Free Drink pun tak sempat ambik..
Rockers, Malex dan final tribute to Rockers
Enjoy ler nengok the finalists semua.. MC asyik stress pasal carik rock bands baru ganti Rockers, Rusty Blade & Sweet Charity je.
- Hilang Gelap Terbit Terang, Seksa, Instrumental ( apa title? ), last song apa title? huhu.
Aku lambat masuk pasal aku layan game kat Funworld depan Gossip tu...betul2 tadi back to zaman budak2 haha.
Kumpulan Rockers ooo la la
cam MC cakap, 80% Rockers pasal bassist kat oversea, so pakai Spellbound. Apa pun its still Rockers.. last aku nengok? 2002 dulu tu Pasir Ris tu...
Dorang bawak lagu2 ni
Besi Beracun
Harakah ( with intro singalong cam Heaven & Hell gitu huhuhuhu , kecoh )
Gagasan ?? kan?? kan?? huhu
Zaileha - Jo Rockers cakap Khalid Mobin request.
Kekejaman - with singers from Malex, Osairis, Raven. Serettt..
last 3 songs tu Jo Rockers panggil BOTB nye singers join in. Kekejaman tu solo BOTB nye participant jugak.
Overall , Glad I managed to squeeze the time to be there huhu.
Takde lagu2 meleleh2 jiwang2..
Jo Rockers.. aku suka tengok showmanship dia, cara dia berbual best. "jangan marah.." huhu.
So Rockers seems nak buat new album, include some songs Rockerz "dukun", Jo nyanyi balik.
So nampaknye 28 Mac 2009, Rockers perform kat KL untuk Tribute To Rockers KL.
Sila tengok bawah ni..