(UPDATED POST - 12 July 2015 at bottom of this post)
MOSHI-MOSHI and Konichiwa.
This time I will have a short introduction in my Bastardized Malay language and then I will proceed to elaborate on this release using my Broken English language.
Sejak berapa postings yang lepas.... - Dari rock Jerman (Powerwolf), ke rock Melayu (Wings), ke rock Omputeh (Paradise Lost) dan sekarang ke rock Jepun (Anthem).
Sapa baca blog ni tahu la aku ni minat kat Anthem.
Adalah menjadi cita2 Mat Jenin aku nak menengok Anthem beraksi.
Memang Yo-Yo-Oh la angan2 Mat Jenin aku ni, tapi begitu jugak ngan masa aku zaman budak2 sekolah dulu, selalu berangan, asyik berfantasi, KHAYAL, MENGELAMUN, cammana nak menengok Iron Maiden beraksi, otak fikir carik jalan ..hari menjadi bulan, bulan menjadi tahun, tahun menjadi dekad...gitu la siksa aku berangan nak rasa suasana Iron Maiden main live macammana. akhirnya aku dah dapat tengok dorang 10 kali kat suasana lain2, daerah lain2, kat 6 negara berlainan kat 3 continents benua berlain ngan ikat perut backpacking, berkorban macam2 dan sanggup buat kerja giler ni semua pasal ni la minat aku... Maiden.. so tolong la faham dan jangan lahar atau kutuk aku. Nak rasa korang tu lagi civilised, bagus, mulia dan beriman dari aku bila baca blog ni, sila simpan kebanggaan korang tu dalam hati je la.
Dan aku harap dapat tengok dorang 2016 nanti, kalau dorang datang main semua negara ASEAN? dan jika mereka gunakan kapalterbang Ed Force One, apa sahaja berkemungkinan... Wahhhh suka la semua orang kat rantau ni..
TETAPI.... Anthem ni lain sikit.... KONGAJAR BETUL!! Semua cakap Jepun gitu. Mana aku paham apa kebenda informasi dorang. BAGERO punya JEPUN!!!
Lagi satu band rock Jepun yang aku paling pening nak tahu informasi tapi memang tak tahu mana nak dapat khabar berita ialah band rok nama OUTRAGE. Seronok ok Thrash Metal si Outrage ni. Antara band rock Jepun yang aku suka la jugak sampai sekarang selain Anthem. Ada jugak la band2 rock Jepun lain yang aku minat, tapi sekarang dah ke laut. Aku kureng dah... selain dari memang susah giler untuk dapatkan informasi atau apa sahaja la tentang mereka2.
Apa pun, sebelum aku mula review ULASAN keluaran terbaru ANTHEM, bawah ni ada 2 video live dari 2006 / 2007 dari release DVD Anthem Immortal dan release Unbroken berapa tahun lepas, kasi thrill sikit,, dahulu2 dorang bawak lagu Wild Anthem yang actually ada kat Blazing Faith Revisited. Nanti la aku try rakam pakai henpon sikit nanti bila aku tengok kat tv. Korang jangan tanya aku cammana nak upload macam real nye kat youtube, aku tak tahu. HAHA. Tunggu la ada orang buat nanti. Mesti ada punye, peminat Anthem satu dunia.
Ni rakaman si Eizo Sakamoto masih ada. Sort-Dort la dekni, macam wayar kejap kena kejap tak kena, tapi terbaik ok...haha. "Midnight ShoutTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!" haha.
Lepas tu korang tengok Naoto Shibata ni memang dah macam Steve Harris la kat video ni...
Anyway, dia ketua Anthem, dia yang tukang tulis semua lagu... Kira dia semua la..
Aku sangat suka dia.. haha.
Dan lagi satu guitarist dia Akio Shimizu, dekni memang hebat hebat hebat giler Dahsyat la kan.
Drummer ni Homma. Dah tak sama Anthem lagi, apa aku tahu dia eksiden jalanraya ada cedera tak tahu la apa nasib dia sekarang.
Aku satu patah perkataan pun tak paham apa lagu ni kecuali korus tu sebenarnye Inggeris tapi dah jadi bahasa Merapu bila Anthem main live HAHA...
Aku tak paham la apa dorang nyanyi pun, tapi lagu ni contoh kenapa aku suka Anthem.
Dan aku suka tengok audience dorang, very happening, huru-hara tapi tetap disiplin dan hormat.
ni pulak dari Live Unbroken berapa tahun lepas. Sama lagu.
Masih Eizo tapi drummer dah tukar sekarang nye.
Apa aku paham, orang yang upload video ni, dia tahu band Anthem dari aku. Cehhhh, maaf la kalau salah. Dia suruh aku upload betul2 pasal aku rakam pakai henfon je dan upload sikit je kasi tunjuk cammana bentuk rakaman video ni, dan aku pun bukan reti2 edit, lagipun aku puye versi Blue-Ray.
So orang ni, aku pun tak tahu dia dari negara mana, aku suspek dia dari Brazil, dia gi beli jugak release ni dan aku rasa dia pun dah jadi peminat Anthem jugak haha.
Kalau aku salah intepretasi apa aku cerita berlaku pasal tukang upload video ni, maaf la haha.
Lagu ni, sikit2 lompat Star Jump, sikit2 Lompat Star Jump.. haha.
OK dah cukup la aku merapu cakap melayu pasar aku, lepas ni aku cuba speaking london.
A new Anthem release to celebrate their 30th Years Anniversary. Anthem is a very nice rock band from Japan that gives my heart a flutter often with their style of heavy metal.
Not as much fluttering as Iron Maiden or Toto, but still a thunderous pumping flutter that thrills and excites me.
I got the limited Edition Deluxe Edition because I want the second disc. I will go thru, sort of giving my review and opinion on this latest Anthem release which is actually released about a week ago in Japan. I got it quite fast, thank you Mr Postman from both countries.
Before I start, I want to make something clear. I PREFER EIZO SAKAMOTO to YUKIO MORIKAWA. I still wander what happened to Eizo now? Second time he left Anthem. Is his health ok? I read somewhere there is a problem?? I dont know, but now YUKIO is back.
One good thing is Anthem has these two superb singers to call back to sing for them anytime all the time, I hope.
EIZO and YUKIO have been doing a musical chair singing for Anthem, Both have now done TWO STINTS with Anthem each and both had shared a total of 16 studio albums.
This year is Anthem's 30th Anniversary, so what they did with BLAZING FAITH REVISITED is playing in full, in a two prong live attack in different environments, firstly on their FIRST self-titled ANTHEM studio album from 1985, AND also their VERY LATEST ABSOLUTE WORLD studio album from last year 2014.
The tiny Anthem 30th Years Anniversary logo on both discs are very nice touch.
Japanese releases, made in Japan releases are simply the best....
So we have the self titled ANTHEM album from 1985, being played live in the studio with just Anthem and the video cameramen in the same big room playing the whole album live.
Take note only NAOTO SHIBATA was the only one from the original 1985 album. That was an album which Eizo sang, not Yukio. So on first listen to this 2015 LIVE VERSION I have to adjust a little bit on the voice LOL!!.
Even AKIO SHIMIZU is not around yet in Anthem in that time.
So this version is actually a fresh one with 3 members of Anthem not on the original studio album.
So 1st Album Live In The Studio of TEN SONGS, and its amazing what magic the three of the Anthem Musicians - NAOTO SHIBATA (Bass), AKIO SHIMIZU (guitar) and new guy ISAMU TAMARU (drums) can create and its all here on this release.
It reminds of the Anthem Core DVD of some years back. Same concept.
This part starts with a short Making of Anthem, it shows the crew setting up the studio, the soundchecks. Its very short but very very interesting if you are into Anthem.
Total time is about 47 minutes for this part.
I dont think I need to explain the songs... All 10 songs are nice tremendous heavy songs.
Wild Anthem is a very popular song, but others like Lay Down, Warning Action, Turn Back To The Night, Rock N Roll Stars, Steeler, make it all songs... are all simply jaw-dropping delivery.
And the camera angles are nice too and all members are shown evenly in this segment.
All Four, Naoto, Yukio, Akio, Isamu played in last years studio album Absolute World.
So for this segment, ANTHEM played live at a VERY VERY TINY CLUB which is what I can imagined from looking at this segment called the La-Mama Club in front of 200 of their fans. So tight squeezed. So near the stage. It must have been amazing.
So Anthem played all 11 songs from this album. I hope I am not wrong, because I have not gotten the studio album yet.
Total time about slightly less than an HOUR.
Again, another amazing footage if you are into Anthem.
In addition...
There is a30th Anniversary Interview with both Naoto and Akio.
I often see his name on many rock and heavy metal albums, and on magazines, and seems he is such a very important man in the world of music.
AGAIN, A BIG BASTARD!! - NO SUBTITLE. And I dont understand even one bit what they are talking about. IT LOOKS SO INTERESTING AND INFORMATIVE. Very the discipline Japan style of talk. LOL!!
A useless 30 minutes part of the disc. HOW I WISH THERE IS A BLOODY SUBTITLE. BASTARDS!!!!
Anthem, I wont hesitate to say is one of the best (unknown outside Japan) bands there is right now in the heavy rock world and please dont make it like only Japanese or those who understand Japanese listen to them.
Again, on the house request... BASTARDS!!!!!
THIS IS AN AMAZING, EXCELLENT, AAAAA++++++ RELEASE... If you are an Anthem fan, and definitely there is Anthem Fans all over the world who are really lost in getting information or news on this band and have to pay big money to get the official and original releases... This is again a very very excellent release where you get a live blue ray or dvd with two seperate live performance of two different albums with as usual great sound and footage.
Yes, I am very frustrated due to there is no subtitles on the interviews parts, but let me tell you, AN ANTHEM LIVE BLUE RAY/DVD/CD never never disappoint.
And please get Eizo back. OK OK, Yukio is fine. No problem LOL!!!.
This is how the poster spread that comes with the deluxe edition looks like...s
Very Beautiful..
One sided is the huge live poster of the four of them in action with the audience..
Before I forget, the one thing that distinguish the deluxe edition besides it being a Blue-Ray and not a normal DVD, this version has a second CD which is also a SHM-CD.
It carries the audio of the First album live in the studio.
I wish there was another CD for the Absolute World live versions too.
But still its really wonderful package.
This is the other side.. I take photos of each portion so you guys can OGLE.
Look what I found on the internet...
Outrage with Anthem. This must be an interesting show.
On the blue ray of Anthem Immortal, there is the amazing footage of Anthem with Outrage on stage. I had upload it on my youtube channel ( a poor quality short one ) for you Outrage fans.
For some other Anthem releases that I had already talk-cock about...
go here
Just click the "previous" page below to see all. I Hope to write more of Anthem next time.
p.s - This review of the new Anthem release is quickly done while at same time listening to Uli Jon Roth Scorpions Revisited double cd.
I think this is one of the best cds ever if you have any liking of older Scorpions.
BUY IT PLEASE!!! Trust me.
I had reviewed it somewhere behind. Oh, get either a cheaper Korean or more expensive Japanese press instead of the European ones. An extra track to make it 20 songs.
Updated 12 July 2015. I have updated some videos I took using my handphone from the TV screen to the youtube channel.
Here they are -
Pain (live version Akio solo), Love of Hell (live version ), Turn Back The Night / Rock N Roll Stars
Takda pilihan.
Kena gak belajar bahasa Jepun!
best jgk...band rock jepun yg aku suka Onmyouza, tp lgu semua cakap jepun, sepatah pn tak paham
jepun kalo bab packaging memang no.1 la..blu ray punya packaging pun cantik.aku tgh ngidam Earthshaker nye lp nih..heheh
betul tu Portdy-san
Onmyouza ni aku tahu pasal dorang bawak lagu Trooper. Suara pompuan Jepun.
Yep Packaging lawa.
X Japan tak news ka?
tu diaaaaa.... ko punye review deaf mmg terbaik...tu la kalo dah minat kan....satu buku pun leh kasi tulis reviewnye...mmg terbaik la beb....
selamat berpuase deaf.....moga mendapat 1001 keberkatan dibulan yg mulia nieh....in sha Allah...
angan2 kamu tu jadi nyata memang best lah, aku ni berangan2 juga nak lihat beberapa band. nak berangan tgk band2 besar memang jauh sekali lah.. berangan2 utk band2 yang aku rasa pasti satu hari aku dpt tgk.. bab band jepun ni loudness je kot yang aku tahu.
..tp aku mmg kagum giler ngan ko. gigih! dari angan2 jadi nyata. u rock! - gitewww
selama ni aku tak tau pon kt jepon ada rockers. hehe.. ;)
Bro ...beli kat mana BluRay tuu....ni Anthem big fans jugak
Hi Kawan.
Aku beli online dari www.cdjapan.co.jp
Ni satu2 website Jepun yang aku paham dan aku percaya untuk dapatkan apa aku minat
Ok thx bro...aku tengah order 20th Anniversary ...kat YesAsia...harap2 sampai sehhh...1st time aku order sana...yang blazing faith ingat nak order kat Ebay....aku prefer bluray...baru beli Dead End bluray jugak....semua mahal nak mampos sehh....
nice bro.
Aku tengah carik jalan macammana aku boleh dapatkan bootlegs Anthem main live kat merata Jepun.
Aku tahu mesti ada tapers untuk shows Anthem.
Setlist dorang setiap show sangat giler best tukar2.
Seronok bila tahu ada orang minat Anthem jugak hehe.
Sila recommend ye mana2 band dari Jepun atau Korea atau Cina yang main Heavy Rock dan Heavy Metal yang style gini ye..
dulu minat gilerr kat Loudness...time 80s...mat mana yg tak giler ngan Loudness nii kan...u pun tau...x yahh nak cerita...sekali I discover Anthem...dorang tak tukar style sehh sampai skrg...true hard rock metal....yg baik band Anthem ni betul sesuai nama band dia ...chorus dia semua ANTHEMIC...x maciam si AKira and gang...dorang main Grunge alamak x gerrek laa.....sorry kalo I dont know u like Grunge or not...lol
btw...ur blog baik laa..congrats..very terperinchi..I pun collector tapi I dah retired semenjak banyak ada kat online...maybe I know u ..too..sebab ko mentioned Pergas dan Jalan Daud...tempat aku semua tuu....hehe...nanti aku comment kat link2 ko yg lain...
Loudness kadang2 best kadang2 tak best.
OK yang zaman reunion kan? aku suka Biosphere. So boleh agak taste aku cammana la kan.. haha.
Grunge ok la sekali2 dengar ok la, tapi I wont say I am a big fan walaupun band2 famous amos aku tahu la.
Pergas... Jalan Daud... ni semua ialah legends. RAMAI ORANG MELAYU LALUI INI DUA TEMPAT.
dah lama x ikut Loudness nii...time dia dah serong ke grunge seperti the mighty QR jugak...sedih campur marah sehh...satu2 my fave band pergi Grunge or mati gitu je....WTH!!!!
jepun memang banyak band Jrock and Metal..yg aku ada masa utk ANTHEM dan Dead End jer...yg lain X Japan yg tersangat popular pun aku kurrengg minat....hehee
Ohhh ....hahaa...gua ingat lu sekolah sana sehh...
ada...ada sekolah...hehe
Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!
An Thái Sơn chia sẻ trẻ sơ sinh nằm nôi điện có tốt không hay võng điện có tốt không và giải đáp cục điện đưa võng giá bao nhiêu cũng như địa chỉ bán máy đưa võng ở đâu uy tín.
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