Aku ni kira beruntung ke?pasal zaman akhir 70an dan awal 80an tu, aku dapat feel rock as in abang2 lobang punye rock walaupun aku kecik lagi. Selalunye band rock omputeh la, rock melayu was like masih Bulat-Bulat haha. Siol je kan? ooo Sweet Charity 40 years Esplanade show nak keluar dvd, cant wait, memang kecoh giler malam tu bak kata Ramli Sarip " nak buat apa buat, asal jangan ada rusuhan sudah " haha. What a night tengok all the pakcik makcik original mat rock and minah rock 70an return kasi full house. Ni pun Lovehunters dvd esplanade dah keluar kot tu hari dorang launch.
Jadi mungkin tu sampai skarang ke'maintain'nan aku jiwai lagu rock tu tak rock sangat untuk orang lain, ye la macam2 genre rock skarang, of course la there some fantastic metal bands out there, tapi macam aku cakap aku bukan posseur just because rok ke metal ke, aku nak kena fly the flag of rock atau metal, kalo best best, kalo tak best tak best.
Sepatutnye belajar agama masa tujuh tahun, aku memang lagi fascinated tunggu abang2 lobang lagi besar dari aku, yang smuggle tape recorder semua dalam beg, main lagu rock. Dan banyak2 rock band tu takde lagi ajaib dan penuh misteri dan istimewa dari band Rainbow. Rainbow, - Pelangi. Tak rock langsung la, ngan logo pun cam hapa, sampul Rising lak Pelangi kena genggam,(aku cuma tahu ni mamat yang sama buat Manowar nye artworks dan Kiss Destroyer cuma tahun2 90an je la. Katak bawah tempurung betul.) tapi lagu, fullamak, biar betik. Tu jam la bila aku belajar dengar Rainbow live aku kagum giler, ok la kaset pirate, tapi kenapa satu side satu lagu je? biar betul dorang sudah extended main satu lagu sampai 15 minit gitu. Giler babi abis. Jadi tu la pengaruh aku sejak kecik, so aku bias la kot sampai skarang, orang cakap hu ha hu ha hu ha Rock la, hu ha hu ha Metal la..tapi aku dah ada guideline dan standard operating procedure aku ikut dah kalo nak dengar lagu2 atau band2 jenis gini dari kecik. Another soundtrack of my life since I was little. If I can bring only 5 English rock studio albums cds of any kind with me to a desert island, well..., I think I am not the only one. Rainbow is such a unique band, like the name represents a spectrum of colours, so does the music, the different lineups has some great albums and Rising is one of them.
This Rising lineup, has such a magical attraction for me. I always like to see these lineup in photos, either as a group or on stage. They epitomise what I always imagine as the best line up and best looking image of any heavy rock band ever. Unfortunately, two had died, Cozy Powell and Ronnie James Dio. So should we blame Ritchie Blackmore for not reuniting this line up when there was still time? Tony Carey and Jimmy Bain we can still read popping up here and there with different bands or projects, but Rainbow is all about Ritchie Blackmore controlling everything. Its his band. He do what he likes. Also, Bruce Dickinson did say this is his top 5 favourites of all time at the Jakarta interview.
So here you have two cds. All remastered. Very Pristine. Disc one you have the New York Mix and Los Angeles Mix. What I understand is the mix for the first batch of cds ever released in when? I dont know maybe mid 1980s? were different from the first batch of vinyls pressed back in 1976. For most of the time, it dont make any much difference to me. I grow up listening to the bootlegged pirated cassette tapes which should have come from the vinyls. Got the cd, I dont know, German early pressing? when I build up a proper cd collection. Even now listening to cd 1 of this remastered deluxe series one after another mix, I dont really care. I enjoy both of them.

CD 2 is so much more interesting because of the rough mix, not really rare because we all have the bootlegged Cozy Powell Rough Mix already available. But to get it as an official released with studio improvements is fantastic.
Rough mix of Stargazer with the keyboards intro is heavenly, and as usually Stargazer is always the highlight especially the ending... never a rock song has a more fascinating and lump in the throat ending than the studio version of Stargazer, ever.

Besides Rising, Down To Earth is already released as a double deluxe edition too and its interesting to note as its the only Graham Bonnet album and released before the others. Next would be Long Live Rock N Roll and I do hope they have some rehearsals of Rainbow Eyes in there. I hope next time we will have the Joe Lynn Turner albums too. Bend Out Of Shape would be nice.

Lastly you have Stargazer in rehearsal at Pirates Studio. Really interesting to hear how Rainbow rehearse this song in the studio before going out for tour.
-So if you are a Rainbow fan,
-or if you just have a fetish for Rainbow Rising,
-or if you like the singing or musicianship of any of the 5 members of this line up,
-or even if you already have the different cds pressing or vinyls and cassette tapes of this album,
-and / or if you think Stargazer and A Light In The Black are the best two ending songs of any rock album ever,
-or if you always hear from others about this magical mystical band called Rainbow who had album out in 1976 called Rising
-or if you wonder about the album cover and how the content sounds like
this deluxe edition is worth having.