I always love the opportunity to be there when the feeding session is on and I can be on the same level with the Giraffes heads/faces.
Muka zirafah ni kalo korang tengok , ngan telinga dorang semua, memang cantik.. makhluk yang sangat cantik, aku tak bedek kalo korang tengok muka dorang betul2. Ngan mulut non-stop nak kunyah daun... rasa cam pelempang pun ada haha.
Giraffes can sleep only 20 minutes a day..

and their tongues are definitely longer than Gene Simmons.
And speaking of KISS, I had just erased Crazy Crazy Nights from my mp3 player. Been listening to that most days. I think Monsters will be great... I hope.

AND opposite of the Giraffes enclosure,
will always be one of my all time favourite animals...
The meerkats, and its always uplifting to see one of them always on sentry duty.

I guess from predators like these....
This King Cobra ( Ular Tedung Selar ) was like behaving strangely that day...
Aku pun rasa takut siak tengok perangai dia hari tu...

besar tul ular tedung selar tu...
nak naik zirafah rasanya!
terasa tak sabar2 nak tgk we bought a zoo
Timon? mana Pumbaa nye!
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