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The full name of this double cd is
Tracklist ( I try to add some additional infos beside it )
cd 1
1. This Lonely Heart ( Loudness Hurricane Eyes 1987 )
2. Fever ( Minoru solo song )
3. Soldier Of Fortune ( Loudness Soldier Of Fortune 1989 )
4. The Night Beast ( Loudness Loud & Rare 1991 )
5. Shut Up & Buy ( Sly )
6. Dreams Of Dust ( Sly )
7. In My Dreams ( Loudness Hurricane Eyes 1987 )
8. Tagawa Hiroaki Gtr Solo
9. Ashes To Glory ( Minoru solo song )
10. 1000 Eyes ( Loudness Lightning Strikes 1986 )
11. I'll Never Hide My Love Again ( Minoru solo song )
12. You Can Do It ( Minoru solo song )
cd 2
1. Far Away ( ?? )
2. Funky Sueyoshi Drum Solo
3. Let It Go ( Loudness Lightning Strikes 1986 )
4. Terasawa Koichi Bass Solo - Lets Get Together ( ?? )
5. Strike Of The Sword ( Loudness Hurricane Eyes 1987 )
6. Esper ( Loudness Disillusion 1984 )
7. Rock N Roll Gypsy ( Loudness Hurricane Eyes 1987 )
8. Dream Fantasy ( Loudness Disillusion 1984 )
9. So Lonely ( Loudness Hurricane Eyes 1987 )
10. Take Me Home ( Loudness Hurricane Eyes 1987 )
( Korang perasan? Niihara skarang dah ada dua i? Nak kasi dengung lebih kot? )
Aku ada masalah kalau dengar lagu2 Loudness. Masalahnye ialah tahun2 pertengahan 80an dulu, kaset pertama aku dengar dari kumpulan ni ialah Disillusion English Version.
Oleh kerana tersangat bestnye kaset Disillusion ni, aku cam ada fobia gitu kalo dengar album2 Loudness lain, dan aku tahu album lain2 tak kan konsisten macam Disillusion. Akhirnye aku jadi hampa. Ni aku cakap perbandingan album, bukan dua tiga lagu satu album aje. Tu memang tak jadi hal.
OK, cd ni memang susah nak dapat. Apa aku tahu, kat Jepun pun hanya boleh didapatkan terus dari syarikat Minoru Niihara.
Jadi pasal nak sangat double cd yang aku tahu istimewa persembahannya, aku tercarik2 sampai akhirnye aku dapatkan dari USA, dari mamat ni yang dapat terus dari Minoru Niihara, siap ada tandatangan lagik.
Macam lawak ler gitu, Asia hantar USA hantar balik Asia.
Apa aku perasan dalam double cd ni..
- Persembahan live kat double cd ni kalo korang tengok musicians dia, dua gitaris siap keybods.
- Oleh sebab itu, Soldier Of Fortune versi dalam cd ni ialah paling menarik aku pernah dengar huhu. Dan Rock N Roll Gypsy tu ada tu keybods yang jadikan lagu ni tersangat pop.
- ENAM lagu dari Hurricane Eyes. Adakah ini album feberet Minoru?
- Disillusion tak boleh lari...dapat dua lagu pun jadi ler.
- Lagu2 Loudness semua tak lari dari versi ori.
- Lagu2 solo Minoru Niihara yang aku suka sekali, Ashes To Glory dah macam epic song gitu, slow laju semua ada. Best. Dan lagu I'll Never Hide My Love Again, judul dia je dah best kan? tersangat lah jiwang.
- Drums dan gitar solo jenis short and sweet.
Aku sekarang tengah tunggu, dan aku harap boleh dapat Show 2. Apa aku tahu, ada Ares Lament dan jugakkk Heavy Chain antaranye..
So, korang yang minat Loudness, maybe boleh carik cd ni, aku rasa korang mesti enjoy nye.
Dan aku harap, satu hari aku dapat nengok Loudness live huhu..
Maybe one day, I got some time to reflect my favourite albums of all time. An Iron Maiden album (SSOASS) wont be guranteed a top spot because it could be Belinda Carlisle's Runaway Horses or Loudness Disillusion English Version instead.
So, is this double live cd worth the hunt and the hassle in getting it?
The answer is a definite and absolute 666% YES.
This cd cant be obtain in normal stores even in Japan, so mine travelled from Japan to USA and back to Asia lol.
I am so happy to finally get it after searching for it for quite some time as I knew it will be a special official live recording and to have it autographed by Minoru Niihara makes me even happier even though sadly I have never seen Loudness live yet or never will.
My observations and opions of this double cd.
- Check out the musicians name list. Two Guitars, keyboards, backing vocals.
So this makes Soldier Of Fortune on this cd an interesting live version, and of course Rock n Roll Gypsy becomes the most happiest of pop songs.
- SIX songs from Hurricane Eyes. Two from Disillusion & Lighting Strikes.
- The Minoru solo songs are the most interesting. Ashes To Glory is a very epic song, and I'll Never Hide My Love Again is going to become a new slow rock favourite of mine.
So those of you who havent got this, try to get it because its worth the effort and the sacrifice of your hard earned monthly spendings.
I hope to get the Show 2 which is not release yet. I think Ares Lament & Heavy Chains were played live for that recordings.
This double live cd is a piece of treasure for Loudness fans, listeners and sympathisers out there.
ermm dpt gak eh..cayalah \m/
berjaya jugak eh...
tapikan itu Belinda Carlisle's Runaway Horses mmg klasik ahh..leave a light on..la luna..summer rain...vision of you...pergh...nyum..nyum...hehe..
dia ni vocalist Earthshaker dulu kan?
sebelum form Loudness, jadi lagu 'Tokyo' tu dia yg bawak, right??
gua agak je, correct me if i'm wrong...
waahhh ko dapat jugak cd jepun tu yek bro. ehehe
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