alligator snapping turtle ni istimewa. Dia tak gerak, mulut terngangah, nanti kat lidah dia ada cam bentuk cacing menggeliat gitu. Ni umpan supaya ikan datang dekat terus abislah la ikan tu kena ngap. Korang letak jari, rasanya jari korang nanti kodong. Gitu la kuat kena ketap ngan mulut penyu ni. Ikan2 kat sini semua main jauh2 sey, dorang dah kenal sangat kot haha.

Like the signage says alligator snapping turtle is one of the largest freshwater turtles in the world with weights hitting 100kg. It can stay submerge for 40-50mins with a worm like structure tongue to lure fish. The jaws can snap off fingers so have to be careful.
In this video to see the worm like structure on the tongue is about 26 seconds and 56 seconds. The fish in the tank are very experienced. They keep away from the turtle.

More from the magical wonderful playful agile lemurs. Since its morning, seems they are basking in the morning sunshine, sunbathing and cleaning themselves and each other.

I like to move it move it..

semua foto ni dah nak sama taraf dengan National Geographic punya foto.
syabas en deaf!
king julian!
kuat gila bunyi kelawar tu. kelawar atau keluang?
rasanya mcm pernah tengok kat youtube alligator snapping turtle tu mkn tikus..
wah syoknya! gambar pun cantik! syabas Bro! yehaaaaa!
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