudung smua sua bawak anak2 dah macam pergi piknik ah.. kecoh beb.
Maybe dorang nak perkenalkan kat anak2 dorang...well this is farking Deep Purple, not the best band ever, but farking close.
Steve Morse farking handsome berger - alrite je and dia dah fit in nicely la pada aku, Don Airey - well...dia solo main rasa sayang so he cant be that bad, Ian Gillan - ok, dia dah tak boleh pekik Child In Time tu pasal CIT dah kena drop sejak 2001 I think,
Roger Glover - dekni memang orang lama and also a Rainbow,
Ian Paice - biar betik dekni...seeing and hearing him live is a wonderful experience

Ini semua official bootlegs dari Deep Purple. Bootlegs yang authorised dari Deep Purple. Datang dalam boxset gitu.. Keluar tahun 2003 gitu kot? aku dah lupa.
Aku boleh rasa la, setlist incoming ni will include farking WASTED SUNSET pasal...DP tak pernah main ni lagu live sejak zaman Rithchie Blackmore, Ian Gillan nyanyi tapi untuk solo tour dia, tapi...current leg of Europe tour lagu ni dah masuk dah..YAHOO!!!
and please...wasted sunset, Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming, knocking at your back door, fireball, - I hope they play these four songs, and I will be very happy, tu pun kalo aku dapat pergi haha.
the rest tu biasaklah , mixture of older famous songs contoh macam highway star, smoke on the water, perfect strangers, black night/speed king/lazy ni konpem la kot, some new ones dari Rapture Of The Deep, dan maybe one or two surprises - aku harap it includes BATTLE RAGES ON dan lagu2 dari album BANANAS pasal aku suka album bananas ni, but nope, no David Coverdale or Joe Lynn Turner era songs ever slagi Ian Gillan la nyanyi.
So kalo korang minat DP, mungkin pergi, pasal understood, dorang dah tua..
IN ROCK DAH 40 TAHUN DAH!! IN ROCK!!! bayangkan berapa umur Ian Paice, Roger Glover and Ian Gillan dah skarang..
Tunggu Ritchie Blackmore re-union, FORGET IT. Dorang dah gaduh besar. Lagi cerah harapan Rainbow reunion- oh pleasee!! walaupun tu pun impossible dah.
korang bayangkan reaksi penonton kalo DP main live lagu Wasted Sunset walau its steve morse and don airey..
Hammersmith Odeon Nov 2009 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csPBrm8Cxyg&feature=related
abis, ian gillan cium pipi steve morse??... teringat cerita muda2 la tu haha, tak la, dia bisik suruh gitar solo stairway to heaven/sweet child of mine kot haha
dan korang bayangkan tiap2 kali aku nengok DP live bawak sometimes I feel like screaming, aku dah terlompat2 happiness...
siak ni kali tak boleh, gue dah tua!
ni feberet version aku, Olympia 96 France punye cd.
youtube ada, siap ngan liriks lagik
cek it out
part ' yet again, i'm missing you wont be long i'm coming home' aku suke. last two minutes tu Steve Morse ngan Ian Gillan..hulalala
yang ni versi kartun lara croft lak haha best siak - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BI2SsebbW0I&feature=related