( click all photos to enlarge, aku try type in Melayu Pasar dan English )

krabi thailand...best giler, fantastic, pengalaman manis chewah.. Of course tak perfect la, ada benda yang tak berapa best especially pasal makanan, considering the number of Muslims in the area. nanti la aku cerita pelan2 dan tampal gambar2 foto2 tempat2 yang kita gi kat sana. Apa kita tahu dari locals masa pergi sana,
Krabi at this time is low-tourism season. The hotels and attractions are maybe half the price of the peak period where everything will be double, triple the price and crowded with many visitors and holiday seekers from all over the world. So kira kita untung la.
Lets begin with our trip to the Phi Phi Islands.. Enjoy some of the photos..I guess more than a thousand photos was taken by us for this trip. A number of them will be slowly uploaded on my flickr website once I had gone thru the censoring especially the beach wear scenes haha :-) Anyway, Phi Phi Islands trip comprises 8 stops with 3 snorkelling opportunities. 
jakun kejap aku, yelah, air dan pantai bersih cantik, boleh jalan jauh jugak dalam laut, boleh snorkelling, ikan warna warni banyak kat kawasan kita mungkin pasal kita jauh sikit dari orang lain.. Ini
Bamboo Island. Pulau Buluh. Cerita tragik sebalik kecantikan ni, pulau ni pun kena hentam ngan tsunami 2004 tu hari.. jadi ironi nye, dah tak banyak bamboo dah.. Tengok signboard berapa tinggi tsunami tu dah naik.. Maha Agung Allah, dia cantikkan, sekelip mata je dia hempaskan tsunami, lepas tu, cantik balik. Menakjubkan kalo kita fikir dan tengok kuasa Tuhan. Kalo tsunami dah kuat giler dan tinggi gitu sampai ratus2 ribu orang mati , semua hancur, apsal pasir kat pantai tu tetap cantik bersih putih cam gitu? cam tak pernah kena usik gitu? mindboggling.

The Tsunami hazard zone with the 4m height indication. aku dont mind kalau dapat pergi lagi sekali, aku nak lepak kat Bamboo Island ni pagi sampai petang, maybe overnite pun takpe... I love the beach, the sea, the fish, the whole environment here. Lepas Bamboo Island, kita gi
Viking Cave.
Viking Cave is out of bound to visitors due to the damage and disturbance caused as it is a source of bird nest revenue for the locals. Pasal pengunjung datang buat bising dan kecoh2 kot, jadi gua ni dah tak boleh masuk sebarang, tengok dari luar je la.

Lohsamah Bay & Pileh Bay.
Sorry I got a bit confused on which is which.

Pengsi abis kan tempat ni? thanks to Air Asia, budget can travel, pada aku the best thing ever since bas express tak berenti air hitam/yong peng huhu.

banyak ikan kan? siap guna roti buat tarikan ikan. Next of the next, I think this is
Maya Bay and I think maybe actually Pileh Bay is also here. Sorry, I dont really take note what the guide said actually.


Sini boleh relak2 kat pantai, dah tu ada toilet facilities jugak.

Hah, yang ni aku konpem betul. Pasal yang ni aku hafal, maklum members lama.
~ MONKEY BEACH ~ We are not allowed to the beach as we could be exposed to attacks from the locals. Our guide also informed of cases where the monkeys go onboard the boats to steal and damage items belonging to the visitors. 
cantikkan? aku jakun beb tengok phi phi islands ni. Ni lak ada sekumpulan mat salleh yang gi pantai dan usik2 monyet2 tu.. ada part tu cam satu mat salleh tu kena sergah, nasib baik tak kena cakar atau lagi teruk cedera ngan penduduk2 tempatan ni.

Minah thailand pakai rayban ni guide kita orang. Sawadika ok. No p. Hah, next gi
Phi Phi Don, ada kedai2, makan2 pun. Makan2 nye gambo semua aku taruk nanti kat satu topik khas k.

Aku heran apa tu dorang gantung2 warna2 kat depan bot dorang ni.. macam pakaikan bot ni tali leher gitu eh.
a boat-making in progress. Sorry if my english is wrong but this is a way for me to prektis speaking london.

Aku suka sangat yang ni, aku realise, kita ada beli tshirt design cam gini jugak..
The last stop for this trip was called Hin Kiang. Also the final opportunity for snorkelling. Cantik sey.

mat salleh swim with the fishes. Sapa nama pai-kia veteran ceta Godfather tu? Luca Bassi ke sapa ntah hehe.

lawa kan? sorry eh aku ni mulut takde insuran, tapi... aku teringat cerita jaws lak. So sapa korang ngah considering gi Krabi, atau baru tahu... maybe korang try ni Phi Phi Islands trip la.. Dorang ada lain2, 4 islands, 5 islands, etc etc... kita gi tu hari about 800bath, tapi aku nengok pamplet taruk harga 1600bath, tu peak season kot. ok ok, next Somkiet Buri Resort. Satu kelebihan Somkiet Buri ni ialah makanan dia Halal so at least breakfast ke ( pasal selalu hotel kasi sarapan per kan dah include dalam bill ), kalau kebuluran ke, senang sikit, dan jugak pekerja2 dia ramai Islam, memang korang tanya cakap omputeh 'prayer direction''prayer time' , dorang tak paham sangat tapi korang cakap 'kiblat?''now zohor or asar?', dorang tahu la apa korang bebual. Lokasi dia pun alrite jugak la, jalan sikit dah sampai pantai Ao Nang.

At night, it do get a bit scary returning back to our lodging place which is a bit inside muehehehe.

but of course the place is wonderful.. outside and the inside..

the balcony bila malam pun...ye la, tak ramai orang.. jadi seram2 tu adalah, aku rasa malam ada monyet la, letak ikan bilis nye tidbits besok pagi dah kena congkong. Ye la monyet la kan? takkan han.... tupai hehe.

arrow kat siling jangan dilupakan..

Paling best, pasal ngah takde pelancong lain, jadi swimming pool kita konker. Conquer abis nye...pagi..petang...pagi..petang..pagi petang....

ada air buih2 gitu woo.. cam jakuzi gitu..

Ok nanti senang sambung k... gambo last bas buat kali ni. Phi Phi Islands.. aku masih teringat ikan2 kaler kuning hitam ni lagi la..
bapak best giler ko nyer vac deaf...aku pon jakun lama tgk pic2 ni..ekeke...aku pnah gak tingin g island kat thailand ni pas aku tgk citer the beach dolo2..sbb lawa pantai dia..
yg kat gua tu lawa sungguh...seram2 jek..huhu..jeles3..aku pon nak g gak..hehe..
deaf..aku nak ucap samat ari raya kat ko n seluruh family ko ek..salam aidilfitri maaf zahir batin...lambat aku wish ko..hehe..semoga korg berbahagia di aidilfitri ni..^_^
giler laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......mmg cantik2 gambar sume......terpukau sey!! cayalah bro...sume gambar2 mmg debomb...puas tgk...rase mcm kat sane....lawa gilaa pantai die.....tgk awan pun same......mmg cantik abis laaa.....kalo dpt honeymoon kat sane....bestnye la wei!!!
cis...diam2 gi siam rupanya...
"the best thing ever since bas express tak berenti air hitam/yong peng"
- siak arr...tak boleh blah punya ayat...hahaha...aku rindu nak singgah air hitam/yong peng beb...
btw...mmg cantik la tempat2 tu..
Longing for the sun you will come
To the island without name
Longing for the sun be welcome
On the island many miles away from home
aku pun pernah sampai sini dulu. mmg best tempat ini.
Macam nak pergi je...nanti le ada rezeki lebih...nak gak pegi..
..Perghh..sume gambo cantek & menarik beb..:)
cantik betoi tempat ni
dep...jeles aku. shuntek giller. alangkah indahnya kalau aku dpt gi sini. wow dep gambaq hang shoot ni cun melecun
sangat cantikkkkkkkk......!!
bila laaa aku dapat pergi sana :(
nice picture la beb... btw apa nama tour operator yg u pakai tuh?
plan to go this april ....
hihihiih.... x sabar sungguh.... ;-)
hi Farah
Kita pergi sendiri, hotel book advance cuma kita make sure halal breakfast dan Muslim staff.
Operator tu kita lalu2 kat kedai2 tu kita ambil BARACUDA untuk pergi Phi Phi Islands trip ni.
Very nice dorang, a lady and two or three gentlemen.
Pergi la... hope you have a nice time, nanti cerita2 la ur pengalaman good and bad. Blog mana?
hotel i dah booked yesterday...
i book aree tara resort 4D3N tp x inclusive breakfast la sbb x cfrm halal. i book thru www.booking.com which is w/out deposit charges...
hotel i got ard THB 6000 aka MYR 600 for 3N. CHeap x?
so if i wanna breakfast terpaksa la meragau carik halal stall kat aonang tuh... ada ka depa menjual pagi pagi???
plan nak pi emerald pool, hot spring ngan elephant trekking on 2 day. 3rd day nak pi phi phi island trip. brp depa charge for the phi phi island trip @ baracudda eks? depa pandai speak english x? u gi snorkeling tuh depa provide life jacket x? aduyai....manyaknya soklan....
blog x der mende nak citer... xreti la... nanti later later i blaja k...
very looking fwd nak pi cuti nih... tensen tul keje mcm kuli...hihihihi....
I think breakfast kalo setakat bread and beverages tak jadi hal. Tapi cam like my trip to kan, kalo jalan2 tu nanti nampak la Muslim ladies jual goreng2 gitu.
Kalo you go the restaurants kat tepi jalan tu smua, you flip thru menus kebanyakkan kedai mesti ada pork. Jadi kalo gitu mesti you nak skip kan.
Baracuda is great one. You bila jalan2 kat ao nang beach nye shops tu kan, just look for the Baracuda nye la.
Yes speak English, cam I say in your boat ada lady and 2 guys. Yes ada complete gear if you want to snorkel kalo tak just relaks. Phi Phi Island ada tiga snorkelling places. Yes drinks semua non-stop you can mintak masa onboard, dorang ada mineral water and pepsi banyak.
I think April dah tak peak season, because I heard its bulan 11,12,1,2 gitu, so memang harga murah dan tak ramai orang.
Tu yang best tu... Ala blog buat tampal gambo ke hapa ke
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