Apa pun semalam nye ceta.
The timing for Arsenal's open to public training practice session for Malaysia's 2012 tour was announced as 8.30pm. By the time we arrived the session has already started earlier than that.
Interesting event, if you're an Arsenal fan that is.
Unfortunately not everyone is here, for example no Koscielny, no Sagna, no Rosicky, no Arshavin, no Mertesacker, no Podolski, no Oliver Giroud, and even no Van Per$ie. ( I dont know how to make the EURO money sign, to replace the letter E. )
1) Slow jog across the field.
2) Stretching
3) Find partner, short passing
4) Same partner, passing to each other while moving forward and backwards.
5) Split to three groups to train seperately. Defenders, Midfielders, Forwards shooting with Goalkeepers. All wearing different colour vests and train seperately.
6) Get together for defending and attacking session with stoppages for corrections and pointers by Steve Bould especially for defenders.
7) Training game using cones all over the pitch for like a zonal positioning.
7) Bring one more goal post to center of the field and spilt the team to 3. Each team has 8 players. Play against each other.
8) Penalty session and at same time Arsene Wenger gives a short thank you speech.
9) Throwing of souvenirs.
10) Belanja Arsenal players makan tulang kat Beach Road. HOHOHOHO!!!! nak bedek tak agak2 ....
The loudest cheers for the night beside Arsene Wenger is for Walcott. " theo! theo! theo! " , sort of like Dio!! Dio !! Dio!!...
Last year the loudest was for Nasri, and see what happen.

Steve Bould taking the defenders training.
It would be nice if he can transform Koscielny, Vermaellen and Mertesacker into Bould/Adams/Keown.

Forwards practise shooting with the goalkeepers.

Far side,the midfielders.

Baju putih tu ball picker. Siap lari ambik bola. Dia takut bola dorang kena congkong kot

Arteta ambik corner.

Eight a Side game.
theo walcott penalty.

Song try to chip during his penalty.

Fooling...Fo Fo Fo Fooling...

Monsieur Arsene Wenger on the mic singing Iron Maiden's Blood Brothers to all Arsenal supporters at Bukit Jalil Stadium last night.. ye la aku bedek lagi.

Theo Walcott turn to give souvenirs. Mostly caps I believe.

na na na hey hey hey goodbye!!
Selepas game, kat parit longkang keselamatan stadium Bukit Jalil ni, ada la souvenirs cenderamata cenderahati kadang2 players Arsenal buang tak sampai kat peminat.
Ada jersey pun.
So ada bro ni baik hati tolong ambikkan.
Entah betul ntah tidak tuan punya ye tak.

tu je, aku nak gi kedai..
waaaa....jeles nih....team aku tak turun lak tahun ni..isk!!!
lengang jer stadium tu...heheh...
arsenal menang semalam. huehue.
salam dep
ang tak buat entry PARAM ke tahun NI?
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