Bola - oh f*%k, Singapore is back in the Malayian Football League although the team is a quick mix and match group of mostly youngsters, and hopefully Malaysia Cup too. I think 7 February Bukit Jalil is Selangor lawan Singapore.
THAT!! is a game I want to go and see if possible. LRT, siap sedia untuk kasi penumpang semua naik tak payah bayar tiket due to the human crush haha.
Lion XI lawan Kedah next game Alor Star, Sundram beb, Hero Kedah back in the old days balik dia punye old team hijau kuning, tapi ni time sebagai coach LionXI. Giler ah this year nye musim.
Bola - Oh... Singapore Football League is also starting soon...and guess which stadium will Harimau Muda be using as their home ground!!... haha...
Like Awie say during Wings concert the other day - Taman Yishun Utama.
So...the fanciest football jersey for me this season will be HENRY 12.
Dulu2 aku kecik2, semua orang nak pakai nombor 14, tu original Fandi nye nombor kan.. ooo and the original Theiry Henry number too.
Pasal XPDC nak main ngan Search lagi dua minggu kan? So aku was digging out something la to commomerate XPDC so aku korek2 jumpa satu show dorang aku tape yang aku rasa ok la untuk share. Tapi aku belum ada time nak tukar format untuk upload youtube. I do it next few days.
Tapi cover dah siap...
Alrite tak...haha.
Nanti la aku tengok apa aku bleh buat, then baru bleh cerita lain kali...

ketinggalan maklumat pasal search dgn xpdc tu. kat mana bro?
"Time" memang sedap...tapi aku lebih suka lagu2 dari "Save Yourself"...
err...XPDC tu line-up dia memang bukan Izo eh?...
last...Man Utd & Arsenal dah panggil balik kuda tua...aku ingat liverpool pun kena panggil balik Ian Rush la...hahahaha....
ni jam xpdc hura hara dah..lepas ilang izo, ali & pae pn buat Mpire, tup2 xpdc reunion line up lama.
tahun 2000, ramai orang serbu....
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