So heres a few photos I randomly snap. Only JB and KL, Singapore none at all.
We celebrate 1st Shawal in Malaysia this year. And with the occasion just a day difference from Malaysia's Independence Day, it called for a double celebration for Malaysians.
I took this photo while waiting for my bus at Larkin Bus Terminal. The ketupat ( sort of dumpling rice ) seller has both the Malaysian flag and Johor state flag on top of her stall.

This is meanwhile the scene at Jalan TAR ( Tuanku Abdul Rahman ) in KL at the night of Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Its the same atmosphere and crowded like hell as in Geylang Serai Singapore on the same night.

Reminds me of last year we were in Geylang Serai but avoiding the crowd by going for a chng tng ( lai chee kang or chikong or whatever you want to call the dessert ) at the hawker center instead.
I saw it on tv ( TV9) how the tv/radio station crew are going around Jalan TAR to ask simple questions and giving out Duit Raya. But I never saw any haha.
The makcik cant even name one TV9 program during Ramadhan, she was given a tip of "Seharum... " and she says " Seharum Ramadhan" or something, but she was corrected and still given the gift.
I got a feeling, maybe the makcik works so hard all day all night, that she dont have time for any form of tv viewing or any entertainment.

Anyway, apa aku perasan, Takbir malam raya ni makin kureng sikit makin kureng sikit, makin kurengggg sikit. This year aku tengok stesen2 kat TV pun makin kureng je tunjuk takbir. Tak abis2 ucapan...ucapan...ucapan....raya. Ye la, kalo takbir kat tv pun kita bukak kat rumah ada jugak tempias dia kita dapat. So actually dapat takbir dua tiga kali pelan2 atau dalam hati pun jadi la lepas Maghrib or whatever. Kalo tak hafal part solo tu pun aku rasa takpe, dapat takbir yang ramai2 buat tu pun jadilah...
Boleh? Takbir hari raya - part solo??
Siot je kan aku.
besh celebration yg pakai calender lunar neyh, macam CNY, Eid... boleh tukar-tukar musim ikut putaran bumi punya orbit keliling matahari... jap leh clash dgn Deepavali, jap-jap clash dgn X'mas, jap2 clash dgn Merdeka, jap2 clash dgn apa2 anniversary lah. no fix date.
Aku last pi Jalan TAR malam 26th August 2011. Huhu... Sesak napas dgn macam2 perisa manusia.
"tak hafal bab solo..."
+1 hahaha~
yalah, boring asyik ucapan, lagi lagi ucapan berulang berulang melampaui kadar biasa lebih lagi dari orang yang sama , ceritapun berulang ulang, raya pertama sempat singgah kedai cd cari filem baru da....
slmt hari raya bro! maafkan segala slh dan silap yer :)
salam aidilfitri
penah terjebak sbb nak shopping murah kat TAR. mmg crowded giler, bergesel semua. tak sanggup! kesudahan xdpt pilih apa2. penat & tak berbaloi semata2 utk sehelai dua baju melayu atau tudung.
"This year aku tengok stesen2 kat TV pun makin kureng je tunjuk takbir. Tak abis2 ucapan...ucapan...ucapan....raya."
... itu jugak yg aku rasa.
Eid mubarak bro...
Apapun, keep the spirit alive!
wow marveleess lah dep
macam 9 market kat hongkong
SElamat ari raya dep
mohon ku maaf zaher baten...
gambar makanan raya tak ada ke
lama aku tak g TAR... serius lama
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