Megadeth - United Abominations Tour Of Duty 2007
Fort Canning Park, Singapore
Janji Melayu start kul 8.40 gitu.
dah pakai henpon, tangan wa goyang, malam lagik, so tak best sangat..
Take No Prisoners
Wake Up Dead
Skin O' My Teeth
Washington Is Next
A Tout Le Monde
In My Darkest Hour
Hangar 18
Gears Of War
She Wolf
Kick The Chair
Tornado of Souls
Ashes In Your Mouth
Never Walk Alone
Symphony Of Destruction
Peace Sells
Holy Wars..The Punishment Due/Mechanix
Ni lak setlist khemah mixing desk, so as you all can see, ada ubah2 masa show tu, Megadeth tambah She Wolf dan Mechanix impromtu kot
Setlist salah!!
So ni ngah relaks skarang wa ngah playback hi-md sambil type ni.
Crowd about 3000++ kot, pasal Megadeth gig kat Jakarta dan Bangkok so lesser kalo cam tu hari Slayer cuma gig kat sini outside of Japan so orang Thailand ngan Indon ada.
Fort Canning ni taman terbuka tau, dia cam padang sloping down gitu, so kalo korang diri mana2, kat belakang pun masih bleh nampak clear jugak..
view if you are on the Legend's steps..
So kita datang star karatz, kul 8.30 sampai relak kejap terus gig start. Aku cakap kat mybetterhalf, dulu aku nengok Deep Purple kul 5 dah Q, pasal nak rebut front railing sebelah Steve Morse nye side, nak nengok Search kul 9, aku magrib dah depan stage kat Larkin, ah! zaman muda mudi dulu hoho. So mbh duk kat Legend steps sebelah mixing tent, aku kejap depan kejap belakang ler, maklum dah tua, tak larat diri lama2, zaman "nodding donkey" rempuh2 kat depan dah lepas dah zaman tu semua hahaha.
Intro cam dalam album latest, lepas Sleepwalker terus masuk Take No Prisoner ( Take No SHIT!! ), gerek ah, teringat masa time Rust In Peace dulu beli kaset dia dan trying to decipher liriks album ni, actually kan, a bit of trivia, president John F Kennedy pernah cakap something like, " dont ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country", tapi Dave Mustaine lain sikit wakakaa.
Then masuk lagu Wake Up Dead, sorry aku tak familiar ni lagu sangat, aku bukan biggest fan of Megadeth pun, aku minat mendalam dorang nye teeny boppers pop hits je hohoho.
Then masuk Skin Of My Teeth, ah ni favorite zaman Megadeth Countdown To Extinction. Pun tu jam aku masih sekolah lagi kot? tak abis2 lagi wakakaaka, maklum wa repeat student/dropout.
Then Dave Mustaine nye big speech pasal datang Singapura, kawasan rumah dia kat Amerika semua terbakar teruk yang masuk tv, sokkabar tu semua.
"Good Evening, alrite it is such a priviledge to finally be here playing for you tonite.
When we're flying in this morning I was looking out the window of the airplane, and I was looking at the ground and I was looking at the buildings, I was looking at everything here and I thought fuck this is a beautiful country.
You know Megadeth is one of those bands that will play anywhere so if the promoters will bring us there and we've played some places that are pretty much disaster areas.
Coming in to town today, I want to tell you something, I feel like I am right at home.
I do want to say one thing before we go any further, for those of you that have heard we're going to cancel because of the fires thats in California, in San Diego. The fire's thats in San Diego, my home, James's father home, is in San Diego. The fires are ok and as you can tell with me standing here in front of you, we did not cancel.
And one thing you got to know about me, and about Megadeth, is its going to take more than my house burning to the ground, to ever cancel for you..."
Lepas poignant speech ni yang make people happy, terus masuk lagu Washington Is Next. Apsal eh, apsal? aku dengar lagu2 Megadeth baru, macam masuk telinga kiri keluar telinga kanan? age catching up kot.
Then Dave Mustaine cakap pasal nak cakap Thank You then cakap " Here's a surprise for you, I can speak a little French too ".
A Tout Le Monde, dulu kan masa Youthanasia keluar ( tu jam aku ngah full time NS ), kawan aku cakap " eh, ni lagu kan lagu semayang orang ( bukan islam ) nak mati tau " siot ah?
abis? tak bleh nyanyi ke? macam2 eh dulu.., otak jalan jauh. Tapi at least, lagu ni ajar aku how to speak a few French sentence, sapa tahu, besok aku jumpa Thiery Henry ke, Matthieu Flamini ( aku suka dekni dari 2-3 seasons back, workrate dia tinggi, mintak2 dia stay long term kat Arsenal ) ke, Patrick Vierra ke, William Gallas ke, Arsene Wenger ke, bleh aku speaking " atoutlemonde atoutlesamie jevousaime jevourparte " ewah!! translate dia something like "kepada dunia, kepada kawan2 ku, aku sayang korang semua, tapi aku kena pergi sekarang) wahahahaha. Sakit perut siak aku ketawa sorang2 berangan ni. Mesti dorang smua ingat aku giler.
Audience participation yang band stop main hulur mikropon tu sekali je, aku rasa kalo Megadeth seret singalong lagu ni sampai 20 minit pun aku alrite je, feberet part aku everytime dengar live versions lagu ni.
A tout le monde nye ending
Then lagu In My Darkest Hour, ni yang so far so good so what nye album. Aku nak ke halaman rindu kejap, pernah aku jumpa kawan aku ngan kawan dia yang aku tak kenal, it was long back many years ago. So kawan aku tanya aku " amacam? semua ok? " kawan tanya kan, so aku jawab " ok, so far so good ". Biasalah kan, abis kawan dia ntah mana nye melayu bukit, terus cakap kuat " so far so good, so what?? " alamak, wa tu jam ngah otak tak betul cam nak campak kerusi je la, pada aku kalo dia nak rock pun, tak kena tempat. Badigol nye bukit!! no manners.
Terus korang tahu lagu apa? HANGAR 18!!! aku sebenarnye nak buat gempak nak pakai tshirt Hangar 18 buat sendiri nye design hantar kedai, tapi tak sempat nak collect kat Pertama Complex sampai skarang!! nanti ah buat pakai konsert lagi sekali Megadeth datang. Lagu ni aku cuma nak cakap " perfect 10 ". You all got to see for yourself dia punye ending tukar2 solos tu... Exciting giler!!
Bila ada solo yang take turn, spotlight ikut dan satu gi gini gitu..Selalu nengok kat dvd je , ni nengok live lak
Then Dave Mustaine cakap pasal komputer game , then lagu Gears Of War. Sorry tak kenal sangat lagu ni hahaa.
Then lagu yang aku gurau dedicate kat mbh. Lagu " She Wolf ".
Aku ada satu bootleg Megadeth dia intro lagu ni , dia tanya audience, " How many of you here have dated an evil woman? " so audience semua cam jawab2 la gitu pekik2, sekali tu Dave Mustaine tanya lagi " How many of you here are those evil women? " terus audience yang pompuan semua cam cakap yes gitu. Kelakar siak.
during she wolf
my favourite photo, ada bulan mengambang, kena siak Megadeth main lagu ni backdrop bulan mengambang.
Personally aku suka album Cryptic Writting, kalo la semalam Megadeth main lagu FFF ngan The Disintegrator. Heaven siot, tapi yelek, bo liao haha. Aku suka lagu2 Megadeth yang jenis speed gitu, yang laju2 nye gitu..
Seterusnye, Kick The Chair. Ni yang System is Down nye album lepas Dave Mustaine sembuh tangan kiri dia terpeleot nerve problem. Dead Enough takde, aku suka ah lagu tu dari album yang sama ni.
Then Tornado of Souls, tak bleh lari la eh, Rust In Peace is perfect album eh, mesti kena main banyak lagu dari album ni, tapi Polaris takde lak.
Then Ashes In Your Mouth, then dia cakap-
" Man, I wish for one second that you can standhere with me and see how beautiful you look.
And I want to tell you something, so far since we left United States and came over here, we played Thailand and Indonesia, and we did not play She Wolf for them so you got an extra song. And I was talking to the boys backstage and I said - you know what, I got a feeling this could be one of those nights and we probably will play some extra songs tonight, ( cue - mega cheers from the audience ) ......... and of course they say no. ( cue - mega depression from the same audience LOL! )
I'm just kidding, so I dont want to fuck around anymore, I dont talk a lot in concert because I dont think you pay to comr here for this concert and listen to me talk. I think musicians who stand up here and waste your time by talking are fucking losers. So we're going to play as much as we can right now. We got about six more songs and then its off to the hospital "
lepas tu lak Never Walk Alone, lagu baru jugak. Then terus Symphony Of Destruction. Lagu yang paling gerek live.
OK ni another trivia, korang tau, tak salah aku fans kat Argentina yang mula kan, dorang singalong kat guitar parts lagu ni yang " Me-ga-Deth!! " Me-ga-Deth " tu kan, korang tahu tak sebenarnye the words tu ialah " Aquante "
Sorry aku belum cek out what is the meaning of this word. Maybe Spanish, maybe portugis aku tak tahu, tapi its actually yang singalong tu kan sebutan dia ialah
" Mega-deth! " " Mega-deth! " " Aquante " " Mega-deth ". Correct me if I am wrong, but this is how the singalong suppose to be masa riff dia.
Another " notalotofpeopleknowthat " nye info.
Lepas lagu ni ada surprise!!! Trust!! tak sangka siak ada lagu ni, pada aku ni lagu lirik dia cam lagu love song gitu eh, kira cam lirik jiwang la pasal kepercayaan kat kawan ke, mambang ke wakakaka. " We lied to each other so much, in nothing we trust " something like that la, another track from Cryptic Writing nye album.
Sesuai lagu ni suasana live. Lagu yang I think semua orang bleh get into. Walaupun non fans or non heavy rock fans.
time intro peace sells.. ex bassist white lion ngan drummer je
Tunggu jugak kot ada lagu When The Children cry hehehe
Lagu ni style - " peace sells!! but whos buying?? " peace sells!! but whos buying?? " hohoho
Lepas tu kan dorang hilang kejap
then Dave Mustaine keluar then cakap ni " I have a really really silly question to ask you - did any of you ever seen Megadeth before?
Kelakar nye ramai angkat tangan siak. then Dave Mustaine tanya " where? "
budak2 jawab " YOU TUBE!!! " wkakakakakaka. Klassik siak, paling kelakar, great joke!!, aku tak rasa Dave Mustaine dengar, tapi for me, its the joke of the night.
" So as you can tell, I'm real and so are you, and our love for you is very real."
So then introduction band members,
Dave Mustaine introduce diri sendiri as " you know my name, this song is called Holy War "
Holy War nye lighting effect
Feberet of the feberet " Dont look now to Israel it might be your homeland ", lawa siak ni liriks.
Surprise last sekali... Lepas yang " upon the podium... " nye part tu terus masuk Mechanix. Kalo sapa korang tak tahu, this is the original version of Metallica nye lagu The Four Horsemen.
Lepas tu masuk balik Holy War nye yang belen2 tu ..The Punishment Due, then terus the end.
Aku suka siak ending dia yang lagu instrumental slow tu waktu band members acknowledge the crowd gitu, then Dave Mustaine kasi speech tu, very the majesitic gitu kan muzik dia ngan speech dia. Last kopek cam biasa dia cakap-
" You've been great, we've been Megadeth!! "
thats it, reviews and photos2 "ross halfin tak jadi" aku. Hope you all like it, i know my boss dont like it pasal aku kat keja type benda ni hahaha. Takpe hari minggu pun. Nanti wa dapat upload gambo wa post.
Tapi kan korang, kalo aku ingat Megadeth dah best... esok nye kan, yaitu semalam kan, Heaven and Hell, lagi 10x gempak!! Champion abis..
tu nanti ah wa ceta.
p.s officially kasut sport wa guna untuk gi reservist pun terkopak tu malam..memang nak tunggu time je pun hohoho. Kasut yang banyak berjasa walau IPPT tak pernah akan pass.