This is how the 2011 Iron Maiden greeting card for Christmas and ( fearsome )new year wishes looks like.
Seems there is a significant in the design?
Or just a play on the compilation release of From Fear To Eternity? as from the back of the card grid info.
Or is it a hint on the next history tour?

the grid lines, the tiny looking maps and scenarios, ooo my eyes is feeling pain.
I am not surprised if they skip Maiden England set tour and do a tour with a mix of Maiden England + Live In Doningon 92 setlist + Blaze years or continue to include songs from the 6 man line up since 2000 as I think Maiden newer songs from last 4 albums had been awesomely spectacular.
But with 2012 Japan dates anticipated due to the Tsunami cancellations last year ( and I really hope KL will be slotted in too ) and its crazy to think what are their choices for the songs played.
- More Final Frontier type shows? or the above FFTE style or just a very short Japan / North American tour.
And next history tour is 2013 or even a new album tour?
I for one, would want to see a Maiden England tour. Please.. I want to see the ICE!! I want to see the white.. And I want to hear Infinite Dreams live myself.

ok this is the cover of the Iron Maiden Fan Club Magazine 91.

Total more than 40 pages in full color of Maiden related thingys as usual.
page 2 and 3 is like this.

Dave Murray.... still loving you haha.

I just finish reading the book by the tour manager for two of the best rock bands in the world besides Maiden,
A Harts Life, which I hope to review next year haha, and this article makes as good a reading, by a gentleman who works currently with the Maiden Production team, and his story since the 60s about Toni Iommi and Jethro Tull and even early Guns N Roses and Slash makes good reading and informative.

and he says there is nobody on this planet like Bruce Dickinson.
Ah.... imagine if Bruce had sung with Rainbow...ahhh...ahh.....
Steve Harris answer fans questions this issue, and he mentions about one place he wants to play is China.
I was listening to Clansman ( the real unedited original Brazillian Radio broadcast?? Rock In Rio 2001 recording ) and I was like thinking if the Chinese authorities will allow the song Clansman to be approved ).

And I think these guys got the best jobs in the world haha, but after reading A Hart's Life, but I doubt Maiden is like the man in black haha.

The interviews section with people who loves Maiden is interesting.
Its seems the Mastodon drummer is a hugeeeeee fan of Maiden.

Some more photos... Love this Janick Gers in action photo

Nicko, I hope one day we have a full dvd of cameras just focussing on Nicko for the whole show, I think the ex Dream Theater Mike Portnoy got one for the Live in Budokan or something.
The Nicko's Rhythm Of The Beast dvd got a short footage of what I am trying to say and I really love it. I remember and article, like an octopus.

The fans segment is as usual makes happy reading..
there is one about a young lady from Manchester catching her first Maiden show with her father
and this one is about the son and mom going on travels to see Maiden.
and I have to agree about what they have to say about the budget and spending of money and why its worth it to travel.

That is all... there is lots more but I cannot take all photos la haha,
Up The Irons and lets hope West Ham gets promoted