out of topic kejap, so aku pun ada baca jugak la pasal malaon seekor ni tipu2 pompuan ajak kawin, so gambo dia pun da ada kat internet, cuma aku heran, ada komen cakap cara dressing malaon tu dan muka dia jenis naik bas.
I mean, what the fuck orang yang naik bas awam ada kena mengena ngan tipu menipu kan? dan worse to comment on someones choice of dressing brands. Kalo dia suka, atau dia cuma mampu brand murah, so be it. Kalo dia mampu nak pakai brand2 paling mahal kat pasaran pun, so be it, tapi kita tak boleh pass judgement.
I mean, adakah kita boleh jamin 100% setiap yang orang bawak kereta, atau orang yang duk belakang ngan driver ada kah 100% tak pernah tipu? * Snigger * make it an obvious SNIGGER *
Come on, aku rasa melayu yang rata2 ok la aku taruk 99.99999% mengaku Islam, kena ubah mentaliti cam gini. Tu pasal mengaku Islam , tak makan daging babi, tapi undertable ngan rasuah jalan terus.
Aku naik bas nye orang, of course ada bastards dan sialan dalam bas, tapi aku boleh rasa rata2 majoriti semua ok je kebanyakkan pengguna pengangkutan awam. Semua susah payah carik rezeki, dan sedaya upaya pastikan rezeki tu halal, walau apa cara, nak tonggang terbalik setengah maut pun, tapi cuba pastikan rezeki sumber halal, tak mau tipu. Besar kecik tu rezeki masing2, kalo kita rasa tak cukup, pandai2 la carik nasik tambah atau susun balik belanja.
Harus diingat bila mati nanti, rata2 kita akan naik van jenazah. One way trip. Then kita tak boleh kondem sekian2 jahat, muka pun muka naik bas.
A big loud proud FUCK YOU to those who link criminals or cheaters with public bus passengers and those wearing cheap clothings!!
ok now I got that out of the way,
aku ingat nak cerita pasal latest fan club magazine iron maiden number 93, tapi aku pun belum abis baca, tengok2 gambo je.
So aku nak cerita sikit pasal ni piring hitam...sikit je, pasal aku belum buat apa2, harap2 piring hitam ni boleh direscue lagik.
LP Perpaduan Nasyid Singapura mempersembahkan Koleksi Lagu-Lagu Dakwah keluaran Angelis. Ni zaman dulu ni kedai kaset melayu kat pasar Geylang Serai lama.
19 Nasyid groups that includes Al Jawaher dan Hidayah. Ni semua 1982 dulu. Ada satu lagu Hijrah bracket dia taruk Faridah M Amin. Hmmmnn. Al Mizan is not listed at all. Aku nak tanya satu kawan kerja aku pasal ni group2 nasyid ni time, dia tahu wooo, siap boleh tahu ni groups semua dari mana sekolah menengah dulu haha. OTAI!! haha.
Pada aku la, nasyid melayu ada dorang punye own Big Three - Al Jawaher, Al Mizan, Hidayah.
One day soon, I want to blog about Hidayah.. "sembahyang la wahai budiman...sebelum kamu disembahyangkan"...boleh nangis ah dengar, sayu sampai skarang, still a classic....
Kalo nasyid melayu modern zaman ni, yang boys dan men groups ni, aku rasa Saujana nye first album memang dahsyat dan brutal in its own way.Mau rasa panas je kan dengar, tapi serious, sapa tak pernah dengar Saujana first album, try, untuk geng tak betul... siap, korang rasa terbakar ah nak2 dah sampai last song, cover version Sepohon Kayu. Serious aku tak bedek. Konfem termenung kejap haha.
Nanti la lepas aku cuba rescue LP ni,
then we can talk cock more.. I try to see what I can. Aku rasa mungkin ramai pun curious nak dengar terutama pasal involve many obscure nasyid groups of that era.
All I can kan dah terlanjur berbual benda2 gini, harap semua kita dan love ones kita berakhir ngan keadaan baik. Amin.
p.s - I will blog about the FC mag no 93 next, when I got time next few days. I hope so.
no one can live life in loneliness, only stars in the sky far away... [WELCOME everyone from everywhere, with intention or by accident - THIS BLOG IS BEST VIEWED IN WEB VERSION FORMAT as its how I envision it to be with the text and photos but still any layout format will work just fine.]
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
this is how I listen to Led Zeppelin
Kadang2 aku fikir apa sey Led Zeppelin makan dari dorang mula sama2 1968 sampai 1980?
Kenapa ni empat orang ni boleh buat lagu dan persembahkan lagu2 dorang ni semua, dari lagu yang dikenali ramai hingga ke lagu orang kurang kenal, ngan baik dan out of this world giler babi nye sedap dan menarik?
ok setiap anggota memang terror dan handal, tapi cammana boleh bila bergabung ni terus bleh jadi cam gini nye bagus ni, mungkin Jimmy Page pandai produce kot dorang. Menakjubkan.
campur lak ngan macam2 tragedy dan campur lak ngan macam2 best2 nye terjadi kat dorang, sebab tu memang mistik giler la , dan kalau orang cakap dorang empat ni macam2 cerita.
Aku rasa ada ramai korang pun dengar lagu2 Led Zeppelin.
Ada yang suka dengar lagu2 dorang yang popular, ada minat yang rancak, ada minat yang complicated giler, ada yang minat lagu2 slow mendayu2 dorang,
tentu ada yang dengar album by album, dan ada yang dengar dan minat kebanyakkan atau semua lagu2 rakaman studio dorang.
Memang dorang nye buat lagu memang out of this world.
Aku pulak dengar lagu2 Led Zeppelin rakaman studio dorang macam gini...
pengsi sey design2 nak2 yang dari boxset pertama.
One of the first boxsets I ever got back then was the Jimmy Page's May 1990 remasterings of all Led Zeppelin studio songs plus 3 additional song.
Total of 86 songs and Jimmy Page completely rearranged the sequence of song tracks from these nine albums and then made it into and original boxset of four cds. He sort of mix it up and arranged it the way he wants the listeners to listen to the remasters.
The first four cds of 54 songs came about 1990 in a beautiful boxset with a huge booklet, and the second boxset with two remaining cds has a cd-sized booklet at about 1993.
So the songs track listing ends up like this. I like it very much.
Led Zeppelin is so very unique and out of this world. I will continue to listen to their songs and never get bored, because the songs are great from fast to slow straight forward and complicated with full of surprises and its always about picking up new things whenever listening to their songs...
And this is just the studio songs....
Kenapa ni empat orang ni boleh buat lagu dan persembahkan lagu2 dorang ni semua, dari lagu yang dikenali ramai hingga ke lagu orang kurang kenal, ngan baik dan out of this world giler babi nye sedap dan menarik?
ok setiap anggota memang terror dan handal, tapi cammana boleh bila bergabung ni terus bleh jadi cam gini nye bagus ni, mungkin Jimmy Page pandai produce kot dorang. Menakjubkan.
campur lak ngan macam2 tragedy dan campur lak ngan macam2 best2 nye terjadi kat dorang, sebab tu memang mistik giler la , dan kalau orang cakap dorang empat ni macam2 cerita.
Aku rasa ada ramai korang pun dengar lagu2 Led Zeppelin.
Ada yang suka dengar lagu2 dorang yang popular, ada minat yang rancak, ada minat yang complicated giler, ada yang minat lagu2 slow mendayu2 dorang,
tentu ada yang dengar album by album, dan ada yang dengar dan minat kebanyakkan atau semua lagu2 rakaman studio dorang.
Memang dorang nye buat lagu memang out of this world.
Aku pulak dengar lagu2 Led Zeppelin rakaman studio dorang macam gini...
pengsi sey design2 nak2 yang dari boxset pertama.
One of the first boxsets I ever got back then was the Jimmy Page's May 1990 remasterings of all Led Zeppelin studio songs plus 3 additional song.
Total of 86 songs and Jimmy Page completely rearranged the sequence of song tracks from these nine albums and then made it into and original boxset of four cds. He sort of mix it up and arranged it the way he wants the listeners to listen to the remasters.
The first four cds of 54 songs came about 1990 in a beautiful boxset with a huge booklet, and the second boxset with two remaining cds has a cd-sized booklet at about 1993.
So the songs track listing ends up like this. I like it very much.
Led Zeppelin is so very unique and out of this world. I will continue to listen to their songs and never get bored, because the songs are great from fast to slow straight forward and complicated with full of surprises and its always about picking up new things whenever listening to their songs...
And this is just the studio songs....
~ Labels ~
led zeppelin,
review cd,
review personal perfect albums,
rock omputeh
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Frankfurt's Maiden 11 June 2013 ticket has arrived :-)
"Kita mampu merancang hanya Tuhan menentukan tak perlu dikesahkan..ooo wooo..ooo." -
Lagu Biarkan Berlalu.
kerja giler dan menyusahkan diri sendiri. Berangan travel tempat baru untuk tengok Iron Maiden, memang aku nak nangis bila fikir belanja nak backpack berapa hari ni tapi takpe aku cuba. Kalo tak jadi, apa boleh buat....yang penting cuba.
1001 things can go wrong, but failing to plan is planning to fail. So ORIGINALLY my utterly squeezely tight budget Backpacking trip for Iron Maiden's Maiden England Tour 2013 is tentatively planned like this in Germany & England..
11th June 2013 Tuesday
- Festhalle Frankfurt, Germany
15th June 2013 Saturday
- Donington Park, England (Download Festival)
and hopefully...
4th quarter 2013 - Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
4th quarter 2013 - Singapore
But first from a week back?, Lets talk German efficiency... a good website eventim.de for buying Iron Maiden tickets for fans outside Germany from the rest of the world in English language, and though the delivery charges is crazily expensive, but I had already received it.
I got this Maiden ticket using the Pre-Sale codes provided and like I say its very easy even for a non-German speaking person on the website.
The news just in Maiden had SOLD OUT Frankfurt first night 14,000 in 24 hours it go on public sale.
They are outselling everyone, including Justin Bieber.
And now they are adding a second night FRANKFURT on 12 June 2013 Wednesday.
So I will try to go for
11th June 2013 Tuesday
- Festhalle Frankfurt, Germany
12th June 2013 Wednesday
- Festhalle Frankfurt, Germany
15th June 2013 Saturday
- Donington Park, England (Download Festival)
and hopefully...
4th quarter 2013 - Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
4th quarter 2013 - Singapore
- Frankfurt Festhhalle is like 100 years old building, its interesting to see standing is cheaper than seats.
I choose both nights standing of course, I saw photos and youtubes of this place,
seems standing is about 5000 of 14000 capacity. Scary photos of the environment haha. But still I will try my luck with First On The Barrier Competition.
Opening night for the Germans the Tuesday is.
- Donington Park, The photos and youtubes are scary to the maximum haha.
I got to plan on trying to survive 100,000 'mat salleh' fans in the middle of a muddy field near Derby. I browse thru youtube, and I was like , Mampos berlumpur giler nak kena pakai boot phua chu kang siak!!
I plan to stand respectfully at the back *muahaha * macam tak logik berbual * respectful*,
absorbing Castle Donington Park, the one single place I always want to go see Maiden play in front of their own countrymen
I think there will be many bands and a few stages, Slipknot headline Friday, Ramstein Sunday, surely there will be other bands that I like will be there but, I dont really care la. Depending on my budget and time, I may even skip Friday and Sunday shows but maybe there will be rock or metal bands that I like playing on both day, but my priority is just to see Maiden headline Saturday night.
Tickets for Donington Park Download 2013.
Tickets even for the rest of the world ticket buyers will not be posted early, no such luck like the Germans, I forsee problems if it never arrive, or I had left for Europe and the tixs still have not arrived. But I think they are worried of the ticket touts or reselling of tickets or something. Anyway we cross this bridge when we reach it. .
OK, lets talk Singapore and Malaysia 2013 dates, in relation to what is concrete that is rock in rio 2013.
With Maiden headlining ROCK IN RIO 2013 Brazil in September 2013, it means Maiden is stepping out of Europe in 2013 to South America. So there is really a Rest of the World date for at least one show.
But still no Ed Force One news, I dont know if without their own plane, they can cover or willing to cover areas, cities and countries and dates as they did for example 2011.
My prediction is it will be early September before Rock In Rio or immediately after it maybe by October? Lets hope so. Its going to be very expensive to bring Maiden in with all the travels and logistics included,
Like I say, if they did play Singapore again, the hardcore will be there, dragging their love ones along, so there is surely a guranteed sales in term of some portion of the tickets,
but the novelty of seeing the greatest band in history and also the best live band performance in history ( I am not exaggerating ok ) may wear off for people who are not exactly big fans of Maiden especially with other big bands playing So its really a big question mark, if you take into consideration even cities and countries in Europe are also not guaranteed a Maiden visit. So maybe 2 years and 8 months is just nice, to make it full house again. Though, if you ask me, if Maiden plays both Malaysia and Singapore, of course people like Ed the Search fan will be there for both but it will definitely affect Singapore sales as the Singapore show has lots of Malaysians and from India. Plus a number of fans from aroud the world who travel to see Maiden at exotic places . But if Jakarta Indonesia is missed for 2013 Maiden England, then ok the Indonesia fans will come here or KL.
BUT ON THE OTHER HAND, ITS A HISTORY TOUR focussing more on 1988, AND WILL ATTRACT A LOT OF ATTENTION of everyone everwhere
I JUST HOPE ITS NOT LIKE EUROPE NOW. The dates are being announced all over, staggered, which results in much difficulty for fans.
Its like Malmo, being announced today after some time Stockholm sold out 50,000 in one day or something.
Its now like you think will there be more shows announced? or not anymore?
So should I grab whatever shows available now? Because it will sell out fast. But then if I get tickets now, what about better location shows coming up later and I dont have money?
Imagine if its like Singapore is announced early, then people all over Malaysia bought tickets in advance, then one or two weeks later KL is announced. Or vice versa. Or includes Jakarta or even Bangkok in the probability. Its a headache really.
So if they want to play Asia, definitely hopefully they announced all at once.
Its a lot of probability la this type of things. Interesting to think about how all these things work.
How I wish I can focus even half this passion and energy to my real life- I would have made a better person in all ways.
Now..I have to try my best to make this trip a reality, JIA YO!!
Lagu Biarkan Berlalu.
kerja giler dan menyusahkan diri sendiri. Berangan travel tempat baru untuk tengok Iron Maiden, memang aku nak nangis bila fikir belanja nak backpack berapa hari ni tapi takpe aku cuba. Kalo tak jadi, apa boleh buat....yang penting cuba.
1001 things can go wrong, but failing to plan is planning to fail. So ORIGINALLY my utterly squeezely tight budget Backpacking trip for Iron Maiden's Maiden England Tour 2013 is tentatively planned like this in Germany & England..
11th June 2013 Tuesday
- Festhalle Frankfurt, Germany
15th June 2013 Saturday
- Donington Park, England (Download Festival)
and hopefully...
4th quarter 2013 - Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
4th quarter 2013 - Singapore
But first from a week back?, Lets talk German efficiency... a good website eventim.de for buying Iron Maiden tickets for fans outside Germany from the rest of the world in English language, and though the delivery charges is crazily expensive, but I had already received it.
I got this Maiden ticket using the Pre-Sale codes provided and like I say its very easy even for a non-German speaking person on the website.
The news just in Maiden had SOLD OUT Frankfurt first night 14,000 in 24 hours it go on public sale.
They are outselling everyone, including Justin Bieber.
And now they are adding a second night FRANKFURT on 12 June 2013 Wednesday.
So I will try to go for
11th June 2013 Tuesday
- Festhalle Frankfurt, Germany
12th June 2013 Wednesday
- Festhalle Frankfurt, Germany
15th June 2013 Saturday
- Donington Park, England (Download Festival)
and hopefully...
4th quarter 2013 - Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
4th quarter 2013 - Singapore
- Frankfurt Festhhalle is like 100 years old building, its interesting to see standing is cheaper than seats.
I choose both nights standing of course, I saw photos and youtubes of this place,
seems standing is about 5000 of 14000 capacity. Scary photos of the environment haha. But still I will try my luck with First On The Barrier Competition.
Opening night for the Germans the Tuesday is.
- Donington Park, The photos and youtubes are scary to the maximum haha.
I got to plan on trying to survive 100,000 'mat salleh' fans in the middle of a muddy field near Derby. I browse thru youtube, and I was like , Mampos berlumpur giler nak kena pakai boot phua chu kang siak!!
I plan to stand respectfully at the back *muahaha * macam tak logik berbual * respectful*,
absorbing Castle Donington Park, the one single place I always want to go see Maiden play in front of their own countrymen
I think there will be many bands and a few stages, Slipknot headline Friday, Ramstein Sunday, surely there will be other bands that I like will be there but, I dont really care la. Depending on my budget and time, I may even skip Friday and Sunday shows but maybe there will be rock or metal bands that I like playing on both day, but my priority is just to see Maiden headline Saturday night.
Tickets for Donington Park Download 2013.
Tickets even for the rest of the world ticket buyers will not be posted early, no such luck like the Germans, I forsee problems if it never arrive, or I had left for Europe and the tixs still have not arrived. But I think they are worried of the ticket touts or reselling of tickets or something. Anyway we cross this bridge when we reach it. .
OK, lets talk Singapore and Malaysia 2013 dates, in relation to what is concrete that is rock in rio 2013.
With Maiden headlining ROCK IN RIO 2013 Brazil in September 2013, it means Maiden is stepping out of Europe in 2013 to South America. So there is really a Rest of the World date for at least one show.
But still no Ed Force One news, I dont know if without their own plane, they can cover or willing to cover areas, cities and countries and dates as they did for example 2011.
My prediction is it will be early September before Rock In Rio or immediately after it maybe by October? Lets hope so. Its going to be very expensive to bring Maiden in with all the travels and logistics included,
Like I say, if they did play Singapore again, the hardcore will be there, dragging their love ones along, so there is surely a guranteed sales in term of some portion of the tickets,
but the novelty of seeing the greatest band in history and also the best live band performance in history ( I am not exaggerating ok ) may wear off for people who are not exactly big fans of Maiden especially with other big bands playing So its really a big question mark, if you take into consideration even cities and countries in Europe are also not guaranteed a Maiden visit. So maybe 2 years and 8 months is just nice, to make it full house again. Though, if you ask me, if Maiden plays both Malaysia and Singapore, of course people like Ed the Search fan will be there for both but it will definitely affect Singapore sales as the Singapore show has lots of Malaysians and from India. Plus a number of fans from aroud the world who travel to see Maiden at exotic places . But if Jakarta Indonesia is missed for 2013 Maiden England, then ok the Indonesia fans will come here or KL.
BUT ON THE OTHER HAND, ITS A HISTORY TOUR focussing more on 1988, AND WILL ATTRACT A LOT OF ATTENTION of everyone everwhere
I JUST HOPE ITS NOT LIKE EUROPE NOW. The dates are being announced all over, staggered, which results in much difficulty for fans.
Its like Malmo, being announced today after some time Stockholm sold out 50,000 in one day or something.
Its now like you think will there be more shows announced? or not anymore?
So should I grab whatever shows available now? Because it will sell out fast. But then if I get tickets now, what about better location shows coming up later and I dont have money?
Imagine if its like Singapore is announced early, then people all over Malaysia bought tickets in advance, then one or two weeks later KL is announced. Or vice versa. Or includes Jakarta or even Bangkok in the probability. Its a headache really.
So if they want to play Asia, definitely hopefully they announced all at once.
Its a lot of probability la this type of things. Interesting to think about how all these things work.
How I wish I can focus even half this passion and energy to my real life- I would have made a better person in all ways.
Now..I have to try my best to make this trip a reality, JIA YO!!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
little black book

( segala hiburan untuk diri sendiri immediate ceasefire dan harus ditapis ketat, maiden 2013 nye pasal.)
Little Black Book address phone list version.
borak sikit..
- Berteromber ngan Ijau aku tahu ialah part of Belinda Carlisle fanbase.
- Ada kawan aku satu dia memang paling suka Absu, Running Wild, dah travel tengok Nightwish main live, tapi sebut Belinda Carlisle cara dia cerita cam complete set semua release dia ada siap ngan vinyl lagik.
Mamat ni memang aku nye reference encyclopedia pasal dia memang minat fesyen muzik dari keras nak mampos sampai jenis geng setengah masak.
- Kat forum maiden lak, aku terbaca ada peminat Iron Maiden ni kat eropah ngah plan nak travel tengok Maiden kat beberapa tempat, tapi dia ngah tunggu Depeche Mode umumkan tour dates untuk 2013, tak mau clash dates dan mungkin perbelanjaan harga tiket.
Apa aku cuba nak cakap ialah best ler kalo exposed dan minat kat berlainan genre dan tak rasa kekok nak cerita atau share2 apa dorang minat.
little black mix 5:18
in the house 4:59
little black book yang biasa nye ( Sheryl Crow masa muda2 backing kot aku pernah baca )
air you breathe tu jam unreleased, tapi lepas tu masuk kat greatest hits 2cd version. ..
Tulis dok , tulis....name adress phone, buku format kuno ni sampai skarang masih sama sey.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Bootleg Double Trouble Singapore 2012
Saje je suka2 buat koleksi sendiri benda2 gini.
Audio Bootleg Double Trouble Search dan Wings hari Jumaat lepas.
Back cover ni..
ni la foto aku petik malam tu satu..Lepas tu dah, buat bodoh sua.
Front cover lak gini, for fun buat kenang kenangan. Aku sebat je apa2 dari google.
Sapa minat, its as usual kat cenel youtube aku sumbat some bootlegs aku rekod, http://www.youtube.com/user/tempehasuka666/videos
Moving on to something else..
Jerman pre-sale skarang masih on.
Aku ngah fikir...
Malam Pertama Maiden main kat Jerman ialah Frankfurt, Frankfurt tempat airport2 kan?
So sampai......pagi, simpan beg kat airport mesti ada locker2 tempat gini, jalan2 sikit, tengok Maiden, TIDO KAT AIRPORT, besok pagi blah gi Donington..
I WILL GIVE IT MY MOST HARDWORKING EFFORT TO SUCEED saving up for the flight tickets while not affecting my real life ( Maiden is not real life, Maiden is just a fun hobby )... JIA YO!! to self, beyond that is not my control.
Tues 11 Frankfurt Festhalle
Audio Bootleg Double Trouble Search dan Wings hari Jumaat lepas.
Back cover ni..
ni la foto aku petik malam tu satu..Lepas tu dah, buat bodoh sua.
Front cover lak gini, for fun buat kenang kenangan. Aku sebat je apa2 dari google.
Sapa minat, its as usual kat cenel youtube aku sumbat some bootlegs aku rekod, http://www.youtube.com/user/tempehasuka666/videos
Moving on to something else..
Jerman pre-sale skarang masih on.
Aku ngah fikir...
Malam Pertama Maiden main kat Jerman ialah Frankfurt, Frankfurt tempat airport2 kan?
So sampai......pagi, simpan beg kat airport mesti ada locker2 tempat gini, jalan2 sikit, tengok Maiden, TIDO KAT AIRPORT, besok pagi blah gi Donington..
I WILL GIVE IT MY MOST HARDWORKING EFFORT TO SUCEED saving up for the flight tickets while not affecting my real life ( Maiden is not real life, Maiden is just a fun hobby )... JIA YO!! to self, beyond that is not my control.
Tues 11 Frankfurt Festhalle
~ Labels ~
iron maiden,
live recording sound clips,
rock melayu,
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Double Trouble Search & Wings live Singapore Indoor Stadium 12/10/2012
Double Trouble kumpulan Search dan Wings live show ketiga aku tengok selain 1st dan 2nd show dua tahun lepas.
Aku rasa yang ni aku paling enjoy.
Total time 3 jam 20 minit gitu.. Letdown untuk aku satu je, No Nur Nilam Sari song tonight. sigh, what a pity. Kalau kata ada nasik tambah lepas Pasti, sori naik lori, aku dah blah lepas Awie cakap sup tulang tu.
Ni observations aku, dan short review aku.
Apa pun setlist dulu.
- Intro
1. Ides Of March
2. Gemuruh
3. Inspirasi Tamingsari
4. Romania
5. Ranggi Metropolis
6. Bujang Senang
7. Balada Pemuzik Jalanan - Wings + Amy
8. Opera Hidup - Search + Awie
9. Mentari Merah Di Ufuk Timur
10. Gothik Malam Edan
11. Diari Habil Dan Qabil
12. No Way
13. Hukum Karma
14. Mabuk Tujuh Lautan
15. Sejati
16. Peronda Jaket Biru
17. Jerangkung Dalam Almari
18. Drum Solos - 1st Black 2nd Yazit
19. Isi Atau Kulit
20. Cakap Memang Murah
21. Isabella
22. Pelesit Kota
23. Pawana
24. Guitar solos - 1st Kid 2nd Joe
25. Gelap Nan Terang
26. Medley
- Rozana
- Semalam Yang Hangat
- Gadis Ku ( Awie )
- Taman Rashidah Utama ( Amy )
- Meniti Titian Usang ( Awie )
- Misteri Mimpi Syakila ( Amy )
27. Rock N Roll Lu Punya Suka
28. Pasti
ok ulasan
Double Trouble Search & Wings Live
Singapore Indoor Stadium
12 Oct 2012
1) Beza sikit ngan 1st two shows,
Drums dua2 kat tengah... Ni show pakai dua keyboards player, satu untuk each band.
Macam biasa Wings kat Dave Murray side, Search kat Janick Gers side.
2) Dressing - cam biasa kumpulan Search memang rock star abis.
Tapi best individual dresser pada aku Eddie Wings because he wore an Iron Maiden Trooper tshirt haha.
3) Aiseyman, Gemuruh separuh jalan dah start tembak Cold Fireworks. Nampak jugak la kena ngan harga tiket, aku suka tengok lightings prsentations seluruh perjalanan show, ada video screens besar tiga, sound ni malam ok la, dan cam aku cakap Cold Fireworks tu. Lagipun main kat Indoor Stadium.
4) Aku rindu Wings main lagu2 dorang ngan original intros.
5) Cam biasa lagu Romania, Awie tukar liriks masukkan Singapura ganti setiap lirik Romania.
6) Ranggi Metropolis dan Balada Pemuzik Jalanan aku sangat suka versions ni malam. Joe Wings woohoo.
7) Search changeover ngan Wings laju siak untuk Opera Hidup. Aku suka tak waste time.
8) GME..ooo please for once play Irama Marakas Search.
9) Amy announced tahun depan album Double Trouble 3, early next year. Amy jugak announced Search akan main kat Singapore next year pasal kat Singapore belum sambut ulangtahun 30th Anniversary Search lagik. Kecoh sey, I remember I saw the 30th anniversary show last year kan. Jadi next year jadi 32th Year anniversary la main kat Singapore.
10) Mabuk Tujuh Lautan is played. Nice. Awie cam biasa joker - kampung pisang, die hard mati keras, semua keluar, dan Awie cakap pasal new album dorang, sempat buat joke dan action gaya Ultraman.
11) Sejati dah macam mass karaoke session. Aku lagu ni kan kalo tengok Wings live, aku always look forward yang backing vokal "kenangan itu" tu, mesti ramai audience nyanyi ni part.
Jerangkungs is awesome tonight. Love the pause after the solo.
12) Masa Yazit Search nye drum solo, dia punye sound.. waw. Aku sukaa sangat. Ni kali drum solo takde main sama2, Black solo dulu terus dia gi backstage.
13) I love the Cakap Memang Murah ending tonight. Extended jam version.
14) Aku tido kejap time Isabella. Aku suka tengok Search perform live, so aku kena endure torture ni lagu wajib haha. Anyway, also Not Amy's best performance of this song in my opinion.
15) Enjoy the medley, walaupun sama takde ubah, tapi Awie dan Amy tukar nyanyi lagu dari band lagi satu.
Entertaining dan enjoyable.
16) Damn! I was so hoping for Nur Nilam Sari to kick in once the medley ended. A great song this Nur Nilam Sari.
I AM SO DISAPPOINTED!! I really want to get a good bootleg of this Nur Nilam Sari song live from the Double Trouble live shows haha. Bukit Kiara show ntah mana aku dah hilangkan, Larkin Stadium show is like, could be better.
17) RNR Lu Punya Suka was power giler, rock nak mampos, and kelakar.
Lu punya lu punya, dalam seluar ada apa ada dua ada satu ada spender lu punya kecik semua keluar. Tak senonoh jugak tapi fun.
Belakang band riff siap ada Smoke On The Water masa Awie ngan Amy ngah lawan pekik.
18) OK la, ada Pasti sebagai last song. Awie dah bukak baju dah siap cakap Sup Tulang Sup Tulang.
19) I really like the show just now. Everything about the show la.
20) I will upload the full show bootleg soon.
21) Hope I dont miss out anything... ooo always nice pergi konsert rock gini, jumpa kawan lama, kawan ns..
p.s - I am so stressed up, Scream For Me Frankfurt!! or Scream For Me Berlin!! or none at all...haha. Strategy...strategy....I need a solution!!
Aku rasa yang ni aku paling enjoy.
Total time 3 jam 20 minit gitu.. Letdown untuk aku satu je, No Nur Nilam Sari song tonight. sigh, what a pity. Kalau kata ada nasik tambah lepas Pasti, sori naik lori, aku dah blah lepas Awie cakap sup tulang tu.
Ni observations aku, dan short review aku.
Apa pun setlist dulu.
- Intro
1. Ides Of March
2. Gemuruh
3. Inspirasi Tamingsari
4. Romania
5. Ranggi Metropolis
6. Bujang Senang
7. Balada Pemuzik Jalanan - Wings + Amy
8. Opera Hidup - Search + Awie
9. Mentari Merah Di Ufuk Timur
10. Gothik Malam Edan
11. Diari Habil Dan Qabil
12. No Way
13. Hukum Karma
14. Mabuk Tujuh Lautan
15. Sejati
16. Peronda Jaket Biru
17. Jerangkung Dalam Almari
18. Drum Solos - 1st Black 2nd Yazit
19. Isi Atau Kulit
20. Cakap Memang Murah
21. Isabella
22. Pelesit Kota
23. Pawana
24. Guitar solos - 1st Kid 2nd Joe
25. Gelap Nan Terang
26. Medley
- Rozana
- Semalam Yang Hangat
- Gadis Ku ( Awie )
- Taman Rashidah Utama ( Amy )
- Meniti Titian Usang ( Awie )
- Misteri Mimpi Syakila ( Amy )
27. Rock N Roll Lu Punya Suka
28. Pasti
ok ulasan
Double Trouble Search & Wings Live
Singapore Indoor Stadium
12 Oct 2012
1) Beza sikit ngan 1st two shows,
Drums dua2 kat tengah... Ni show pakai dua keyboards player, satu untuk each band.
Macam biasa Wings kat Dave Murray side, Search kat Janick Gers side.
2) Dressing - cam biasa kumpulan Search memang rock star abis.
Tapi best individual dresser pada aku Eddie Wings because he wore an Iron Maiden Trooper tshirt haha.
3) Aiseyman, Gemuruh separuh jalan dah start tembak Cold Fireworks. Nampak jugak la kena ngan harga tiket, aku suka tengok lightings prsentations seluruh perjalanan show, ada video screens besar tiga, sound ni malam ok la, dan cam aku cakap Cold Fireworks tu. Lagipun main kat Indoor Stadium.
4) Aku rindu Wings main lagu2 dorang ngan original intros.
5) Cam biasa lagu Romania, Awie tukar liriks masukkan Singapura ganti setiap lirik Romania.
6) Ranggi Metropolis dan Balada Pemuzik Jalanan aku sangat suka versions ni malam. Joe Wings woohoo.
7) Search changeover ngan Wings laju siak untuk Opera Hidup. Aku suka tak waste time.
8) GME..ooo please for once play Irama Marakas Search.
9) Amy announced tahun depan album Double Trouble 3, early next year. Amy jugak announced Search akan main kat Singapore next year pasal kat Singapore belum sambut ulangtahun 30th Anniversary Search lagik. Kecoh sey, I remember I saw the 30th anniversary show last year kan. Jadi next year jadi 32th Year anniversary la main kat Singapore.
10) Mabuk Tujuh Lautan is played. Nice. Awie cam biasa joker - kampung pisang, die hard mati keras, semua keluar, dan Awie cakap pasal new album dorang, sempat buat joke dan action gaya Ultraman.
11) Sejati dah macam mass karaoke session. Aku lagu ni kan kalo tengok Wings live, aku always look forward yang backing vokal "kenangan itu" tu, mesti ramai audience nyanyi ni part.
Jerangkungs is awesome tonight. Love the pause after the solo.
12) Masa Yazit Search nye drum solo, dia punye sound.. waw. Aku sukaa sangat. Ni kali drum solo takde main sama2, Black solo dulu terus dia gi backstage.
13) I love the Cakap Memang Murah ending tonight. Extended jam version.
14) Aku tido kejap time Isabella. Aku suka tengok Search perform live, so aku kena endure torture ni lagu wajib haha. Anyway, also Not Amy's best performance of this song in my opinion.
15) Enjoy the medley, walaupun sama takde ubah, tapi Awie dan Amy tukar nyanyi lagu dari band lagi satu.
Entertaining dan enjoyable.
16) Damn! I was so hoping for Nur Nilam Sari to kick in once the medley ended. A great song this Nur Nilam Sari.
I AM SO DISAPPOINTED!! I really want to get a good bootleg of this Nur Nilam Sari song live from the Double Trouble live shows haha. Bukit Kiara show ntah mana aku dah hilangkan, Larkin Stadium show is like, could be better.
17) RNR Lu Punya Suka was power giler, rock nak mampos, and kelakar.
Lu punya lu punya, dalam seluar ada apa ada dua ada satu ada spender lu punya kecik semua keluar. Tak senonoh jugak tapi fun.
Belakang band riff siap ada Smoke On The Water masa Awie ngan Amy ngah lawan pekik.
18) OK la, ada Pasti sebagai last song. Awie dah bukak baju dah siap cakap Sup Tulang Sup Tulang.
19) I really like the show just now. Everything about the show la.
20) I will upload the full show bootleg soon.
21) Hope I dont miss out anything... ooo always nice pergi konsert rock gini, jumpa kawan lama, kawan ns..
p.s - I am so stressed up, Scream For Me Frankfurt!! or Scream For Me Berlin!! or none at all...haha. Strategy...strategy....I need a solution!!
~ Labels ~
live review,
rock melayu,
Monday, October 8, 2012
taman donington
Aku tak pernah pergi England, tak pernah pergi Eropah.
Tapi.. ada satu tempat aku nak sangat pergi, kalo tersandong harta qarun, semua pun aku angkut ajak pergi hehe.
actually ada dua tempat..
1) Ashburton Grove 2) Donington Park.
Ashburton Grove tu ialah tempat stadium Arsenal skarang la, cuma sponsor nye pasal so kena panggil Emirates Stadium.
Donington Park tu padang besar giler boleh sumbat 100,000 gitu dekat ngan Derby. korang yang minat motorsport tahu kot ni dekat ngan donington race track jugak. Pada aku ni la tempat paling rok dalam dunia.
Donington Park ni aku mula dengar pertama kat kaset bootleg festival Monsters Of Rock pertama tahun 1980. Tu jam awal hingga nak akhir 80an masih boleh dapat kaset ni, ni kaset ultimatum rock mampos.
Aku masih simpan kaset buruk ni, Ini kaset ialah salah satu inspirasi aku dalam hidup I kid you not.
jadi korang boleh paham la betapa aku kagum ngan festival ni, sejarah nye, dan semua berkaitan ngan Monsters of Rock Donington Park.
Tak salah aku bila part Scorpions nak start main tu ada orang cakap " Castle Donington a round of Applause please, for the Scorpionssss!!!! ".
Korang bayangkan, budak kampung, raised and lower primary aku pure malay environment, cakap English pun..." I go to school by walk " cikgu pun sampai ketawa gelakkan aku. Katak bawak tempurung.
Bila dengar intro itu, ngan bunyi kuat penonton...Scorpions terus start lagu Loving You Sunday Morning, makdatok!!! Terngangah mulut. Zaman dulu....ialah dengar, by ear.
( thats why sampai skarang, aku tak really bother about videos too much, bila orang gi konsert, aku tak tanya, " eh ada rakam video pakai handphone? ", aku tanya " ada tape tak? ". Pasal aku dibesarkan suasana gitu, zaman abang2 lobang semua pergi belajar kelas agama, dalam beg semua tape recorder dan walkman aku rasa belum kot, dan aku pun terbabit , padahal...., tapi ni life la kan part of growing up, so Moral Policia, spare the condemnation , ewah " ).
Jadi sejak dari tu... Aku tak boleh lupa la kira.
Jadi bila 1988, bila aku dah paham sikit pasal benda2 duniawi dan syok giler ni, aku dah tahu la pasal festival ni ngan band2 yang best.
So sampai skarang ni aku masih suka baca, dan malahan aku kira cam kumpul maklumat dan berita2 terutama tahun2 Maiden jadi headliner untuk festival ni...
1980 - Rainbow...ngan Graham Bonnet, dia punye All Night Long memang giler best, Rainbow bawak " will you still love me tomorrow " , ada kapalterbang lalu kat atas, Scorpions...memang mulut terngangah la dengar Klaus Meine tanya " can you hear me out there? " ,
Aku suka pasal dari kaset aku dengar tu aku tahu, festival ni boleh main lagu slow macam TOUCH, dan boleh main Road Racing cam Riot.
Lepas tu aku tak minat la cam 81, 82, pasal ni aku type dari hati, takde cek apa2, so aku mungkin lupa banyak benda
cam 1983 alrite la kan...ada Dio.. tahun2 in between ni aku tak ingat sangat la masa aku type ni.
Metallica bawak Leper Messiah, aku pernah baca majalah, James Hetfield masa lagu ni dia toleh kat tepi pentas lepas tu dia nampak Steve Harris kat tepi la tengok Metallica main, dia bilang muka Steve Harris cam mengerut gitu,
so dia tahu Metallica dah salah pilih lagu untuk persembahan.
Bon Jovi, kalo korang dengar bootleg 1987 nye untuk konsert dorang headliner festival ni, korang mesti gelak, macam kelakar gitu.... Bila Jon Bon Jovi bual2, bila dia intro Livin On A Prayer, pasal ialah kata 70,000 orang tapi 1987 kan semua band giler2 nye...
Korang try dengar Bruce Dickinson , Paul Stanley join Bon Jovi encore.
Metallica dijemput join, tapi aku ada baca laporan pasal Metallica bingit ngan Bon Jovi pasal masa Metallica main siang hari, helicopter Bon Jovi sampai, kacau sound dorang haha.
1988, tak yah cakap la kan....aku fetish sampai cuba simpan apa majalah dan keratan aku dapat untuk festival ni, terutama yang pasal mati dua orang tu...
Lepas tu...ada la tahun lain..
kalo 1991 tu, ACDC nye live laser disc, live dvd tu pakai drummer botak tu...makdatok, meriam dia dorang stack tinggi giler siak..
1992, ada Slayer jugak opening untuk Maiden... Aku pernah tengok Slayer dua kali dah.
Serious, pada aku, tengok Slayer ni penat. Aku tak tahu apsal tapi Slayer ni memenatkan. Tapi in a good happening enjoyable way, tapi penat. Ni istimewa Slayer pada aku. Dorang betul2 drain energy just tengok dorang main. Tengok dorang nye crew changeover rig dan Marshall stacks ambik alih Dimmu Borgir nye set pentas memang aku kagum... Betul2 nye rock moment. Nak2 bila Dave Lombardo nye drumset dorang tolak ke pentas...terngangah siot, sebab tu kadang2 gi tengok konsert rock, actually benda2 gini sebelum show start yang buat aku stim dah haha. Pasal mungkin aku tak banyak peluang, jadi benda2 gini la yang aku suka tengok, pelik2 gitu.
aku kagum Donington Monsters of Rock ni, macam2 band rock, dari Metallica, Slayer , Megadeth sampai Cinderella, Bon Jovi semua sama je main satu pentas, 5, 6 band dari tengah hari sampai malam headliner.
Semua sama.....tu yang best....semua rock, rock never die, rock maintain nye bands.
Lepas tu Monsters Of Rock dah jadi macam ntah hapa2, lepas tu 1995 gitu, Metallica dah pakai nama sendiri Escape From Studio, dimana dorang main Remember Tommorrow.
Lepas tu Dah...dah tukar2 terus skarang jadi Download...
Aku tak paham sangat la.... macam2 band, mungkin rock la kot...
Tapi....tahun depan, Maiden announce dorang headlining Download Festival, Donington Park, hari sabtu nye...
aku tahu ada fans Maiden di UK elak gi Donington ni pasal berlumpur teruk dan tak suka la mungkin tak semua peminat Maiden kan, nanti perangai satu2 macam sial gitu,
Tapi...untuk aku Taman Donington ni ialah satu benda aku kagum sangat....
Dan Iron Maiden akan headline..
dan Iron Maiden akan main serupa ngan 1988 nye show.... dimana dorang headline main depan 107,000 dan 2 dari nye mati dan ada satu dua koma. Dan berita dirahsiakan dari Maiden sampai lepas dorang main malam....pasal memang la, kalo dorang tahu dua peminat dorang mati masa siang hari....camman kan.
So...aku dah cek...14-16hb June depan belum bulan Puasa lagik...
ok ok, headliner hari jemaat ngan ahad....ermmmmmm.. aku tanya kawan aku, apsal Rammstein semua nyanyi aku tak paham eh? Dia cakap " kan dorang nyanyi bahasa German!! " hahaha bodoh sial aku.
haha, ada berpuluh band lain kan? ada 4, 5 pentas lain kan? hehee....
Apa pun.... I'll see what I can do.... I got about 8 months and a week to see what I can do.
Yang siak nye, tiket aku dah beli....
Ntah sampai kat aku ke tak aku pun tak tahu....tapi...kalo tak pergi dan ...1001 reasons kenapa aku tak boleh pergi...
At least aku cakap aku dah usaha.....
Aku ada buat research, aku ambik 3 day pass with family camping ngan aku bayar untuk locker.
Apsal aku pilih family camping?
pasal aku rasa kaloo aku ambik camping biasa....aku rasa aku tak boleh handle ah....lagi satu, gi tempat gini, aku tak suka kena hujan beer, korang tahu mat salleh ngan raining beer dorang...
tapi aku rasa, aku kalo pergi aku tido kat Derby la, lepas tu naik bas ke hapa ke gi Donington...tapi ada satu Maiden fan cakap, camping is the best part of the festival...
ye la, korang gi sana cam takde benda, aku ni seumur hidup tak pernah pun sampai sana.
Apa pun, aku takut giler, aku nak nangis bila aku buat hitungan belanja, aku tak tahu pasal cuti, adakah aku masih ada kerja tu jam? adakah apa2 jadi? adakah222...memang macam2....
aku kira gamble....tolak belanja besar, kira nak cuba carik belanja besar untuk sesuatu yang duniawi, tapi...I have to do it...I have to give it my bloody best try like the way I saw Maiden 5 times before, like I draggg my love ones to go see Maiden, to see what Maiden means to me
8 bulan lebih....kalo gi pergi la, tak pergi tiket frame, buat kenangan dan motivasi diri jangan putus asa...
Tapi.. ada satu tempat aku nak sangat pergi, kalo tersandong harta qarun, semua pun aku angkut ajak pergi hehe.
actually ada dua tempat..
1) Ashburton Grove 2) Donington Park.
Ashburton Grove tu ialah tempat stadium Arsenal skarang la, cuma sponsor nye pasal so kena panggil Emirates Stadium.
Donington Park tu padang besar giler boleh sumbat 100,000 gitu dekat ngan Derby. korang yang minat motorsport tahu kot ni dekat ngan donington race track jugak. Pada aku ni la tempat paling rok dalam dunia.
Donington Park ni aku mula dengar pertama kat kaset bootleg festival Monsters Of Rock pertama tahun 1980. Tu jam awal hingga nak akhir 80an masih boleh dapat kaset ni, ni kaset ultimatum rock mampos.
Aku masih simpan kaset buruk ni, Ini kaset ialah salah satu inspirasi aku dalam hidup I kid you not.
jadi korang boleh paham la betapa aku kagum ngan festival ni, sejarah nye, dan semua berkaitan ngan Monsters of Rock Donington Park.
Tak salah aku bila part Scorpions nak start main tu ada orang cakap " Castle Donington a round of Applause please, for the Scorpionssss!!!! ".
Korang bayangkan, budak kampung, raised and lower primary aku pure malay environment, cakap English pun..." I go to school by walk " cikgu pun sampai ketawa gelakkan aku. Katak bawak tempurung.
Bila dengar intro itu, ngan bunyi kuat penonton...Scorpions terus start lagu Loving You Sunday Morning, makdatok!!! Terngangah mulut. Zaman dulu....ialah dengar, by ear.
( thats why sampai skarang, aku tak really bother about videos too much, bila orang gi konsert, aku tak tanya, " eh ada rakam video pakai handphone? ", aku tanya " ada tape tak? ". Pasal aku dibesarkan suasana gitu, zaman abang2 lobang semua pergi belajar kelas agama, dalam beg semua tape recorder dan walkman aku rasa belum kot, dan aku pun terbabit , padahal...., tapi ni life la kan part of growing up, so Moral Policia, spare the condemnation , ewah " ).
Jadi sejak dari tu... Aku tak boleh lupa la kira.
Jadi bila 1988, bila aku dah paham sikit pasal benda2 duniawi dan syok giler ni, aku dah tahu la pasal festival ni ngan band2 yang best.
So sampai skarang ni aku masih suka baca, dan malahan aku kira cam kumpul maklumat dan berita2 terutama tahun2 Maiden jadi headliner untuk festival ni...
1980 - Rainbow...ngan Graham Bonnet, dia punye All Night Long memang giler best, Rainbow bawak " will you still love me tomorrow " , ada kapalterbang lalu kat atas, Scorpions...memang mulut terngangah la dengar Klaus Meine tanya " can you hear me out there? " ,
Aku suka pasal dari kaset aku dengar tu aku tahu, festival ni boleh main lagu slow macam TOUCH, dan boleh main Road Racing cam Riot.
Lepas tu aku tak minat la cam 81, 82, pasal ni aku type dari hati, takde cek apa2, so aku mungkin lupa banyak benda
cam 1983 alrite la kan...ada Dio.. tahun2 in between ni aku tak ingat sangat la masa aku type ni.
Metallica bawak Leper Messiah, aku pernah baca majalah, James Hetfield masa lagu ni dia toleh kat tepi pentas lepas tu dia nampak Steve Harris kat tepi la tengok Metallica main, dia bilang muka Steve Harris cam mengerut gitu,
so dia tahu Metallica dah salah pilih lagu untuk persembahan.
Bon Jovi, kalo korang dengar bootleg 1987 nye untuk konsert dorang headliner festival ni, korang mesti gelak, macam kelakar gitu.... Bila Jon Bon Jovi bual2, bila dia intro Livin On A Prayer, pasal ialah kata 70,000 orang tapi 1987 kan semua band giler2 nye...
Korang try dengar Bruce Dickinson , Paul Stanley join Bon Jovi encore.
Metallica dijemput join, tapi aku ada baca laporan pasal Metallica bingit ngan Bon Jovi pasal masa Metallica main siang hari, helicopter Bon Jovi sampai, kacau sound dorang haha.
1988, tak yah cakap la kan....aku fetish sampai cuba simpan apa majalah dan keratan aku dapat untuk festival ni, terutama yang pasal mati dua orang tu...
Lepas tu...ada la tahun lain..
kalo 1991 tu, ACDC nye live laser disc, live dvd tu pakai drummer botak tu...makdatok, meriam dia dorang stack tinggi giler siak..
1992, ada Slayer jugak opening untuk Maiden... Aku pernah tengok Slayer dua kali dah.
Serious, pada aku, tengok Slayer ni penat. Aku tak tahu apsal tapi Slayer ni memenatkan. Tapi in a good happening enjoyable way, tapi penat. Ni istimewa Slayer pada aku. Dorang betul2 drain energy just tengok dorang main. Tengok dorang nye crew changeover rig dan Marshall stacks ambik alih Dimmu Borgir nye set pentas memang aku kagum... Betul2 nye rock moment. Nak2 bila Dave Lombardo nye drumset dorang tolak ke pentas...terngangah siot, sebab tu kadang2 gi tengok konsert rock, actually benda2 gini sebelum show start yang buat aku stim dah haha. Pasal mungkin aku tak banyak peluang, jadi benda2 gini la yang aku suka tengok, pelik2 gitu.
aku kagum Donington Monsters of Rock ni, macam2 band rock, dari Metallica, Slayer , Megadeth sampai Cinderella, Bon Jovi semua sama je main satu pentas, 5, 6 band dari tengah hari sampai malam headliner.
Semua sama.....tu yang best....semua rock, rock never die, rock maintain nye bands.
Lepas tu Monsters Of Rock dah jadi macam ntah hapa2, lepas tu 1995 gitu, Metallica dah pakai nama sendiri Escape From Studio, dimana dorang main Remember Tommorrow.
Lepas tu Dah...dah tukar2 terus skarang jadi Download...
Aku tak paham sangat la.... macam2 band, mungkin rock la kot...
Tapi....tahun depan, Maiden announce dorang headlining Download Festival, Donington Park, hari sabtu nye...
aku tahu ada fans Maiden di UK elak gi Donington ni pasal berlumpur teruk dan tak suka la mungkin tak semua peminat Maiden kan, nanti perangai satu2 macam sial gitu,
Tapi...untuk aku Taman Donington ni ialah satu benda aku kagum sangat....
Dan Iron Maiden akan headline..
dan Iron Maiden akan main serupa ngan 1988 nye show.... dimana dorang headline main depan 107,000 dan 2 dari nye mati dan ada satu dua koma. Dan berita dirahsiakan dari Maiden sampai lepas dorang main malam....pasal memang la, kalo dorang tahu dua peminat dorang mati masa siang hari....camman kan.
So...aku dah cek...14-16hb June depan belum bulan Puasa lagik...
ok ok, headliner hari jemaat ngan ahad....ermmmmmm.. aku tanya kawan aku, apsal Rammstein semua nyanyi aku tak paham eh? Dia cakap " kan dorang nyanyi bahasa German!! " hahaha bodoh sial aku.
haha, ada berpuluh band lain kan? ada 4, 5 pentas lain kan? hehee....
Apa pun.... I'll see what I can do.... I got about 8 months and a week to see what I can do.
Yang siak nye, tiket aku dah beli....
Ntah sampai kat aku ke tak aku pun tak tahu....tapi...kalo tak pergi dan ...1001 reasons kenapa aku tak boleh pergi...
At least aku cakap aku dah usaha.....
Aku ada buat research, aku ambik 3 day pass with family camping ngan aku bayar untuk locker.
Apsal aku pilih family camping?
pasal aku rasa kaloo aku ambik camping biasa....aku rasa aku tak boleh handle ah....lagi satu, gi tempat gini, aku tak suka kena hujan beer, korang tahu mat salleh ngan raining beer dorang...
tapi aku rasa, aku kalo pergi aku tido kat Derby la, lepas tu naik bas ke hapa ke gi Donington...tapi ada satu Maiden fan cakap, camping is the best part of the festival...
ye la, korang gi sana cam takde benda, aku ni seumur hidup tak pernah pun sampai sana.
Apa pun, aku takut giler, aku nak nangis bila aku buat hitungan belanja, aku tak tahu pasal cuti, adakah aku masih ada kerja tu jam? adakah apa2 jadi? adakah222...memang macam2....
aku kira gamble....tolak belanja besar, kira nak cuba carik belanja besar untuk sesuatu yang duniawi, tapi...I have to do it...I have to give it my bloody best try like the way I saw Maiden 5 times before, like I draggg my love ones to go see Maiden, to see what Maiden means to me
8 bulan lebih....kalo gi pergi la, tak pergi tiket frame, buat kenangan dan motivasi diri jangan putus asa...
Friday, October 5, 2012
across the seventh sea - Maiden uniteD cd
Arrival of the the Maiden uniteD second cd yesterday together with the 'pre-sale countries' tshirt. Ripped it to 320kbps mp3, and been listening to it a few rounds while walking in public, and on public transport of buses and trains.
So this is my own opinion and short review.
Maiden uniteD is beyond just a wonderful Iron Maiden tribute band, it is because their own arrangements and reworks of Maiden songs transformed the songs we all know so well into something different and special using accoustic guitars and bass, grand pianos, strings etc, calm drumming and great singing too.
I like Maiden uniteD first time I hear their samples that I even pre-ordered their first cd, Mind The Accoustic Pieces where they play the whole Piece Of Mind. I like it very much like I said before in this blog. I thought that will be one-off release as Maiden uniteD members are definitely big names in their own original music making, so when news of them releasing a second cd, I am so happy.
So we have 'Across The Seven Sea'. Starts with a short Seventh Deadly Sins and straight into ONLY THE GOOD DIE YOUNG. Very nice version though I would have like to hear that Steve Harris bass line. Then 2 MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT, I thought this song is too overplayed and was not expecting much, but Maiden uniteD never dissapoints, the song starts with the chorus and makes it so refreshing.
Next, PROWLER, what a choice, and once this song starts, it feels like this album just begins. Prowler is always a powerful song, and I love the piano in the instrumental part, it can go on and on and I wont feel bored. 10/10. FLASH OF THE BLADE, another great choice of songs. When listening, and even when getting this cd, I was not really focussing on the songlist so that when I listen, I was actually having a guessing game of what is the song being performed is on the first few seconds of the intro. Really like it when the song instrumental section transforms into a bit of "Bossa Nova" or whatever you call it sort of music. Another 10/10. Followed by CHILDREN OF THE DAMNED, ahhh the start that I immediately know what song they are playing. Brilliant intro. COTD is always a favourite. Great singing on an emotional song. Then time for the beautiful INFINITE DREAMS. Remember I link a youtube on this blog of someone somewhere playing this song on a piano alone. I always got a fetish on this song played on a piano. Maiden uniteD does a nice version.
Song number seven is 22 ACACIA AVENUE. 9 Minutes long.... I love it. 10+1/10 Charlotte would be very happy to hear this version of her song. The way this song is performed, really makes the storyline of this song, which has everything from prostitution, abuse and cruelty to them, sexual diseases, and rescue of Charlotte, to a hopefully happy ending, stands out. Next, THE EVIL THAT MEN DO. If I remember correctly a song of the seventh son falling in love with the Devil's daughter. Now it really does sound like one. Slow and lots of feeling. WASTED YEARS completes the cd and it ends with another short Seventh Deadly Sins.
I have an enjoyable time listening. Being 666 seas and oceans away, I doubt I ever see Maiden uniteD play live, but who knows. Hopefully there will be more Maiden uniteD in the future, besides their regular jobs with their other bands.
The surprise factor is now lessen, more or less people will know what to expect. But still a lot for them to explore, I would like to hear their arrangements on stuffs like Strange World, Alexander The Great even post reunion stuffs like Nomad or Montsegur. Plus instrumentals like Genghis Khan. And if the lady singer makes an appearance again would be nice.
Ooo the tshirt, there is a list of countries on the back of it. I think the countries which have pre-ordered their 2nd cd. A big increase from their 1st release yes. 37 countries. So well done Maiden uniteD, fans worldwide trust enough to pre-order you guys.
Lastly, the booklet that comes with the digipak has some nice artworks. Some are dramatic. The cover has the SSOASS skyline or it seems to me. Inside you have the huge mountanous Powerslave tomb submerged... I most love the one where the future Derek Rigg's Blade Runner look of Acacia Avenue street scene is basically submerged into the sea. With sharks swimming above.
So this is my own opinion and short review.
Maiden uniteD is beyond just a wonderful Iron Maiden tribute band, it is because their own arrangements and reworks of Maiden songs transformed the songs we all know so well into something different and special using accoustic guitars and bass, grand pianos, strings etc, calm drumming and great singing too.
I like Maiden uniteD first time I hear their samples that I even pre-ordered their first cd, Mind The Accoustic Pieces where they play the whole Piece Of Mind. I like it very much like I said before in this blog. I thought that will be one-off release as Maiden uniteD members are definitely big names in their own original music making, so when news of them releasing a second cd, I am so happy.
So we have 'Across The Seven Sea'. Starts with a short Seventh Deadly Sins and straight into ONLY THE GOOD DIE YOUNG. Very nice version though I would have like to hear that Steve Harris bass line. Then 2 MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT, I thought this song is too overplayed and was not expecting much, but Maiden uniteD never dissapoints, the song starts with the chorus and makes it so refreshing.
Next, PROWLER, what a choice, and once this song starts, it feels like this album just begins. Prowler is always a powerful song, and I love the piano in the instrumental part, it can go on and on and I wont feel bored. 10/10. FLASH OF THE BLADE, another great choice of songs. When listening, and even when getting this cd, I was not really focussing on the songlist so that when I listen, I was actually having a guessing game of what is the song being performed is on the first few seconds of the intro. Really like it when the song instrumental section transforms into a bit of "Bossa Nova" or whatever you call it sort of music. Another 10/10. Followed by CHILDREN OF THE DAMNED, ahhh the start that I immediately know what song they are playing. Brilliant intro. COTD is always a favourite. Great singing on an emotional song. Then time for the beautiful INFINITE DREAMS. Remember I link a youtube on this blog of someone somewhere playing this song on a piano alone. I always got a fetish on this song played on a piano. Maiden uniteD does a nice version.
Song number seven is 22 ACACIA AVENUE. 9 Minutes long.... I love it. 10+1/10 Charlotte would be very happy to hear this version of her song. The way this song is performed, really makes the storyline of this song, which has everything from prostitution, abuse and cruelty to them, sexual diseases, and rescue of Charlotte, to a hopefully happy ending, stands out. Next, THE EVIL THAT MEN DO. If I remember correctly a song of the seventh son falling in love with the Devil's daughter. Now it really does sound like one. Slow and lots of feeling. WASTED YEARS completes the cd and it ends with another short Seventh Deadly Sins.
I have an enjoyable time listening. Being 666 seas and oceans away, I doubt I ever see Maiden uniteD play live, but who knows. Hopefully there will be more Maiden uniteD in the future, besides their regular jobs with their other bands.
The surprise factor is now lessen, more or less people will know what to expect. But still a lot for them to explore, I would like to hear their arrangements on stuffs like Strange World, Alexander The Great even post reunion stuffs like Nomad or Montsegur. Plus instrumentals like Genghis Khan. And if the lady singer makes an appearance again would be nice.
Ooo the tshirt, there is a list of countries on the back of it. I think the countries which have pre-ordered their 2nd cd. A big increase from their 1st release yes. 37 countries. So well done Maiden uniteD, fans worldwide trust enough to pre-order you guys.
Lastly, the booklet that comes with the digipak has some nice artworks. Some are dramatic. The cover has the SSOASS skyline or it seems to me. Inside you have the huge mountanous Powerslave tomb submerged... I most love the one where the future Derek Rigg's Blade Runner look of Acacia Avenue street scene is basically submerged into the sea. With sharks swimming above.
~ Labels ~
iron maiden,
maiden united,
review cd,
rock omputeh,
tribute albums
Monday, October 1, 2012
steve harris british lion cd
Got this Friday. Miss out on all the streaming sessions on the internet. I also missed the Maiden United streaming session. But nevermind, so I am highly anticipating their 2nd cd.
But now, Steve " without him there wont be no Iron Maiden and the world will not be the same " Harris first solo effort. Seems this was a long time secret project which at last comes out.
All songs here are co-written with other people, Steve Harris is also the producer and co-producer for every song. From the information on the cd booklet, at few different drummers were used, and different recording studios.
Besides playing bass, co-writting all songs, producing or co-producing,
Steve also does the cover lion artwork, its not listed in the cd booklet but it was informed in one of his interviews in the German language mag rockhard
So I start to play this cd, actually I ripped it to 320kbps and listen to the mp3,
The 1st song is superb. Really something I never expect
The singer singing style is a big surprise for me. I was kind of expecting a more rock style singing.
I think among all Maiden members other projects, this British Lion is most close to Adrian Smith And Project's Silver and Gold.
So I like most songs. Entertaining very melodic pop-rock music. Makes your head and shoulder tilt slightly left and right when listening and standing/sitting in public transport.
-1st song is the most unusual, This Is My God.
For me this song is very modern. Take me by surprise.
-2nd song Lost Worlds.
"I used to dream of mountains that I would climb some day".
What beautiful words.
-Karma Killer
I dont get it when Steve says it will be 70s rock. 70s very good music he says.
Because this is beyond that. Interesting intro and song.
- 4th song Us Against The World
Great intro. Would make a nice Maiden song. Great lyrics.
- 5th song. The Chosen Ones.
Rocking song. Steve Harris is there alrite on my earphones.
- A World Without Heaven
Longest song more than 7 mins, this is another good pop-rock song. Love the instrumental section, I think this the most Maiden moment of the whole album.
- Judas. 7th song.
I can close my eyes and imagine Annie Lennox or the Pet Shop Boys singer singing this song.
"Like Porcelain in pieces."
Very nice sudden time change in this song.
-Eyes Of The Young. 8th song.
Another pop-rocking nice song.
- These Are The Hands
Nice album really, if I wouldnt know Steve Harris was involved, I would still like it. I would not mind listening to these songs, and maybe categorise them with some radio friendly pop songs with guitar solos.
- The Lesson
Slowwwwww...and sad.
" You can predict cause nothing's set in stone , a lesson learned,a lesson thats too late for learning ".
. . . Now lets see what surprise Maiden United will bring for their 2nd cd.
~ Labels ~
my iron maiden collection,
review cd,
rock omputeh
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