When you like something,
you dont trust mass-market stereotype reviews and journalism.
Because these people got paid, its their job, not necessary they have the passion for the band or artist that you do, maybe they may have never spent money on that something you like.
So what do you do?
You always ask and read the opinions and reviews that matters - Fellow Fans, Supporters who spend money, to like something. Just like you.
Terus terang la, adakah korang yang minat bola, contoh minat team bola kelab2 pasukan2 dari negara2 Inggeris dan eropah,
adakah korang baca ke ulasan atau tulisan di suratkhabar tempatan?
Adakah penulis tu tengok ke tak tu game pun kita tak tahu ye tak?
Korang tentu lagi percaya cakap kawan2 korang atau ahli keluarga korang yang sama minat satu team, atau tengok youtube - FanTV dimana interviews dibuat dengan peminat2 yang baru keluar stadium.
Dorang kadang2 jawab memang berlainan betul dengan pendapat2 penulis2 yang dibayar gaji.
Sama dengan muzik atau kugiran yang memang aku minat, aku kureng sangat baca tulisan2 penulis yang memang kerja periuk nasik mereka tulis.
Aku lagi percaya kan pendapat peminat2 muzik, yang sanggup keluar duit beli album2 atau beli tiket konsert.
Contoh Bon Jovi baru keluar, aku tanya Portdy.
Portdy jawab "semua lagu dia boleh dengar.
OK, maka best. Maka aku test dengar, pakai youtube beberapa lagu kat laptop pakai speaker Soundblaster. Terus beli.
Tapi korang jangan tanya Portdy apakah album kegemaran dia untuk Bon Jovi.
no one can live life in loneliness, only stars in the sky far away... [WELCOME everyone from everywhere, with intention or by accident - THIS BLOG IS BEST VIEWED IN WEB VERSION FORMAT as its how I envision it to be with the text and photos but still any layout format will work just fine.]
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Sunday, December 25, 2016
GOODBYE MetalHammer/ClassicRock Magazines??? & the audio bootleg for ACDC Manchester Etihad Stadium June 2016 dan eksiden bas kat Muar aku baru tahu tadi, dan aku baru lalu jugak direction lagi satu sebelum tu..
First in English then in Malay Language.
Something really horrible and very sad news in the LITERARY world.
At least to me.
Teamrock the owners for two of the UK magazines that are in favour of rock and heavy metal music (and certainly these two magazines are very pro-Iron Maiden) are in serious financial trouble.
All the staffs are out of job, and without salary for the month of December.
And seems the publication of Metal Hammer and Classic Rock is no more?
Lets hope something positive will appear for the staff, and lets hope another company takes over the magazines and long may both magazines reign in the future.
Maybe its readers like me who are partly to blame.
I seldom buy magazines, I even now limit my spendings for musical releases, I have completely stop buying vinyls also.
I had decided that before all my favourite bands retire or stop playing, I want to see them play as much as possible backpacking to Europe if possible for at least until Maiden retires. LOL!!
If I buy a Magazine, surely its because it has a Maiden content that is worth buying and maybe worth keeping.
I have not much storage space, so I think I need to remove the pages that I like, and throw the rest of the magazines away. (Work In Progress).
Anyway, a quick go thru of my collection and I found some of my Metal Hammer & Classic Rock Magazines with Maiden on the cover.
Again, lets wish all the staff who had provide us so much delight, information and entertainment writing, reviewing about our favourite bands will have new jobs soon.
I think there is a worldwide online appeal to collect funds for them,
and like I say, hopefully another company would buy over the names and continue the legacy of these two magazines.
OK next,
Whenever possible, I would like to listen back, and try to collect audio recordings (bootlegs) of shows I attended.
If the shows are in Singapore and Malaysia, I would be most of the time smuggling a recording device to bootleg the show for my repeats listening,
but, if its outside of Singapore & Malaysia, most of the time I would be going MENTAL...
And I expect other tapers to do the job for me. LOL!!
I was thinking back of the ACDC show with AXL Rose that I attend for 2016 Manchester Etihad Stadium which I did backpacking for.
I know there is Flac recording of an audience recording which is quite good in quality.
I saw it in EBAY. Its for UU$40. OK, I have no money for that.
So a quick go around the internet and I got it for FREE. LOL!!
I believe its the same recording. Not bad really, there was 75,000 crazy AC/DC fans that night, so the taper is really doing well LOL!!
This is on Ebay...
Its 1AM, I need to be ready for work at 5AM, yes Christmas day and its a work day for me.
I am listening to ACDC Manchester 2016, the taper does a good job, and it does bring back my memories of that night.
The audience was amazing. One of the photo I took that night.
I had forgotten what song haha.
I wont be going out of my way to see ACDC again in the future, but if our paths meet, I will be there again.
I hope they play Heatseeker and Problem Child next time. LOL!!!!
Yes, I love Heatseeker. LOL!!! Very fast. LOL!!
My full photos and how to go to Etihad, and review and whatever is here
- http://deaf-angel.blogspot.sg/2016/06/acdc-live-review-photos-of-9-june-2016.html
Salam Semua... Nanti... besok lusa tulat akan datang, aku akan cerita kat korang, suasana surreal yang memang terjadi kat sepanjang North South Highway pada malam 23 December dua hari lepas.
Memang hujan lebat sepanjang panjang, banyak hal kenderaan..
Bus aku naik, stop kat Yong Peng, mekanik cek alignment brake ok.......
Aku sampai kat destinasi aku Larkin,
tapi bas Alisan JB Sentral ke TBS tak sampai.
Aku sedih sangat dapat tahu eksiden tu. So far 14 meninggal tapi memang malam tu macam "surreal sangat". Tu ah bas driver bas yang aku naik boleh sampai panggil mekanik cammana tu?
hujan lebat, mekanik basah kuyup masuk bawah bas cek brake.
Hormat aku kat bas driver yang bas aku naik. He is a responsible man. Mungkin, dia pun nervous malam tu.
Nanti la lain kali k...
Syarikat Teamrock yang beli Metal Hammer dan ClassicRock berapa tahun lepas dah kena ambik tindakan mahkamah,
Semua staff tak dibayar gaji bulan 12. Tapi ni latest aku baca kat tenet, dah berapa puluh ribu dah peminat2 majalah dua ni dah kumpul, derma kilat nak kasi kat staff staff ni semua, dah la krismas untuk dorang.
Harap Metal Hammer dan ClassicRock akan terbit semula secepat mungkin , tentu ada syarikat nak ambik alih brand ni dua.
aku teringat pasal aku gi backpacking tengok band rock bulan 6 lepas kat Europe,
dan cam setiap show aku pergi, aku cuba carik bootlegs peminat rakam,
so aku teringin nak dengar balik show malam tu yang aku pergi ialah ACDC...
memang tiba2 teringat gitu...
dan antara aku pergi menengok ialah ACDC main kat Etihad Stadium. Dahsyat, 65 ribu? 75 ribu peminat Hardcore ACDC malam tu, sampai kat paling belakang semua hurray-hurray tonggang terbalik. HAHA
So aku teringat, aku takde bootleg malam tu, aku ada tape, tapi macam aku cakap kat atas, aku dalam keadaan hurray-hurray dan berdengung pasal aku tak tido dah sejak abis kerja terus naik flight terus tukar kat Abu Dhabi terus sampai Manchester, buang bag kat backpack nye tempat, terus naik train gi stadium MAN CITY, dah la security dah pergi congkong buah kana jeruk cina aku,
Security paling bukit la, tapi aku tak terkejut la kan, macam sial nye football team.
dan jugak faktor bulan Ramadhan, tak silap aku, aku buka puasa masa lagu "IF YOU WANT BLOOD YOU GOT IT", aku buka puasa makan kurma dalam keadaan huru-hara.
So, aku gi la carik mana2 rakaman bootleg terbaik, then aku perasaan ooohh yeah, ada label yang print bootleg release malam tu tapi mahal la.
So aku carik rakaman sama, so aku jumpa free. Nak cover, buat sendiri la... haha.
Aku suka foto atas tu, bila big screen tunjuk audience.
masa aku snap pakai handphone keadaan kelam kabut tu, Angus dan Axl gerak different direction pulak tu dan dua dua dalam foto.
Something really horrible and very sad news in the LITERARY world.
At least to me.
Teamrock the owners for two of the UK magazines that are in favour of rock and heavy metal music (and certainly these two magazines are very pro-Iron Maiden) are in serious financial trouble.
All the staffs are out of job, and without salary for the month of December.
And seems the publication of Metal Hammer and Classic Rock is no more?
Lets hope something positive will appear for the staff, and lets hope another company takes over the magazines and long may both magazines reign in the future.
Maybe its readers like me who are partly to blame.
I seldom buy magazines, I even now limit my spendings for musical releases, I have completely stop buying vinyls also.
I had decided that before all my favourite bands retire or stop playing, I want to see them play as much as possible backpacking to Europe if possible for at least until Maiden retires. LOL!!
If I buy a Magazine, surely its because it has a Maiden content that is worth buying and maybe worth keeping.
I have not much storage space, so I think I need to remove the pages that I like, and throw the rest of the magazines away. (Work In Progress).
Anyway, a quick go thru of my collection and I found some of my Metal Hammer & Classic Rock Magazines with Maiden on the cover.
Again, lets wish all the staff who had provide us so much delight, information and entertainment writing, reviewing about our favourite bands will have new jobs soon.
I think there is a worldwide online appeal to collect funds for them,
and like I say, hopefully another company would buy over the names and continue the legacy of these two magazines.
OK next,
Whenever possible, I would like to listen back, and try to collect audio recordings (bootlegs) of shows I attended.
If the shows are in Singapore and Malaysia, I would be most of the time smuggling a recording device to bootleg the show for my repeats listening,
but, if its outside of Singapore & Malaysia, most of the time I would be going MENTAL...
And I expect other tapers to do the job for me. LOL!!
I was thinking back of the ACDC show with AXL Rose that I attend for 2016 Manchester Etihad Stadium which I did backpacking for.
I know there is Flac recording of an audience recording which is quite good in quality.
I saw it in EBAY. Its for UU$40. OK, I have no money for that.
So a quick go around the internet and I got it for FREE. LOL!!
I believe its the same recording. Not bad really, there was 75,000 crazy AC/DC fans that night, so the taper is really doing well LOL!!
This is on Ebay...
Its 1AM, I need to be ready for work at 5AM, yes Christmas day and its a work day for me.
I am listening to ACDC Manchester 2016, the taper does a good job, and it does bring back my memories of that night.
The audience was amazing. One of the photo I took that night.
I had forgotten what song haha.
I wont be going out of my way to see ACDC again in the future, but if our paths meet, I will be there again.
I hope they play Heatseeker and Problem Child next time. LOL!!!!
Yes, I love Heatseeker. LOL!!! Very fast. LOL!!
My full photos and how to go to Etihad, and review and whatever is here
- http://deaf-angel.blogspot.sg/2016/06/acdc-live-review-photos-of-9-june-2016.html
Salam Semua... Nanti... besok lusa tulat akan datang, aku akan cerita kat korang, suasana surreal yang memang terjadi kat sepanjang North South Highway pada malam 23 December dua hari lepas.
Memang hujan lebat sepanjang panjang, banyak hal kenderaan..
Bus aku naik, stop kat Yong Peng, mekanik cek alignment brake ok.......
Aku sampai kat destinasi aku Larkin,
tapi bas Alisan JB Sentral ke TBS tak sampai.
Aku sedih sangat dapat tahu eksiden tu. So far 14 meninggal tapi memang malam tu macam "surreal sangat". Tu ah bas driver bas yang aku naik boleh sampai panggil mekanik cammana tu?
hujan lebat, mekanik basah kuyup masuk bawah bas cek brake.
Hormat aku kat bas driver yang bas aku naik. He is a responsible man. Mungkin, dia pun nervous malam tu.
Nanti la lain kali k...
Syarikat Teamrock yang beli Metal Hammer dan ClassicRock berapa tahun lepas dah kena ambik tindakan mahkamah,
Semua staff tak dibayar gaji bulan 12. Tapi ni latest aku baca kat tenet, dah berapa puluh ribu dah peminat2 majalah dua ni dah kumpul, derma kilat nak kasi kat staff staff ni semua, dah la krismas untuk dorang.
Harap Metal Hammer dan ClassicRock akan terbit semula secepat mungkin , tentu ada syarikat nak ambik alih brand ni dua.
aku teringat pasal aku gi backpacking tengok band rock bulan 6 lepas kat Europe,
dan cam setiap show aku pergi, aku cuba carik bootlegs peminat rakam,
so aku teringin nak dengar balik show malam tu yang aku pergi ialah ACDC...
memang tiba2 teringat gitu...
dan antara aku pergi menengok ialah ACDC main kat Etihad Stadium. Dahsyat, 65 ribu? 75 ribu peminat Hardcore ACDC malam tu, sampai kat paling belakang semua hurray-hurray tonggang terbalik. HAHA
So aku teringat, aku takde bootleg malam tu, aku ada tape, tapi macam aku cakap kat atas, aku dalam keadaan hurray-hurray dan berdengung pasal aku tak tido dah sejak abis kerja terus naik flight terus tukar kat Abu Dhabi terus sampai Manchester, buang bag kat backpack nye tempat, terus naik train gi stadium MAN CITY, dah la security dah pergi congkong buah kana jeruk cina aku,
Security paling bukit la, tapi aku tak terkejut la kan, macam sial nye football team.
dan jugak faktor bulan Ramadhan, tak silap aku, aku buka puasa masa lagu "IF YOU WANT BLOOD YOU GOT IT", aku buka puasa makan kurma dalam keadaan huru-hara.
So, aku gi la carik mana2 rakaman bootleg terbaik, then aku perasaan ooohh yeah, ada label yang print bootleg release malam tu tapi mahal la.
So aku carik rakaman sama, so aku jumpa free. Nak cover, buat sendiri la... haha.
Aku suka foto atas tu, bila big screen tunjuk audience.
masa aku snap pakai handphone keadaan kelam kabut tu, Angus dan Axl gerak different direction pulak tu dan dua dua dalam foto.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Sweet Charity album PELARIAN dan apa je aku nak bual (1980 dikeluarkan balik 2016 dengan package dan sound yang aku suka)
Today we continue to celebrate the re-release of Sweet Charity's albums on CD which has much effort spent on the packaging and audio quality. Thank you to all involved.
National Treasure all these.
Sweet Charity is a (was, still is, and forever will be) legendary, revered, respected and a household name in both SINGAPORE, and MALAYSIA and anywhere in the world where Malay Rock is listened.
Salam semua, pertama sekali, aku nak buat pembetulan, nampaknya foto2 album pertama Sweet Charity tu bukan diambil di Pantai Sembawang, tapi di Pantai Labrador Park. Terimakaseh untuk yang diberitahu.
(pembetulan ni diberitahu dekat "reply" untuk post Sweet Charity aku sebelum ini).
OK, next tahun 1980 keluarlah Pelarian.
Aku rasa ni la permulaan Sweet Charity mula cocok jarum rock yang hebat dan sedap dalam bentuk album secara menyeluruh.
Lagi sekali aku salute sangat mereka mereka yang terbitkan semula album2 ni dalam bentuk cd dengan packaging dan sound yang kau suka sangat,
dan aku akan cuba meraikan kembali album2 ni, dengan nota kaki aku sendiri tentang sesuatu peristiwa yang aku boleh kaitkan dengan lagu2, dan album2, yang aku lalui sendiri.
Bulat-Bulat , ada dalam album ni. AND THAT IS ALL la apa kita cakap? "folk song"? haha
Selain tu, semua lagu lain lebih condong kepada rock Melayu.
Kamelia, Musibah, Zakiah, Pelarian, Terharu, dan sebagainya.
AJ nyanyi Biarkan Bermimpi..
AJ - Funky Chicken yang dia joget masa ada satu show kat Singapore will be legendary always.
Aku really tak tengok dvd show malam tu, walau aku ada buku dan koleksi release malam tu,
Apa aku ingat sangat, malam tu Sweet Charity bawak lagu BLACK NIGHT, dan aku tak bedek, once dorang start je lagu tu, semua audience tahu dan terus masuk sing-along dari mula.
Aku pernah cerita kan? jangan sekali2 nak tunjuk pandai kat abang2 lobang, atau MINAH MINAH KAREN geng kakak geng makcik yang besar tahun 70an.
Dorang bentangkan apa tu kehebatan album Stormbringer (contoh)... mampos!! korang dengar macam tertelan cicak.
Aku pernah kena. Hah, ambik ubat.
Aku tahu la. Dan all these people tetap rock ok, walau dah move on kehidupan haha.
Ni konfem kot takde dalam DVD malam tu kan?
Aku ada rakam bootleg tau show malam tu, full show, entah mana aku simpan rekoding tu...
Wasted kan... kalau tak aku upload dalam youtube channel aku.
Aku ni malas sikit la haha.
Cita2 aku ialah setiap konsert rock melayu, aku pergi dan aku bootleg,
dan aku upload dalam youtube, untuk mereka yang tahu dengar bootleg dan tak dapat pergi enjoy the show, dan sebagai kenangan masa depan rock melayu.
Untuk mereka yang minat rock band secara menyeluruh la, bukan untuk yang minat satu dan dua lagu je.
Semua best... macam aku cakap album ni
Still rock favourites, dan dalam album Double Trouble 2 dulu Wings dengan Mus cover Terharu kan? Dahsyat kan tu jam album tu, aku nye cd dah hilang la DT2 nye album. Print atas kertas magik logo kecik2.. haha..
Aku nye faberet lagu dalam album ni ialah "DEKATLAH PADAKU".
Everytime aku dengar lagu ni, ada cam omputeh panggil apa tu? "lump in the throat".
Sayu lagu ni.
Aku suka sangat.. dan kalau dah tak dengar bertahun, macam waktu ni la, aku pasang Pelarian hanya pasal nak buat blog ni,
aku dengar balik lagu ni, masih lagu kegemaran aku paling2 aku suka sangat.
Album cover ni sangat cantik, dan jugak kulit belakang pun cantik.
Aku ada piring hitam rekod dia ni, entah mana aku beli lama dah, kat Sungei Road kot? haha.
OK OK...
Kalau sapa nak beli cd ni, belilah, tak rugi... ni la rock Melayu zaman akhir 70an, awal 80an...
Harga pun tak mahal, beli la semua koleksi ni, ada tujuh semua... beli sekeping2 macam aku....
Tak kira la korang suka rock melayu yang lembut sikit, lagu2 cinta, atau pun yang jenis heavy.
MUSIBAH by itself dah cukup untuk mereka yang suka lagu rock melayu heavy.. dan of course intrumental section Zakiah.
Dan PELARIAN - Ni lagu VIETNAM WAR kan? Tu jam Boat People kan landing2 kat Singapore dan Malaysia zaman tu.
Untuk mereka yang tak dengar lagu rock melayu.
This is it.
aku cerita sikit,
Masa pergi tengok Sweet Charity tahun 2008 kat Kuala Lumpur, tu jam pertama kali aku blind date dengan Zan. HAHAHA.
Korang tahu, aku macam agak, ni malam mesti ada sesi "mintak sain", so aku macam ala... apa sey nak bawak, so aku bawak je la cover Pelarian yang release series WEA zaman tersebut kan.
So aku suruh semua sign la,
So setahun lepas tu Sweet Charity main kat Singapore pulak,
Aku bawak sama kertas.. beratur la "mintak sain".
Aku tunjuk dorang tahun lepas nye, dan suruh dorang sign sebelah.
DALAM SETAHUN gitu, dah kurang dua tandatangan. Begitulah.
Kalau show Kuala Lumpur tu jam - Ramli Sarip, Rosli Mohalim, Ahmad Jaafar, Wan Ahmad, drummer Rahman, Allahyarham Masrom dan jugak BASSIST BLACK DOG BONE Hamid yang dorang pakai ambik ganti tempat Allahyarham Syed Jaafar.
Bila setahun lepas tu main kat Singapore, cuma tinggal Ramli Sarip, Rosli Mohalim, AJ, drummer Rahman yang hebat giler ok, hebat giler ketukan dia, dan bassist BDB Hamid.
Allahyarham Masrom dah meninggal dunia, dan posisi dia malam tu tak salah aku Sweet Charity pakai keyboardist FLYBAITS untuk ambik posisi Masrom. sapa nama keyboardist Flybaits aku serious tak ingat dan malas nak google.
Kan? malam tu dorang pakai keyboardist Flybaits? haha... ke dia yang conduct strings section malam tu?
ENTAH AKU DAH LUPA hahaha Kalau salah sila betulkan,
Korang tengok posting pertama last few weeks aku dah silap satu dah, konfiden je aku cakap Sembawang Beach dan kat belakang tu JOHOR. hahaha
Malam untuk Singapore show pun Wan Ahmad tak main. I dont know why.
Sebab tu kurang dua signature banding show Malaysia dan Singapore.
Tengok ni...
eh kejap? maknanya Hamid tak sign la, haha.. semua orang Sweet Charity la...
haha, aku ni pelupa la... tapi gini la cerita nya...
kurang 2 sign dari Sweet Charity nye band, dalam setahun.
Semoga semua anggota2 Sweet Charity baik hidup dan mati, sentiasa dilindungi Allah dan diampunkan segala dosa, dan tergolong dalam mereka yang beirman dan selamat dunia akhirat. Amin.
They have brought much happiness to me, literally all my life. haha
To be continued...
National Treasure all these.
Sweet Charity is a (was, still is, and forever will be) legendary, revered, respected and a household name in both SINGAPORE, and MALAYSIA and anywhere in the world where Malay Rock is listened.
Kan? backcover dia pun dihasilkan semula macam serupa album piring hitam zaman dulu.. aku suka sangat re-release ni.
Salam semua, pertama sekali, aku nak buat pembetulan, nampaknya foto2 album pertama Sweet Charity tu bukan diambil di Pantai Sembawang, tapi di Pantai Labrador Park. Terimakaseh untuk yang diberitahu.
(pembetulan ni diberitahu dekat "reply" untuk post Sweet Charity aku sebelum ini).
OK, next tahun 1980 keluarlah Pelarian.
Aku rasa ni la permulaan Sweet Charity mula cocok jarum rock yang hebat dan sedap dalam bentuk album secara menyeluruh.
Lagi sekali aku salute sangat mereka mereka yang terbitkan semula album2 ni dalam bentuk cd dengan packaging dan sound yang kau suka sangat,
dan aku akan cuba meraikan kembali album2 ni, dengan nota kaki aku sendiri tentang sesuatu peristiwa yang aku boleh kaitkan dengan lagu2, dan album2, yang aku lalui sendiri.
Bulat-Bulat , ada dalam album ni. AND THAT IS ALL la apa kita cakap? "folk song"? haha
Selain tu, semua lagu lain lebih condong kepada rock Melayu.
Kamelia, Musibah, Zakiah, Pelarian, Terharu, dan sebagainya.
AJ nyanyi Biarkan Bermimpi..
AJ - Funky Chicken yang dia joget masa ada satu show kat Singapore will be legendary always.
Aku really tak tengok dvd show malam tu, walau aku ada buku dan koleksi release malam tu,
Apa aku ingat sangat, malam tu Sweet Charity bawak lagu BLACK NIGHT, dan aku tak bedek, once dorang start je lagu tu, semua audience tahu dan terus masuk sing-along dari mula.
Aku pernah cerita kan? jangan sekali2 nak tunjuk pandai kat abang2 lobang, atau MINAH MINAH KAREN geng kakak geng makcik yang besar tahun 70an.
Dorang bentangkan apa tu kehebatan album Stormbringer (contoh)... mampos!! korang dengar macam tertelan cicak.
Aku pernah kena. Hah, ambik ubat.
Aku tahu la. Dan all these people tetap rock ok, walau dah move on kehidupan haha.
Ni konfem kot takde dalam DVD malam tu kan?
Aku ada rakam bootleg tau show malam tu, full show, entah mana aku simpan rekoding tu...
Wasted kan... kalau tak aku upload dalam youtube channel aku.
Aku ni malas sikit la haha.
Cita2 aku ialah setiap konsert rock melayu, aku pergi dan aku bootleg,
dan aku upload dalam youtube, untuk mereka yang tahu dengar bootleg dan tak dapat pergi enjoy the show, dan sebagai kenangan masa depan rock melayu.
Untuk mereka yang minat rock band secara menyeluruh la, bukan untuk yang minat satu dan dua lagu je.
Semua best... macam aku cakap album ni
Still rock favourites, dan dalam album Double Trouble 2 dulu Wings dengan Mus cover Terharu kan? Dahsyat kan tu jam album tu, aku nye cd dah hilang la DT2 nye album. Print atas kertas magik logo kecik2.. haha..
Aku nye faberet lagu dalam album ni ialah "DEKATLAH PADAKU".
Everytime aku dengar lagu ni, ada cam omputeh panggil apa tu? "lump in the throat".
Sayu lagu ni.
Aku suka sangat.. dan kalau dah tak dengar bertahun, macam waktu ni la, aku pasang Pelarian hanya pasal nak buat blog ni,
aku dengar balik lagu ni, masih lagu kegemaran aku paling2 aku suka sangat.
Album cover ni sangat cantik, dan jugak kulit belakang pun cantik.
Aku ada piring hitam rekod dia ni, entah mana aku beli lama dah, kat Sungei Road kot? haha.
OK OK...
Kalau sapa nak beli cd ni, belilah, tak rugi... ni la rock Melayu zaman akhir 70an, awal 80an...
Harga pun tak mahal, beli la semua koleksi ni, ada tujuh semua... beli sekeping2 macam aku....
Tak kira la korang suka rock melayu yang lembut sikit, lagu2 cinta, atau pun yang jenis heavy.
MUSIBAH by itself dah cukup untuk mereka yang suka lagu rock melayu heavy.. dan of course intrumental section Zakiah.
Dan PELARIAN - Ni lagu VIETNAM WAR kan? Tu jam Boat People kan landing2 kat Singapore dan Malaysia zaman tu.
Untuk mereka yang tak dengar lagu rock melayu.
This is it.
aku cerita sikit,
Masa pergi tengok Sweet Charity tahun 2008 kat Kuala Lumpur, tu jam pertama kali aku blind date dengan Zan. HAHAHA.
Korang tahu, aku macam agak, ni malam mesti ada sesi "mintak sain", so aku macam ala... apa sey nak bawak, so aku bawak je la cover Pelarian yang release series WEA zaman tersebut kan.
So aku suruh semua sign la,
So setahun lepas tu Sweet Charity main kat Singapore pulak,
Aku bawak sama kertas.. beratur la "mintak sain".
Aku tunjuk dorang tahun lepas nye, dan suruh dorang sign sebelah.
DALAM SETAHUN gitu, dah kurang dua tandatangan. Begitulah.
Kalau show Kuala Lumpur tu jam - Ramli Sarip, Rosli Mohalim, Ahmad Jaafar, Wan Ahmad, drummer Rahman, Allahyarham Masrom dan jugak BASSIST BLACK DOG BONE Hamid yang dorang pakai ambik ganti tempat Allahyarham Syed Jaafar.
Bila setahun lepas tu main kat Singapore, cuma tinggal Ramli Sarip, Rosli Mohalim, AJ, drummer Rahman yang hebat giler ok, hebat giler ketukan dia, dan bassist BDB Hamid.
Allahyarham Masrom dah meninggal dunia, dan posisi dia malam tu tak salah aku Sweet Charity pakai keyboardist FLYBAITS untuk ambik posisi Masrom. sapa nama keyboardist Flybaits aku serious tak ingat dan malas nak google.
Kan? malam tu dorang pakai keyboardist Flybaits? haha... ke dia yang conduct strings section malam tu?
ENTAH AKU DAH LUPA hahaha Kalau salah sila betulkan,
Korang tengok posting pertama last few weeks aku dah silap satu dah, konfiden je aku cakap Sembawang Beach dan kat belakang tu JOHOR. hahaha
Malam untuk Singapore show pun Wan Ahmad tak main. I dont know why.
Sebab tu kurang dua signature banding show Malaysia dan Singapore.
Tengok ni...
eh kejap? maknanya Hamid tak sign la, haha.. semua orang Sweet Charity la...
haha, aku ni pelupa la... tapi gini la cerita nya...
kurang 2 sign dari Sweet Charity nye band, dalam setahun.
Semoga semua anggota2 Sweet Charity baik hidup dan mati, sentiasa dilindungi Allah dan diampunkan segala dosa, dan tergolong dalam mereka yang beirman dan selamat dunia akhirat. Amin.
They have brought much happiness to me, literally all my life. haha
To be continued...
~ Labels ~
ramli sarip n sweet charity,
review cd,
rock melayu
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Metallica -Hardwired To Self-Destruct 3cd version. My out of the box opinion, review, fantasies, ulasan dan tetiba cerita pasal Malex lak...
Pertama sekali aku nak cakap yang aku tak pernah cakap Powerwolf sembah Setan.
OK, my review, opinion, ulasan of Metallica newest album Hardwired To Self-Destruct.
The Triple CD version.
As usual I will talk-cock in my corrupted English, and then in my market incorrigible Malay Bahasa Melayu.
First the cover.
In the Derek Riggs book Run For Cover, he mentioned the first time he saw Queen's The Miracle album, he was reminded of his own artwork for the Clairvoyant.
The booklet.
I LOVE IT. Because the lyrics are printed in huge fonts. I hate it when lyric booklets has micro-bacteria-sized fonts.
The First and Second CD comprising the Twelve New Songs.
I love many parts of the first two cds. I have no complaints.
I can endure every song without skipping. LOL!!
hARDWIRED is the only 3 minute song, the majority is up about 6-7 minutes.
And lots of remembrance of the Metallica I used to like.
I had choosen the Eight Songs that I most would like them to play. Though I would like Metallica to test all the new songs on the Asian Tour before they play to the audience for the rest of the world, maybe it would be too much? So, I would like them to play at least eight songs from the new album
and it will be Song #1, #2, #4 (of course these three) plus, song #3, #6, #7,#11, #12.
My Updated fantasy setlist for 22 Jan 2017 show will be below.
My favourite song, if I have to choose one will be the last song
SPIT OUT THE BONE - It is Fast and Furious yet melodic.
The Third CD.
Firstly, what a good fortune for Ritchie Blackmore. Surely Metallica new album would be sold in millions?
And Ritchie Blackmore has the credits for all the 4 songs for Ronnie Rising, and also When A Blind Man Cries (which rumours is to believed, Ritchie hates this song, thats why the only way to hear When A Blind Man Cries and WASTED SUNSET live, is with Steve Morse era LOL!!, - Sadly, Deep Purple has already announced the LONG GOODBYE TOUR, I think rumours has it will finish in 2018, and I think I will try to make it backpacking to their last few shows in 2018.All Good Things Will Come To An End. I just Ian Paice has no long term effect of the Stroke.
So good for Ritchie, and good for the estate of the late great Cozy Powell (I think his credit is for KILL THE KING which is part of the Ronnie Rising) and Ronnie James Dio.
Speaking of Ritchie Blackmore, I just also managed to grab a copy of the photobook version of Live In Germany...I will SHOW-OFF of it soon.
I am going over-load on anything Rainbow In Germany, one of my biggest dreams in life came true at Loreley first night.
Now, Paul Di Anno wrote the lyrics for Remember Tomorrow, but was there the rumour he sold all his rights to his contributions for the first two Maiden albums to Maiden.
So, I was wondering if no matter how many millions of cds, vinyls, and official downloads that the 3rd cd got, I dont know whether Paul Di Anno will get anything on royalty.
Well, if he dont, he will get more bitter surely, he will have more hatred in him, so lets wait when he comes to Singapore again, and I am sure he will have so much bitter things to say about Steve Harris and co.
I just hope he dont drag Blaze Bailey name next time into his bitterness. Blaze is a good person.
The rest of the 3rd CD, is nothing to say much, just its all songs from their early days 1984 and earlier.
So, this is updated self-fantasy perverted setlist for the 22 Jan 2017 Singapore show, I hope to be there.
Like I say above, lets have Metallica plays 8 new songs out of the 12 on the album.
Lets have them completely skip anything from the BLACK album but still cramped with their fans favourites.
Ecstasy of Gold
1. Breadfan
2. Master Of Puppets
3. Trapped Under Ice
4. Harvester Of Sorrow
5. Hardwired
6. Atlas, Rise
7. Now That We're Dead
8. Moth Into Flame
9. Halo On Fire
10. ManUNkind
11. Murder One
12. Spit Out The Bone (To play TWICE LOL!!)
13. One ( with a 10mins pyro show)
14. Creeping Death
15. Dyers Eve
16. Bleeding Me
17. Blackened
18. No Remorse
19. Battery
2nd encore just because I am in the audience and to appease me for the ridiculous price ticket.
20. Prowler (in full)
21. Kill The King (in full)
22. Stargazer (in full)
22. A Light In The Black (in full)
ok these will never happened... its my wildest fantasy.
But I think it is a very balanced setlist to make everyone happy,
except those who think Metallica only has two good songs - Nothing Else Matters and Enter Sandman.
Salam dan Apa Khabar Semua, sapa brader tu hari cakap setlist angan-angan mat jenin aku ialah private konsert?
Betul ok, kalau Metallica main bawah blok rumah aku, bawah kolong flet, dan dorang tanya aku , orang2 kat flet aku tinggal suka lagu apa, ni la setlist aku kasi kat dorang.
Wakakaka, konfem Polis datang suruh turunkan volume, orang nak tido tak boleh haha.
OK OK, serious...
Eh, sapa dah tengok Speedrider nye unboxing.. kat sini, entah ada lagi ke tak video tu -
Kagum, respek, dan semua nya la, dia tampal kat blog dia tu hari, pasal tak semua orang ada FaceBook kata nya...
timakasey la, cam aku reply kat blog dia, aku cakap tengok unboxing tu 15 minit, terngangah mulut aku hahaa...
Tapi again aku cakap PECAH REKOD!!!!! Unboxing Metallica deluxe vinyl boxset cakap Melayu ada slang Penang kot?
once again, PECAH REKOD. Harap lepas ni ramai lagi buat unboxing tampal kat youtube kasi ulasan kelakar2 nya kalau cakap Melayu ok la baru syok kan... buat lawak gitu haha.
aku ringkas apa aku dah bual colok kat atas cakap omputeh k...
Cover album dan artwork dalam ni semua, aku nak tahu sangat apa dalam hati Derek Riggs, aku rasa cam nak email dia je hahaha.
Derek Riggs masa Queen The Miracle keluar dia ada cakap dia teringat kat artwork dia sendiri iaitu Clairvoyant nye single untuk Iron Maiden.
Dan jugak cd ketiga kan ada rangkaian lagu2 cover version.
Ritchie Blackmore untung besar la kan. Terang2 ni album Metallica ni akan terjual berjuta juta juta unit.
Dan selain dari yang lain2, aku tak tahu Paul Di Anno, yang memang sentiasa ada masalah satu demi satu, aku tak tahu dia akan dapat apa2 habuan hasil lirik dia untuk Remember Tomorrow.
Dia apa aku tahu punya la SELENGER BACIN, ada gossip cakap dia dah jual segala hak cipta yang dia sumbang untuk album pertama dan kedua Iron Maiden kat kumpulan Iron Maiden gitu la.
Dia kan, entah la eh, kalau dia dah stop busukkan nama Steve Harris, dan Iron Maiden tentu dia ok.
Kalau sapa pergi tengok dia buat persembahan kat Hard Rock Singapore, mati2 malam tu aku ingat dia dah taubat, dah tak mau busuk hati kutuk2, mak dia la, nak abis show, cucuk jarum siot.
Abis tu babitkan Blaze Bayley.
Siak la Paul Di Anno. Ni dia punya Architect nye band terus senyap... apa je la.
Tapi kan sepatutnya ni album Metallica kan aku nak ulasan haha,
OK, aku dah jaja sana sini siap cakap nak bawak sepanduk kat pasar Larkin kat blog Berteromber yang aku suka ni album. HAHA.
Aku takde masalah, semua lagu aku suka, secara peribadi aku nak METALLICA MAIN SEMUA LAGU BARU DUA BELAS DUA BELAS ni untuk show Singapore nanti bulan satu nanti.
Tentu dorang akan gunakan Asia nye show 5 , 6 show ni untuk test semua tok nenek lagu baru, pentas baru, dan gimik baru, sebelum mereka mula main kat seluruh dunia yang tentu tekanan lagi hebat.
OK, apa lagi aku nak cakap tu je la... Triple CD ni berbaloi beli, dari segi bungkusan dan buku lirik pun terbaik dari ladang. HURUF LIRIK BESAR BESAR.. SAPA KORANG MATA POTEK!! MATA RABUN.. hahh jangan bimbang.
WAHH panjang lebar sey blog aku kali ni, aku nak try tamatkan 2016 ni dengan kurangkan sendu dan suram kat blog aku yang aku cuba maintain takde hati perut ni. Cewahhh.
ATLAS RISE!!!!!!! sambil buat hand sign Ronnie James Dio gini macam \m/
Rock Mampos ok.
p.s selang dua selang ni, aku asyik masuk youtube main lagu2 Journey la...
Adakah aku ni seorang racist, aku tak mau keluarkan duit untuk tengok Journey hanya pasal Arnel Pinto seorang Filipin?
Tapi entah eh, Journey ialah Steve Perry la kan,
tapi tak boleh cakap aku racist ok, pasal aku suka sangat album Revelations, tapi taik nya Journey aku tengok setlist 2016 dorang tak main siot lagu2 dari album Revelations,
semua main lagu zaman Steve Perry.
Aku speku untuk 2017 Asia tour, mesti dorang main lagu2 zaman Arnel ni kan?
OK la... tengok cammana k..
Pasal selain dari Metallica satu show aku nak gi tengok ialah Guns N Roses...
Cuma aku nak cakap, aku dapat tahu Malex nak main show 23 December ni kat Singapore, kira show dorang sendiri, terbalik kot, aku hari tu ada kat Malaysia lak. Aku off rest tu jam. HAHA..
Takpelah... lain kali tengok Malex lagi.. Aku suka ni band... One of the best rock band Singapore untuk aku selain Lovehunters, Rockers dan Rusty Blade.
Kira drummer bass tu kira Cozy Powell dan Steve Harris la band Malex ni haha.
First album dorang Euphoria is very the very the very the setanding dengan mana2 album Melayu atau International la kesedapan lagu2 nya.
OK dah stoppppppppp ATLAS STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop la Atlas!!
OK, my review, opinion, ulasan of Metallica newest album Hardwired To Self-Destruct.
The Triple CD version.
As usual I will talk-cock in my corrupted English, and then in my market incorrigible Malay Bahasa Melayu.
First the cover.
In the Derek Riggs book Run For Cover, he mentioned the first time he saw Queen's The Miracle album, he was reminded of his own artwork for the Clairvoyant.
The booklet.
I LOVE IT. Because the lyrics are printed in huge fonts. I hate it when lyric booklets has micro-bacteria-sized fonts.
The First and Second CD comprising the Twelve New Songs.
I love many parts of the first two cds. I have no complaints.
I can endure every song without skipping. LOL!!
hARDWIRED is the only 3 minute song, the majority is up about 6-7 minutes.
And lots of remembrance of the Metallica I used to like.
I had choosen the Eight Songs that I most would like them to play. Though I would like Metallica to test all the new songs on the Asian Tour before they play to the audience for the rest of the world, maybe it would be too much? So, I would like them to play at least eight songs from the new album
and it will be Song #1, #2, #4 (of course these three) plus, song #3, #6, #7,#11, #12.
My Updated fantasy setlist for 22 Jan 2017 show will be below.
My favourite song, if I have to choose one will be the last song
SPIT OUT THE BONE - It is Fast and Furious yet melodic.
The Third CD.
Firstly, what a good fortune for Ritchie Blackmore. Surely Metallica new album would be sold in millions?
And Ritchie Blackmore has the credits for all the 4 songs for Ronnie Rising, and also When A Blind Man Cries (which rumours is to believed, Ritchie hates this song, thats why the only way to hear When A Blind Man Cries and WASTED SUNSET live, is with Steve Morse era LOL!!, - Sadly, Deep Purple has already announced the LONG GOODBYE TOUR, I think rumours has it will finish in 2018, and I think I will try to make it backpacking to their last few shows in 2018.All Good Things Will Come To An End. I just Ian Paice has no long term effect of the Stroke.
So good for Ritchie, and good for the estate of the late great Cozy Powell (I think his credit is for KILL THE KING which is part of the Ronnie Rising) and Ronnie James Dio.
Speaking of Ritchie Blackmore, I just also managed to grab a copy of the photobook version of Live In Germany...I will SHOW-OFF of it soon.
I am going over-load on anything Rainbow In Germany, one of my biggest dreams in life came true at Loreley first night.
Now, Paul Di Anno wrote the lyrics for Remember Tomorrow, but was there the rumour he sold all his rights to his contributions for the first two Maiden albums to Maiden.
So, I was wondering if no matter how many millions of cds, vinyls, and official downloads that the 3rd cd got, I dont know whether Paul Di Anno will get anything on royalty.
Well, if he dont, he will get more bitter surely, he will have more hatred in him, so lets wait when he comes to Singapore again, and I am sure he will have so much bitter things to say about Steve Harris and co.
I just hope he dont drag Blaze Bailey name next time into his bitterness. Blaze is a good person.
The rest of the 3rd CD, is nothing to say much, just its all songs from their early days 1984 and earlier.
So, this is updated self-fantasy perverted setlist for the 22 Jan 2017 Singapore show, I hope to be there.
Like I say above, lets have Metallica plays 8 new songs out of the 12 on the album.
Lets have them completely skip anything from the BLACK album but still cramped with their fans favourites.
Ecstasy of Gold
1. Breadfan
2. Master Of Puppets
3. Trapped Under Ice
4. Harvester Of Sorrow
5. Hardwired
6. Atlas, Rise
7. Now That We're Dead
8. Moth Into Flame
9. Halo On Fire
10. ManUNkind
11. Murder One
12. Spit Out The Bone (To play TWICE LOL!!)
13. One ( with a 10mins pyro show)
14. Creeping Death
15. Dyers Eve
16. Bleeding Me
17. Blackened
18. No Remorse
19. Battery
2nd encore just because I am in the audience and to appease me for the ridiculous price ticket.
20. Prowler (in full)
21. Kill The King (in full)
22. Stargazer (in full)
22. A Light In The Black (in full)
ok these will never happened... its my wildest fantasy.
But I think it is a very balanced setlist to make everyone happy,
except those who think Metallica only has two good songs - Nothing Else Matters and Enter Sandman.
Salam dan Apa Khabar Semua, sapa brader tu hari cakap setlist angan-angan mat jenin aku ialah private konsert?
Betul ok, kalau Metallica main bawah blok rumah aku, bawah kolong flet, dan dorang tanya aku , orang2 kat flet aku tinggal suka lagu apa, ni la setlist aku kasi kat dorang.
Wakakaka, konfem Polis datang suruh turunkan volume, orang nak tido tak boleh haha.
OK OK, serious...
Eh, sapa dah tengok Speedrider nye unboxing.. kat sini, entah ada lagi ke tak video tu -
Kagum, respek, dan semua nya la, dia tampal kat blog dia tu hari, pasal tak semua orang ada FaceBook kata nya...
timakasey la, cam aku reply kat blog dia, aku cakap tengok unboxing tu 15 minit, terngangah mulut aku hahaa...
Tapi again aku cakap PECAH REKOD!!!!! Unboxing Metallica deluxe vinyl boxset cakap Melayu ada slang Penang kot?
once again, PECAH REKOD. Harap lepas ni ramai lagi buat unboxing tampal kat youtube kasi ulasan kelakar2 nya kalau cakap Melayu ok la baru syok kan... buat lawak gitu haha.
aku ringkas apa aku dah bual colok kat atas cakap omputeh k...
Cover album dan artwork dalam ni semua, aku nak tahu sangat apa dalam hati Derek Riggs, aku rasa cam nak email dia je hahaha.
Derek Riggs masa Queen The Miracle keluar dia ada cakap dia teringat kat artwork dia sendiri iaitu Clairvoyant nye single untuk Iron Maiden.
Dan jugak cd ketiga kan ada rangkaian lagu2 cover version.
Ritchie Blackmore untung besar la kan. Terang2 ni album Metallica ni akan terjual berjuta juta juta unit.
Dan selain dari yang lain2, aku tak tahu Paul Di Anno, yang memang sentiasa ada masalah satu demi satu, aku tak tahu dia akan dapat apa2 habuan hasil lirik dia untuk Remember Tomorrow.
Dia apa aku tahu punya la SELENGER BACIN, ada gossip cakap dia dah jual segala hak cipta yang dia sumbang untuk album pertama dan kedua Iron Maiden kat kumpulan Iron Maiden gitu la.
Dia kan, entah la eh, kalau dia dah stop busukkan nama Steve Harris, dan Iron Maiden tentu dia ok.
Kalau sapa pergi tengok dia buat persembahan kat Hard Rock Singapore, mati2 malam tu aku ingat dia dah taubat, dah tak mau busuk hati kutuk2, mak dia la, nak abis show, cucuk jarum siot.
Abis tu babitkan Blaze Bayley.
Siak la Paul Di Anno. Ni dia punya Architect nye band terus senyap... apa je la.
Tapi kan sepatutnya ni album Metallica kan aku nak ulasan haha,
OK, aku dah jaja sana sini siap cakap nak bawak sepanduk kat pasar Larkin kat blog Berteromber yang aku suka ni album. HAHA.
Aku takde masalah, semua lagu aku suka, secara peribadi aku nak METALLICA MAIN SEMUA LAGU BARU DUA BELAS DUA BELAS ni untuk show Singapore nanti bulan satu nanti.
Tentu dorang akan gunakan Asia nye show 5 , 6 show ni untuk test semua tok nenek lagu baru, pentas baru, dan gimik baru, sebelum mereka mula main kat seluruh dunia yang tentu tekanan lagi hebat.
OK, apa lagi aku nak cakap tu je la... Triple CD ni berbaloi beli, dari segi bungkusan dan buku lirik pun terbaik dari ladang. HURUF LIRIK BESAR BESAR.. SAPA KORANG MATA POTEK!! MATA RABUN.. hahh jangan bimbang.
WAHH panjang lebar sey blog aku kali ni, aku nak try tamatkan 2016 ni dengan kurangkan sendu dan suram kat blog aku yang aku cuba maintain takde hati perut ni. Cewahhh.
ATLAS RISE!!!!!!! sambil buat hand sign Ronnie James Dio gini macam \m/
Rock Mampos ok.
p.s selang dua selang ni, aku asyik masuk youtube main lagu2 Journey la...
Adakah aku ni seorang racist, aku tak mau keluarkan duit untuk tengok Journey hanya pasal Arnel Pinto seorang Filipin?
Tapi entah eh, Journey ialah Steve Perry la kan,
tapi tak boleh cakap aku racist ok, pasal aku suka sangat album Revelations, tapi taik nya Journey aku tengok setlist 2016 dorang tak main siot lagu2 dari album Revelations,
semua main lagu zaman Steve Perry.
Aku speku untuk 2017 Asia tour, mesti dorang main lagu2 zaman Arnel ni kan?
OK la... tengok cammana k..
Pasal selain dari Metallica satu show aku nak gi tengok ialah Guns N Roses...
Cuma aku nak cakap, aku dapat tahu Malex nak main show 23 December ni kat Singapore, kira show dorang sendiri, terbalik kot, aku hari tu ada kat Malaysia lak. Aku off rest tu jam. HAHA..
Takpelah... lain kali tengok Malex lagi.. Aku suka ni band... One of the best rock band Singapore untuk aku selain Lovehunters, Rockers dan Rusty Blade.
Kira drummer bass tu kira Cozy Powell dan Steve Harris la band Malex ni haha.
First album dorang Euphoria is very the very the very the setanding dengan mana2 album Melayu atau International la kesedapan lagu2 nya.
OK dah stoppppppppp ATLAS STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop la Atlas!!
~ Labels ~
review cd,
rock omputeh
Monday, December 12, 2016
Powerwolf- The Metal Mass Live (Triple Blue-Ray Discs + cd edition)
A short review of one of the "newer" German rock bands that I like very much.
Anyway both are German bands.
The other documentary which is the long one, has the narator in English, the interviews with the band is mostly in German but except Matthew speaks in English.
KELAKAR NYA, kalau dorang main untuk peminat2 dorang kat show dorang sendiri, bayangkan...
Kecoh siak ni band, aku ada cita2 nak tengok ni band main kat Jerman, depan peminat hardcore dorang kat show dorang sendiri.
Sangat seronok interview2 dengan dorang pasal permulaan, cammana dorang build up fan base, dan masalah, MASALAH OK!!! bila tiba2 album kelima kat Jerman dapat nombor satu kat carta rasmi Jerman.
Tapi bila kamera zoom, awek2 ni tahu lirik siot, sing along siap dengan aksi gerak2 tangan buat tengah sembahyang la, tanda salib la, haha,
Atilla Dom ni berbakat, dia dari Romania, so dia memang jiwa Transylvania, Werewolves dan dia training jadi penyanyi Opera, lepas tu dia jumpa gitaris Powerwolf dua orang tu.
korang kalau perasan, live dorang takde orang main bass.
Kat studio Matthew akan main bass, tapi live, bass kosong.
OK macam aku cakap kat atas, aku ni ada minatttt kat ni band,
ni segala tok nenek, tiap2 album, lain2 packaging, boxset boxset dorang dan apa kebenda la...
ada 10 kot aku dah borak pasal dorang... sila tekan aku link ke bawak untuk banyak lagi aku berbual kons pasal Powerwolf, sebuah band sangat tak senonoh ni, haha
ok bye....
hingga berjumpa lagi..
oooo yeah, aku buat posting ni dengan pasang2 lagu2 the greatest of them all -
First in English then in Bahasa Melayu Malay language.
As usual, I try to make both postings has different contents.
So READ BOTH LANGUAGES for different contents if possible.
As usual, I try to make both postings has different contents.
So READ BOTH LANGUAGES for different contents if possible.
Powerwolf definitely plays HEAVY METAL.
One of the best bands I saw in Hellfest 2014. Its very difficult to watch Powerwolf for those living in South East Asia. I dont think they ever play in Asia, not even Japan. (Vreid did a Japan Tour recently how I wish I can go travel there to catch Vreid, I really like Vreid).
And I was at the Merchandise Stand that sells particpant bands for the last day of the festival (Sunday) and I realise everyone was buying two bands tshirts more than the rest of the participating bands for Sunday,
I remember I change my own schedule to catch Equilibrium instead of another rock/metal band playing on another stage. (I forgot who).
Anyway both are German bands.
So, this release is a value for money release.
Three concerts - A prime time performance in Summer Breeze Festival, a headlining show in Czech Republic and an amazing performance in a beautiful hall in Oberhausen in front of their 2000 German fans.
I dont really like the Summer Breeze section as the Czech Republic headlining show and the Oberhausen was simply better because I think the audience was better.
The camera angles for the Oberhausen show is definitely the best.
And in Oberhausen they played Let There Be Night, (who is peeling the onions?? this song brings me sadness LOL!!)
And in Oberhausen they played Let There Be Night, (who is peeling the onions?? this song brings me sadness LOL!!)
Plus two documentaries, the Summer Breeze is purely in German but has great footage of behind the scenes and the environment surrounding Powerwolf.
The other documentary which is the long one, has the narator in English, the interviews with the band is mostly in German but except Matthew speaks in English.
If you are already a Powerwolf fan, buy this release just for this documentary is worth it.
Lots of interesting stories about Powerwolf, the sudden popularity when their album hits number one on the German main charts (the first German metal band to do so).
The make up wearing parts, and the fans, they have amazing fans.
And I notice they have lots of girls fans, in the front rows, and these girls are singing along to the "perverted naughty" lyrics. LOL!!!
To the answer whether they are SATANIC? Matthew says Powerwolf wont comment on that. LOL!!
If you are still considering, the total running time of everything is 417 mins of Powerwolf.
Anyway let me warn in advance, if you think you want to discover Powerwolf by buying this release, let me tell you see these shows for the impressive live performance, and the songs are great,
but in no way, these are Powerwolf best songs, because many of my favourite songs are not played.
Enjoy the photos of some parts of the Triple Blue Ray Discs + a cd. (the cd features songs from Oberhausen) and also additional photos of Powerwolf on stage taken by me.
Lastly, I do blog quite a lot on Powerwolf releases, I think I have talk cock about all their albums, and also those interested I have both their HERESY BOXSETS 1 and 2, and you can see the photos and packagings of everything Powerwolf here...
The only time I ever managed to catch POWERWOLF plays live.
Hellfest 2014.
Lots of fun and singalongs when Powerwolf plays. Happiness.
At the same I took this photo above, this is what happened on stage. LOL!!
I hope to visit HELLFEST again, when if I can confirmed the gossips of Iron Maiden headlining the festival again in the future.. The tickets finished so fast.
POWERWOLF ni satu band rock yang aku suka pasal lagu2 nya dan muzik dia.
Dorang main Heavy Metal.
Kalau tanya dorang ni semua Satanic, tak mau jawab.
KELAKAR NYA, kalau dorang main untuk peminat2 dorang kat show dorang sendiri, bayangkan...
Dua ribu peminat kat dewan semua melutut
Sembah Tuhan Heavy Metal.
Kecoh siak ni band, aku ada cita2 nak tengok ni band main kat Jerman, depan peminat hardcore dorang kat show dorang sendiri.
Tapi macam aku cakap, lantak la apa nak buat, paling penting dorang Terbaik dari Ladang lagu2 dorang,
aku enjoy, dan suka.
Boxset ni seronok la kan? ada tiga konsert berlain,
dokumentari ada dua,
dan apa2 je la.....
Sangat seronok interview2 dengan dorang pasal permulaan, cammana dorang build up fan base, dan masalah, MASALAH OK!!! bila tiba2 album kelima kat Jerman dapat nombor satu kat carta rasmi Jerman.
Band ni gaduh dengan rekod kompeni dorang pasal dorang tiba2 dijemput masuk TV, kira mainstream nye masyarakat nak tahu pasal dorang,
jadi dorang gaduh, dorang mati2 tak mau masuk tv, ye la , dorang memang kira hati dan jiwa metal je la.
Cuma lagu sedap ramai orang suka kot haha....
Cuma lagu sedap ramai orang suka kot haha....
Peminat2 dahsyat, pakai make-up semua, dan macam aku cakap, ni band ramai peminat awek..
Tapi bila kamera zoom, awek2 ni tahu lirik siot, sing along siap dengan aksi gerak2 tangan buat tengah sembahyang la, tanda salib la, haha,
dah la lirik semua pervert, semua berbau agama, hentam agama Kristian, pasal Satan ni semua.. , pasal kegelapan, pasal serigala malam.....
Apa kesimpulan aku, NI BAND KURANG AJAR tapi seronok giler.
Penyanyi dia part latin tu semua, tu apa aku tahu dia hentam kromo je, dia memang boleh berbahasa Latin, pasal dia Opera-trained singer, tapi lirik2 Latin tu ayat2 tunggang langgang, apa aku tahu la...
Tapi sapa la kan paham latin pun hahaha.
OK ni promo masa release
korang perasan ada satu part tu penonton Jerman semua melutut sembahyang kat Tuhan Heavy Metal,
ok la, si penyanyi si Atilla Dom tu tak suruh dorang sembahyang kat Satan. hahaha..
Atilla Dom ni berbakat, dia dari Romania, so dia memang jiwa Transylvania, Werewolves dan dia training jadi penyanyi Opera, lepas tu dia jumpa gitaris Powerwolf dua orang tu.
korang kalau perasan, live dorang takde orang main bass.
Kat studio Matthew akan main bass, tapi live, bass kosong.
OK macam aku cakap kat atas, aku ni ada minatttt kat ni band,
ni segala tok nenek, tiap2 album, lain2 packaging, boxset boxset dorang dan apa kebenda la...
ada 10 kot aku dah borak pasal dorang... sila tekan aku link ke bawak untuk banyak lagi aku berbual kons pasal Powerwolf, sebuah band sangat tak senonoh ni, haha
ok bye....
hingga berjumpa lagi..
oooo yeah, aku buat posting ni dengan pasang2 lagu2 the greatest of them all -
OK walaupun betapa Amen And Attack dan Let There Be Night pun,
tapi ni semua hurray-hurray je la kan, hahahaah
selamat menyambut Maulud Nabi. Aku kat Singapore nari hari biasa je, takde cuti awam ni semua.
Semoga hari ini lebih baik dari semalam,
dan besok lagi baik dari hari ini
dalam segala urusan kehidupan dan spiritual kita.
tapi ni semua hurray-hurray je la kan, hahahaah
selamat menyambut Maulud Nabi. Aku kat Singapore nari hari biasa je, takde cuti awam ni semua.
Semoga hari ini lebih baik dari semalam,
dan besok lagi baik dari hari ini
dalam segala urusan kehidupan dan spiritual kita.
~ Labels ~
review blue-ray,
review cd,
rock omputeh
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Sweet Charity album pertama dan apa je la aku nak bual . (1978 dikeluarkan semula dalam bentuk cd dengan mutu terbaik 2016)
Today we talk about a Malay language rock band.
Sweet Charity from the late 1970s till today are still legends, still revered.
a household name and still a household name in both Singapore and Malaysia and anywhere where Malay Rock Rules.
First sekali, aku rasa sangat berterimakaseh dekat siapa dan mereka2 yang aku rasa dengan penuh teliti dan kasih sayang berkerja keras mengeluarkan semula album2 Sweet Charity dengan bungkusan package yang terbaik yang sangat detail dan cuba tiru cara bungkusan piring hitam satu masa dahulu,
Dan jugak, aku takde masalah dan sangat seronok mendengar audio dari rilisan rilisan ini.
dan packaging nye siap liriks semua. Sangat terharu bila pegang di tangan.
Tolong jangan kemut, sila beli original.
Lagi sekali, terimakaseh yang tak terhingga untuk mereka semua yang kerja sama buat balik rilisan Sweet Charity ni..
Tak ku sangka, budak2 dulu, main Combat dalam longkang-longkang, berangan jadi Vic Morrow dengan kayu dan dahan pokok, belajar nyanyi lagu Bulat Bulat, selepas dah lama ni, tiba2 pegang cd2 cetakan Sweet Charity yang rilisan kali ini is beyond the call of duty.
Ni aset muzik melayu.
Okayyy... first album...
Cover dia kat mana? Apasal aku cakap ni Sembawang Beach? Pantai Sembawang dan belakang tu Johor? Ni tahun2 akhir 1970an gitu..
Kalau salah sila betulkan.
Anyway apa aku nak cakap pasal album ni? Album yang tak banyak lagu rock heavy tapi lebih kepada lagu jenis rakyat.
Bersenda - sedap giler kan?
Teratai - sampai sekarang orang suka, tapi aku rimas dengan lagu ni, macam... BILA NAK GAME?? NEXT SONG PLEASE.
dan kira semua lagu layak masuk dalam arkib seni Melayu.
Tapi.... ada one song.. BAYANG BAYANG KU.
Cover version DOUBLE VISION - Foreigners - dari album Foreigner 4 kot?
Betul bak Sahar (Lovehunters ) cakap, lagu ni orang lagi kenal dari lagu asli omputeh tu.
Kalau sapa minat, ni lagu Bayang Bayang dimainkan/dinyanyikan bersama oleh Ramli Sarip dan Lovehunters (lineup Moliano/Yazid/Sahar) dalam persembahan terakhir Lovehunters pada 1/1/2011, (bebrapa minggu sebelum Iron Maiden main di Singapura).
Dimana Lovehunters pukul abis main tiga jam, dan cuma Saha je masih tak bukak baju sampai abis show.
Untuk sapa yang dah tengok Life Rekod video rasmi konsert ini, lagu Bayang Bayang ni takde.
Mungkin masalah dengan syarikat yang own copyright Ramli Sarip.
Dan kalau akhir lagu ni, korang dengar Saha cakap, Yazid cakap (mat kental wahaha, ok plis ok, mat kental dekat sebahagian komuniti Melayu adalah word paling dielakkan , yes ""kental"" wakakaka, dan last Ramli Sarip cakap....
tu harmonica tu dia nak start Blues Untuk Rakyat , again a roaring version terbaik dalam sejarah aku pernah dengar atau tengok, again takde dalam official dvd. Wasted siak.
Pasal pemuzik dan No Retirement Scheme, dan takde CPF.,
dan terus terang la, aku rasa kalau aku kena pilih satu je band Melayu sebagai terbaik main live dan aku sangat kagum,
aku akan pilih kumpulan Lovehunters (lineup Saha/Yazid/Moliano) walau aku pernah tengok dorang main zaman dengan gitaris Gersang yang ganti Kid tu...
tu pun terror jugak dorang.
Tersangat dahsyat. Tutup mata, ok.. ingat band omputeh, dah la Yazid diction omputeh dia sebijik mat salleh.
Enjoy.... Lovehunters dan Ramli Sarip bawak lagu Bayang Bayang.
Ni bootleg aku rakam malam tu.... ok la kan, dari takde langsung...
TO be continued...
Sweet Charity from the late 1970s till today are still legends, still revered.
a household name and still a household name in both Singapore and Malaysia and anywhere where Malay Rock Rules.
First sekali, aku rasa sangat berterimakaseh dekat siapa dan mereka2 yang aku rasa dengan penuh teliti dan kasih sayang berkerja keras mengeluarkan semula album2 Sweet Charity dengan bungkusan package yang terbaik yang sangat detail dan cuba tiru cara bungkusan piring hitam satu masa dahulu,
Dan jugak, aku takde masalah dan sangat seronok mendengar audio dari rilisan rilisan ini.
dan packaging nye siap liriks semua. Sangat terharu bila pegang di tangan.
Tolong jangan kemut, sila beli original.
Lagi sekali, terimakaseh yang tak terhingga untuk mereka semua yang kerja sama buat balik rilisan Sweet Charity ni..
Tak ku sangka, budak2 dulu, main Combat dalam longkang-longkang, berangan jadi Vic Morrow dengan kayu dan dahan pokok, belajar nyanyi lagu Bulat Bulat, selepas dah lama ni, tiba2 pegang cd2 cetakan Sweet Charity yang rilisan kali ini is beyond the call of duty.
Ni aset muzik melayu.
Okayyy... first album...
Cover dia kat mana? Apasal aku cakap ni Sembawang Beach? Pantai Sembawang dan belakang tu Johor? Ni tahun2 akhir 1970an gitu..
Kalau salah sila betulkan.
Anyway apa aku nak cakap pasal album ni? Album yang tak banyak lagu rock heavy tapi lebih kepada lagu jenis rakyat.
Bersenda - sedap giler kan?
Teratai - sampai sekarang orang suka, tapi aku rimas dengan lagu ni, macam... BILA NAK GAME?? NEXT SONG PLEASE.
dan kira semua lagu layak masuk dalam arkib seni Melayu.
Tapi.... ada one song.. BAYANG BAYANG KU.
Cover version DOUBLE VISION - Foreigners - dari album Foreigner 4 kot?
Betul bak Sahar (Lovehunters ) cakap, lagu ni orang lagi kenal dari lagu asli omputeh tu.
Kalau sapa minat, ni lagu Bayang Bayang dimainkan/dinyanyikan bersama oleh Ramli Sarip dan Lovehunters (lineup Moliano/Yazid/Sahar) dalam persembahan terakhir Lovehunters pada 1/1/2011, (bebrapa minggu sebelum Iron Maiden main di Singapura).
Dimana Lovehunters pukul abis main tiga jam, dan cuma Saha je masih tak bukak baju sampai abis show.
Untuk sapa yang dah tengok Life Rekod video rasmi konsert ini, lagu Bayang Bayang ni takde.
Mungkin masalah dengan syarikat yang own copyright Ramli Sarip.
Dan kalau akhir lagu ni, korang dengar Saha cakap, Yazid cakap (mat kental wahaha, ok plis ok, mat kental dekat sebahagian komuniti Melayu adalah word paling dielakkan , yes ""kental"" wakakaka, dan last Ramli Sarip cakap....
tu harmonica tu dia nak start Blues Untuk Rakyat , again a roaring version terbaik dalam sejarah aku pernah dengar atau tengok, again takde dalam official dvd. Wasted siak.
Pasal pemuzik dan No Retirement Scheme, dan takde CPF.,
dan terus terang la, aku rasa kalau aku kena pilih satu je band Melayu sebagai terbaik main live dan aku sangat kagum,
aku akan pilih kumpulan Lovehunters (lineup Saha/Yazid/Moliano) walau aku pernah tengok dorang main zaman dengan gitaris Gersang yang ganti Kid tu...
tu pun terror jugak dorang.
Tersangat dahsyat. Tutup mata, ok.. ingat band omputeh, dah la Yazid diction omputeh dia sebijik mat salleh.
Enjoy.... Lovehunters dan Ramli Sarip bawak lagu Bayang Bayang.
Ni bootleg aku rakam malam tu.... ok la kan, dari takde langsung...
TO be continued...
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Phil Collins - The Singles (3cd version) - dan mengapa aku rasa dia ni hebat sangat karier muzik dia.
Salam & Greetings.
A bit in Malay and then in English.
Recently released Phil Collins The Singles. This is the 3cd version. (There is a 2cd version also.)
Mungkin untuk sesetengah orang Phil Collins ni ialah seorang penyanyi popular dengan lagu2 nya dimainkan di radio.
Tapi, aku suka Phil Collins ni bukan sahaja lagu2 dia banyak yang gerek2...
tapi.. sikit lebih kurang macam gini la ye...
Masa dia muda2, dia mula2 di ambil jadi pemain drum kumpulan GENESIS. Tapi dia bukan ahli original.
Dan GENESIS ni, masa zaman STEVE HARRIS muda2, dia akan pergi tengok GENESIS main "live". Jadi, memang IRON MAIDEN ni pengaruh progressif dan "time changes" dorang banyak pengaruh dari band2 macam GENESIS dan JETHRO TULL.
Dan Phil Collins ni, selepas dari zaman Genesis, walau jadi artis solo, penyanyi solo, tapi dia tetap bermain drum,
dan bila LED ZEPPELIN bergabung untuk Live Aid, dan selepas kematian JOHN BONHAM, tak lain tak bukan, drummer yang dipilih Led Zeppelin untuk main bersama dorang ialah Phil Collins.
dan jugak Phil Collins juga ialah pemain drum untuk ERIC CLAPTON.
Dan memang dorang banyak bekerjasama dan kalau korang dengar kat radio lagu "I Wish It Would Rain Down", lagu sayu sangat romantik tu, semua guitar solo ialah Eric Clapton nye kerja dan lagu juga melahirkan Music Video yang antara aku paling terbaik dan terhebat dalam sejarah aku tengok mana2 muzik video.
Dan jugak, bila kumpulan QUEEN yang tinggal dan aktif iaitu Brian May & Roger Taylor main dan perlukan Roger Taylor tampil ke depan nyanyi pasal FREDDIE MERCURY DAH MATI KAN??, maka bangku drums akan diisi oleh Phil Collins.
Jadi.... memang DAHSYAT la dekni. TERDAHSYAT DARI LADANG.
Muzik2 dia kan, memang tak tahu nak fokus mana satu, ini serupa macam kalau aku dengar TOTO. Dan macam aku pernah cakap, kalau aku tak tahu kewujudan Iron Maiden, maka TOTO adalah band terbaik dan paling aku kagumi dan antara band paling menakjubkan aku pernah tengok main.
Anyway, kalau perasan, pemain bass bagi Phil Collins seperti Gandalf (ala... yang famous macam Gandalf tu, dan jugak Nathan East, kedua2 bermain bagi Phil Collins dan jugak bermain untuk TOTO.
Jadi ni bukan satu kebetulan je kan?
Aku tak pernah tengok Phil Collins main live, aku pun tak tahu cammana kalau gi tengok dia main live nak tengok sapa.. haha.
Dahsyat segala pemuzik2 dan penyanyi2 latar Phil Collins.
Drumset dan percussion set je sekurang2 nye ada tiga set complete atas pentas.
Ni contoh dia main live... drum solo, lepas tu dah mengah2 terus nyanyi lagu SOMETHING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO HEAVEN.
Dia termengah2 tu ok, tapi suara maintain giler sedap... Dan tengok dia punya band kalau main live, tak giler babi tu band pemuzik dan penyanyi latar dia...
AMAZING la cakap kan...
Dan ni ialah video klip aku minat sangat... JALAN CERITA VIODE MUZIK DIA SANGAT SEDIH.
Aku kalau sedih2, nanti aku tengok video lagu ni, lagi aku sedih...
video ni 8 minit,
pasal permulaan pemain drum dia yang kulit hitam tu cuma jadi pencuci pentas. Tengah mop lantai...
Sedih giler ok, siot nye tuan Producer.
Ni kira loser nye song la. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Kalau korang tengok video clip ni menampilkan personaliti dan pemuzik yang mungkin korang tahu.
Phil Collins...
What can be said that has not been said??
I think he is one of the best ever musician, songwriter, singer, entertainer...
I have always like him, and his music will continue...
I hope one day to explore more his time with GENESIS, and also his less known songs on all his solo albums...
Unfortunately I have never seen him or his wonderful band (irregardless who is the musicians he choose) play live.
Maybe one day. I am sure I dont know who to look out for on stage. Just like watching TOTO. LOL!!!
A bit in Malay and then in English.
Recently released Phil Collins The Singles. This is the 3cd version. (There is a 2cd version also.)
Mungkin untuk sesetengah orang Phil Collins ni ialah seorang penyanyi popular dengan lagu2 nya dimainkan di radio.
Tapi, aku suka Phil Collins ni bukan sahaja lagu2 dia banyak yang gerek2...
tapi.. sikit lebih kurang macam gini la ye...
Masa dia muda2, dia mula2 di ambil jadi pemain drum kumpulan GENESIS. Tapi dia bukan ahli original.
Dan GENESIS ni, masa zaman STEVE HARRIS muda2, dia akan pergi tengok GENESIS main "live". Jadi, memang IRON MAIDEN ni pengaruh progressif dan "time changes" dorang banyak pengaruh dari band2 macam GENESIS dan JETHRO TULL.
Dan Phil Collins ni, selepas dari zaman Genesis, walau jadi artis solo, penyanyi solo, tapi dia tetap bermain drum,
dan bila LED ZEPPELIN bergabung untuk Live Aid, dan selepas kematian JOHN BONHAM, tak lain tak bukan, drummer yang dipilih Led Zeppelin untuk main bersama dorang ialah Phil Collins.
dan jugak Phil Collins juga ialah pemain drum untuk ERIC CLAPTON.
Dan memang dorang banyak bekerjasama dan kalau korang dengar kat radio lagu "I Wish It Would Rain Down", lagu sayu sangat romantik tu, semua guitar solo ialah Eric Clapton nye kerja dan lagu juga melahirkan Music Video yang antara aku paling terbaik dan terhebat dalam sejarah aku tengok mana2 muzik video.
Dan jugak, bila kumpulan QUEEN yang tinggal dan aktif iaitu Brian May & Roger Taylor main dan perlukan Roger Taylor tampil ke depan nyanyi pasal FREDDIE MERCURY DAH MATI KAN??, maka bangku drums akan diisi oleh Phil Collins.
Jadi.... memang DAHSYAT la dekni. TERDAHSYAT DARI LADANG.
Muzik2 dia kan, memang tak tahu nak fokus mana satu, ini serupa macam kalau aku dengar TOTO. Dan macam aku pernah cakap, kalau aku tak tahu kewujudan Iron Maiden, maka TOTO adalah band terbaik dan paling aku kagumi dan antara band paling menakjubkan aku pernah tengok main.
Anyway, kalau perasan, pemain bass bagi Phil Collins seperti Gandalf (ala... yang famous macam Gandalf tu, dan jugak Nathan East, kedua2 bermain bagi Phil Collins dan jugak bermain untuk TOTO.
Jadi ni bukan satu kebetulan je kan?
Aku tak pernah tengok Phil Collins main live, aku pun tak tahu cammana kalau gi tengok dia main live nak tengok sapa.. haha.
Dahsyat segala pemuzik2 dan penyanyi2 latar Phil Collins.
Drumset dan percussion set je sekurang2 nye ada tiga set complete atas pentas.
Ni contoh dia main live... drum solo, lepas tu dah mengah2 terus nyanyi lagu SOMETHING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO HEAVEN.
Dia termengah2 tu ok, tapi suara maintain giler sedap... Dan tengok dia punya band kalau main live, tak giler babi tu band pemuzik dan penyanyi latar dia...
AMAZING la cakap kan...
Dan ni ialah video klip aku minat sangat... JALAN CERITA VIODE MUZIK DIA SANGAT SEDIH.
Aku kalau sedih2, nanti aku tengok video lagu ni, lagi aku sedih...
video ni 8 minit,
pasal permulaan pemain drum dia yang kulit hitam tu cuma jadi pencuci pentas. Tengah mop lantai...
Sedih giler ok, siot nye tuan Producer.
Ni kira loser nye song la. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Kalau korang tengok video clip ni menampilkan personaliti dan pemuzik yang mungkin korang tahu.
Phil Collins...
What can be said that has not been said??
I think he is one of the best ever musician, songwriter, singer, entertainer...
I have always like him, and his music will continue...
I hope one day to explore more his time with GENESIS, and also his less known songs on all his solo albums...
Unfortunately I have never seen him or his wonderful band (irregardless who is the musicians he choose) play live.
Maybe one day. I am sure I dont know who to look out for on stage. Just like watching TOTO. LOL!!!
~ Labels ~
phil collins,
review cd,
rock omputeh
Friday, November 25, 2016
Ritchie Blackmore's RAINBOW Live In Germany Memories In Rock - Japanese Pressing Blue Ray + 2cd (with additional songs Japan version only)
Assalamualaikum and Greetings Everyone
Wherever you are.
I hope this will be a short post but knowing me, I will stray completely out of topic usually LOL!.
As usual first in my broken uneducated incoherent English Language followed by my market-street-lingo style Bahasa Melayu Pasar Malay Language.
I will try to have different contents, so its good to know both languages. LOL!!
Much has been talked by me in this blog, as I was at the first night Loreley Germany show.
The fireworks was amazing during Smoke On The Water in Loreley.
A photo of that situation is at the back of the booklet of the version packaging that I have.
My review of the first night in LORELEY for you who have not read it and the photos of the first night show in an amazing place, with and amazing performance and fans coming from all over the world is here plus opening bands is linked here.
I also add some info on how I managed to get to Loreley and spent a few days besides the Rhine River at Sank Goar and exploring villages and towns along the fearsome river.
Anything and everything else Deep Purple/Rainbow related , boxsets, deluxe released, magazines, Japanese pressings and whatever is all under this label..
Anyway, this are some photos from the packaging.
The Japanese Pressings of the Blue Ray + 2cd versions besides having additional songs also have as usual a Obi Strip and also another booklet in white which has Japanese texts and also on the seperate Japanese booklet contains all the SETLISTS for the three nights that Rainbow 2016 version played - LORELEY, STUTTGART and also BIRMINGHAM. That means 2 nights in Germany and 1 night in England.
The Japanese booklet looks interesting but sorry, I have no idea at all what is printed.
Anyway, Rainbow of the year 2016.
Probably the very final Rainbow lineup ever.
And I will say again and again. This is a Ritchie Blackmore band. He do as he pleases all his career and he won't start pleasing anyone now.
He can choose who he likes, and who are we all to complain and be bitter about it just like Joe Lynn Turner? Well, at least Joe Lynn Turner is a somebody. LOL!!
So I will just roughly says what I like about this release, and whats the special about the Japanese Pressings of this release.
So as can be seen,
All the video footages and audios only come from the Monsters Of Rock events of Loreley and Stuttgart.
Bietigheim Bissingen is the actual place, but then I discover its at Stuttgart so lets call it Stuttgart.
Stuttgart being a famous Bundesliga football club, so its easier for identification and familiarisation process.
The Confusion that causes me to decide to go for the better content Japanese Version is -
The Blue Ray that I have has this footage as the intro showing the River Rhine and vicinity of Loreley
Pomp & Circumstances (Loreley)
The blue ray and audio cds have the exact following just for a start because then it becomes complicated -
Over The Rainbow & Highway Star (Loreley)
Spotlight Kid (Stuttgart)
Mistreated (Stuttgart)
16th Century Greensleeves (Stuttgart)
Since You Been Gone (Stuttgart)
Man On The Silver Mountain (Loreley)
Catch The Rainbow (Loreley)
Difficult To Cure (Loreley)
Perfect Strangers (Stuttgart)
Stargazer (Loreley)
Long Live RnR (Stuttgart)
Child In Time (Stuttgart)
Black Night (Stuttgart)
Smoke On The Water (Stuttgart)
- In addition I think all pressings has a Bonus of
Spotlight Kid (Loreley)
Man On The Silver Mountain (Stuttgart)
Long Live RnR (Loreley)
Stargazer (Stuttgart)
and this where the difference start
the Japanese pressings of the blue ray and cds
have additional of following
Since You Been Gone (Loreley)
Catch The Rainbow (Stuttgart)
So its really a good value for money..
buts Its very confusing really everytime Japanese Pressing has this extras on any rock or metal band releases.
More photos
- The video is beautifully shot, with lots of very nice angles especially of Loreley and the Rhine River vicinity...
- Lots of different angles that I like
- Every band member is fairly featured in the videos and have close ups shots and also enough time on the videos for us to enjoy their playing and touches.
- The Drummer is wearing a Depeche Mode tshirt for the 2nd night in Stuttgart I realise on watching the blue-ray.
Now this is someone with great taste. (I am so excited for the new release of DM).
- nice shots of the audience showing lots of people of different age groups which is awesome..
- the sound is superb, I like what I hear too.
- Ronnie James Dio \m/ \m/ sign is seen alot during the shows of course.
As long as Rock and Metal music is alive, his hand sign will go on and on, on and on...
- As expected of a Ritchie Blackmore band, (being it Deep Purple or Rainbow),
in just two nights of back to back shows of their very first two ever shows together and there are plenty of variations and improvisations to please the fans of these two bands.
So its a really value for money to purchase these official releases.
And for those who were there a wonderful momento.
I am so pleased to hear the performance and variations of the second night, and especially Stuttgart has an extra song of 16th Century Greensleeves, which has Ritchie Blackmore wandering of to a another dimension.
After all these slaggings from the internet critics who did not attend the events but has so much garbage to throw at the Rainbow 2016 and Ritchie himself,
I watch the video, and I still find happy people, happy singalong fans in the audience, exactly like I was there,
I never see any unhappy faces, I never hear any Booing when I was there, and again just look at the videos everyone was clapping and having a good time
and yet on the internet, quite a few very bitter people who keep slagging of RB and his band, even the choice of songs..
And please its incredible people are slagging a 71 year old man with Arthritis problem, who just had a finger operation before the Loreley show, who had not played these rock songs for 20 years, and had choosen a completely new band with an unknown singer, and surely the whole world knows what to expect once the drummer and bassist for the new lineup is announced, and his words he just want to play some rock music, and on their first two shows ever.
I think respect would be nice after all the happiness that he had brought to us all with Deep Purple, Rainbow, Blackmore's Night and also all the family tree that leads from the first two bands into Whitesnake and Dio and whatever other bands and musicians.
I mean, people have to stop being bitter in life. Please.
A reminder to myself this one and to all you
bitching fuckers out there.
Just enjoy the moment because nothing last forever. Even Ritchie Blackmore.
And Lets see how good you are when you are 71. LOL!!
Maybe you cannot even stand up. So there.
Its weird because if you want a RB of your dreams, you can always have your music collection or memories.
Thats all, if I get the photobook version of this release, I will show it in this blog also.
Lastly some snapshots I took while watching the video...
awesome shots of Loreley mountain top with the Rhine River besides it and awesome ships passing thru..
I stayed at the small tiny town/village opposite called Sank Goar. SUPERB place for travelling and backpacking and exploring this section of the Rhine River.
Ok la apa aku nak cakap aku dah cakap...
Untuk peminat2 Rainbow zaman Ronnie James Dio terutama nya, terbaik la kan Ronnie Romero dapat dijumpai oleh Candice Night melalui youtube (ni sebijik kes si Ariel Pirno penyanyi Filipino tu yang ditemui oleh Neal Schon melalui youtube dan akhirnya menjadi penganti Steve Perry dalam kumpulan Journey.
Terus terang la kan, aku cakap penyanyi terbaik untuk jadi penyanyi Journey tetap Joey Belladona dari kumpulan ANTHRAX. Mesti gempak ok Joey Belladona masuk kumpulan Journey.
Tentu Neal Schon dan pernah tengok Joey Belladona bawak lagu2 Journey lam youtube pe. haha.
Apa pun rilisan ni, untuk la terbaik dari ladang... pasal kalau Ritchie Blackmore ambil sapa2 penyanyi yang lepas, konfem takde sapa boleh bawak lagu zaman Dio,
jadi tetap kena ambil penyanyi yang boleh nyanyikan lagu2 zaman Dio,
dan memang handal Ronnie Romero boleh bawa lagu2 yang waktu ni Ian Gillan dalam Deep Purple pun dah tak mampu bawak, seperti Child In Time.
Jadi kalau korang nak beli rilisan ni, aku rasa bagus la. Pasal seleksi lagu nya ialah lagu2 popular yang dikenali ramai,
contoh macam Catch The Rainbow, dua2 malam pun terbaik..
dan Stargazer terutama malam Loreley, cam aku cakap kat blog post aku dulu...
Dreams Come True untuk aku...
pasal malam tu Stargazer nye ending sebijik cammana aku nak... tak berhenti, diteruskan diteruskan diteruskan.......
dan jugak boleh dengar inpretasi Ritchie Blackmore dan bagaimana dia nak lagu2 berkumandang ikut selera dia dalam tahun 2016 ni.
Terus terang cakap la kan, pergi tengok Deep Purple main dengan Steve Morse, aku rasa aku dah tengok Steve Morse main dengan Deep Purple dah 5 kali kot, kat Hellfest pun aku dah tengok dorang main tapi solo Highway Star tu kan, betapa live dan jugak kalau kita tengok dalam youtube macam2 handalan hebat kan, tapi cuma satu orang je la yang boleh buat mata rasa berair, hahaha.....
iaitu bila Ritchie Blackmore solo lagu ni....
rasa macam ok, segalanya worth it.
Dia kalau buat persembahan tambahan tahun 2017 dengan gunakan nama RAINBOW, aku speku dia akan main sepenuhnya lagu2 Rainbow sahaja.
dan tentu KILL THE KING akan berkumandang buat kali terakhir.
Walau aku tak konfiden Rainbow sekarang ni akan bawak Light In The Black..
Cehhhh Asyik Puji Metallica je skarang kan. hahaa.
Wherever you are.
I hope this will be a short post but knowing me, I will stray completely out of topic usually LOL!.
As usual first in my broken uneducated incoherent English Language followed by my market-street-lingo style Bahasa Melayu Pasar Malay Language.
I will try to have different contents, so its good to know both languages. LOL!!
Much has been talked by me in this blog, as I was at the first night Loreley Germany show.
The fireworks was amazing during Smoke On The Water in Loreley.
A photo of that situation is at the back of the booklet of the version packaging that I have.
My review of the first night in LORELEY for you who have not read it and the photos of the first night show in an amazing place, with and amazing performance and fans coming from all over the world is here plus opening bands is linked here.
I also add some info on how I managed to get to Loreley and spent a few days besides the Rhine River at Sank Goar and exploring villages and towns along the fearsome river.
Anything and everything else Deep Purple/Rainbow related , boxsets, deluxe released, magazines, Japanese pressings and whatever is all under this label..
Anyway, this are some photos from the packaging.
The Japanese Pressings of the Blue Ray + 2cd versions besides having additional songs also have as usual a Obi Strip and also another booklet in white which has Japanese texts and also on the seperate Japanese booklet contains all the SETLISTS for the three nights that Rainbow 2016 version played - LORELEY, STUTTGART and also BIRMINGHAM. That means 2 nights in Germany and 1 night in England.
The Japanese booklet looks interesting but sorry, I have no idea at all what is printed.
Anyway, Rainbow of the year 2016.
Probably the very final Rainbow lineup ever.
And I will say again and again. This is a Ritchie Blackmore band. He do as he pleases all his career and he won't start pleasing anyone now.
He can choose who he likes, and who are we all to complain and be bitter about it just like Joe Lynn Turner? Well, at least Joe Lynn Turner is a somebody. LOL!!
So I will just roughly says what I like about this release, and whats the special about the Japanese Pressings of this release.
So as can be seen,
All the video footages and audios only come from the Monsters Of Rock events of Loreley and Stuttgart.
Bietigheim Bissingen is the actual place, but then I discover its at Stuttgart so lets call it Stuttgart.
Stuttgart being a famous Bundesliga football club, so its easier for identification and familiarisation process.
The Confusion that causes me to decide to go for the better content Japanese Version is -
The Blue Ray that I have has this footage as the intro showing the River Rhine and vicinity of Loreley
Pomp & Circumstances (Loreley)
The blue ray and audio cds have the exact following just for a start because then it becomes complicated -
Over The Rainbow & Highway Star (Loreley)
Spotlight Kid (Stuttgart)
Mistreated (Stuttgart)
16th Century Greensleeves (Stuttgart)
Since You Been Gone (Stuttgart)
Man On The Silver Mountain (Loreley)
Catch The Rainbow (Loreley)
Difficult To Cure (Loreley)
Perfect Strangers (Stuttgart)
Stargazer (Loreley)
Long Live RnR (Stuttgart)
Child In Time (Stuttgart)
Black Night (Stuttgart)
Smoke On The Water (Stuttgart)
- In addition I think all pressings has a Bonus of
Spotlight Kid (Loreley)
Man On The Silver Mountain (Stuttgart)
Long Live RnR (Loreley)
Stargazer (Stuttgart)
and this where the difference start
the Japanese pressings of the blue ray and cds
have additional of following
Since You Been Gone (Loreley)
Catch The Rainbow (Stuttgart)
So its really a good value for money..
buts Its very confusing really everytime Japanese Pressing has this extras on any rock or metal band releases.
More photos
- The video is beautifully shot, with lots of very nice angles especially of Loreley and the Rhine River vicinity...
- Lots of different angles that I like
- Every band member is fairly featured in the videos and have close ups shots and also enough time on the videos for us to enjoy their playing and touches.
- The Drummer is wearing a Depeche Mode tshirt for the 2nd night in Stuttgart I realise on watching the blue-ray.
Now this is someone with great taste. (I am so excited for the new release of DM).
- nice shots of the audience showing lots of people of different age groups which is awesome..
- the sound is superb, I like what I hear too.
- Ronnie James Dio \m/ \m/ sign is seen alot during the shows of course.
As long as Rock and Metal music is alive, his hand sign will go on and on, on and on...
- As expected of a Ritchie Blackmore band, (being it Deep Purple or Rainbow),
in just two nights of back to back shows of their very first two ever shows together and there are plenty of variations and improvisations to please the fans of these two bands.
So its a really value for money to purchase these official releases.
And for those who were there a wonderful momento.
I am so pleased to hear the performance and variations of the second night, and especially Stuttgart has an extra song of 16th Century Greensleeves, which has Ritchie Blackmore wandering of to a another dimension.
After all these slaggings from the internet critics who did not attend the events but has so much garbage to throw at the Rainbow 2016 and Ritchie himself,
I watch the video, and I still find happy people, happy singalong fans in the audience, exactly like I was there,
I never see any unhappy faces, I never hear any Booing when I was there, and again just look at the videos everyone was clapping and having a good time
and yet on the internet, quite a few very bitter people who keep slagging of RB and his band, even the choice of songs..
And please its incredible people are slagging a 71 year old man with Arthritis problem, who just had a finger operation before the Loreley show, who had not played these rock songs for 20 years, and had choosen a completely new band with an unknown singer, and surely the whole world knows what to expect once the drummer and bassist for the new lineup is announced, and his words he just want to play some rock music, and on their first two shows ever.
I think respect would be nice after all the happiness that he had brought to us all with Deep Purple, Rainbow, Blackmore's Night and also all the family tree that leads from the first two bands into Whitesnake and Dio and whatever other bands and musicians.
I mean, people have to stop being bitter in life. Please.
A reminder to myself this one and to all you
bitching fuckers out there.
Just enjoy the moment because nothing last forever. Even Ritchie Blackmore.
And Lets see how good you are when you are 71. LOL!!
Maybe you cannot even stand up. So there.
Its weird because if you want a RB of your dreams, you can always have your music collection or memories.
Thats all, if I get the photobook version of this release, I will show it in this blog also.
Lastly some snapshots I took while watching the video...
awesome shots of Loreley mountain top with the Rhine River besides it and awesome ships passing thru..
I stayed at the small tiny town/village opposite called Sank Goar. SUPERB place for travelling and backpacking and exploring this section of the Rhine River.
Ok la apa aku nak cakap aku dah cakap...
Untuk peminat2 Rainbow zaman Ronnie James Dio terutama nya, terbaik la kan Ronnie Romero dapat dijumpai oleh Candice Night melalui youtube (ni sebijik kes si Ariel Pirno penyanyi Filipino tu yang ditemui oleh Neal Schon melalui youtube dan akhirnya menjadi penganti Steve Perry dalam kumpulan Journey.
Terus terang la kan, aku cakap penyanyi terbaik untuk jadi penyanyi Journey tetap Joey Belladona dari kumpulan ANTHRAX. Mesti gempak ok Joey Belladona masuk kumpulan Journey.
Tentu Neal Schon dan pernah tengok Joey Belladona bawak lagu2 Journey lam youtube pe. haha.
Apa pun rilisan ni, untuk la terbaik dari ladang... pasal kalau Ritchie Blackmore ambil sapa2 penyanyi yang lepas, konfem takde sapa boleh bawak lagu zaman Dio,
jadi tetap kena ambil penyanyi yang boleh nyanyikan lagu2 zaman Dio,
dan memang handal Ronnie Romero boleh bawa lagu2 yang waktu ni Ian Gillan dalam Deep Purple pun dah tak mampu bawak, seperti Child In Time.
Jadi kalau korang nak beli rilisan ni, aku rasa bagus la. Pasal seleksi lagu nya ialah lagu2 popular yang dikenali ramai,
contoh macam Catch The Rainbow, dua2 malam pun terbaik..
dan Stargazer terutama malam Loreley, cam aku cakap kat blog post aku dulu...
Dreams Come True untuk aku...
pasal malam tu Stargazer nye ending sebijik cammana aku nak... tak berhenti, diteruskan diteruskan diteruskan.......
dan jugak boleh dengar inpretasi Ritchie Blackmore dan bagaimana dia nak lagu2 berkumandang ikut selera dia dalam tahun 2016 ni.
Terus terang cakap la kan, pergi tengok Deep Purple main dengan Steve Morse, aku rasa aku dah tengok Steve Morse main dengan Deep Purple dah 5 kali kot, kat Hellfest pun aku dah tengok dorang main tapi solo Highway Star tu kan, betapa live dan jugak kalau kita tengok dalam youtube macam2 handalan hebat kan, tapi cuma satu orang je la yang boleh buat mata rasa berair, hahaha.....
iaitu bila Ritchie Blackmore solo lagu ni....
rasa macam ok, segalanya worth it.
Dia kalau buat persembahan tambahan tahun 2017 dengan gunakan nama RAINBOW, aku speku dia akan main sepenuhnya lagu2 Rainbow sahaja.
dan tentu KILL THE KING akan berkumandang buat kali terakhir.
Walau aku tak konfiden Rainbow sekarang ni akan bawak Light In The Black..
Cehhhh Asyik Puji Metallica je skarang kan. hahaa.
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