(click all photos to enlarge) Gajah ni dikira 'beast of burden' jugak kan? ah see? aku dah cakap Iron Maiden cikgu bahasa inggeris yang bagus, at least untuk aku la... aku boleh belajar cakap omputeh ngan sambil layan Final Frontier. tiap2 hari aku berhimpit2 naik bas, naik tren, kadang2 lori, tapi tu hari...aku dapat naik gajah.. best thing in the world, gerek sey.. rasa tak mau turun, kalo boleh nak naik sampai petang.. kalo boleh aku nak bermalam ngan gajah tu dalam hutan ...
Our Elephant Trekking experience was at a place called Nangkiat or Mankiat or something? Sorry dah lupa. There are a few different locations for elephant trekking in Krabi but I think this is a better one. Its private or maybe we were just lucky that day and there is no one else. Also, the mahoots ( elephant handlers ) are friendly , they answer our questions well and provide incredible knowledge about the elephants and the surrounding area. Anyway our elephants ( 'our' siol ) are called nan pheng and utt, 28 & 27 years of age respectively. Sisters. 
Sebelah kiri tu Utt, kanan akak dia, Nan Pheng ( madu ). Aku suka sangat. Apsal aku tengok foto ni macam dorang dua ngah senyum gitu.
So the elephants can live up to 100, they have their own individual mahoot, they only listen to their own mahoot command, they sleep about 5 hours daily, they are brought daily deep in the jungle to have their food and they really eat a lot and they shit a lot too, and I am told not to pluck the hairs from their heads haha. I also realise they do not smell at all. 
(Dari foto ni korang boleh bayangkan betapa aku kalo jatuh dari gajah ni, konpem macam nangka busuk.)
We were told this beautiful clear lake is about 240 meters deep, and its connected to another lake nearby thru an underwater cave. The mahoot say it is one of the deepest in Asia, and very dangerous ( 'can die' ). He says the divers from Phuket came here with oxygen tanks for diving and video sessions. 
Elephant trekking ni dalam sejam tau, jalan2 gi sana sini, ni dorang ngah tarik daun2 palm tree untuk halau serangga etc. Yang ni best... kulit dorang tebal sey..tak rasa apa sey kena draw2 gini..
Click to enlarge for clearer view, in fact, click all photos to enlarge.
The mahoots really make it clear that they do not use their hand tool to hurt the elephants. I snap this photo of the hook on the elephant's ear but the mahoot informed that it is used to guide and also to clear the path, and will not hurt the creature. 
haus. Pit Stop.

Apa pun, a wonderful experience la kan. kapkunkap hehe.

ok next hot spring.. Aku rasa terletak kat some rainforest gitu.. 40-50 degrees celsius. Panas tapi tak melecur la, semula jadi gitu... Tapi guide kita untuk hot spring ni yang have a weird sense of humour Mr Pawit cakap tak bleh rendam lama, 20 minit gitu dah... Sini danger hooo bawak kamera haha, mau kang masuk air pasal licin beb.

Kat sini jugak aku jumpa kucing ni.. kalo boleh bawak balik aku dah smuggle dah...tapi , kita tinggal rumah flet cammana la kan... Apa pun we have photos of this krabi Bucky Katt huhu. Perangai pun ada jin aprit macam Bucky Katt jugak suka gigit2 jari aku.

Next.. Emerald Pool or aka Crystal Pool. Memang jernih, cantik giler tempat ni, terletak dalam hutan, kena jalan jauh jugak masuk dalam. Beberapa foto bercorak meniru gaya album cover Wings Hukum Karma telah dipetik di sini hehe.
The pool is about constant just over a meter deep everywhere so its safe even for non-swimmers to roam around. Just be careful its slippery in entering and leaving the pool Aku nampak satu pompuan mat salleh ni tergelincir, nasib baik tak apa2. next, pasar malam kat Krabi Town itself yang lebih kurang 30minit dari Ao Nang Beach tempat kita duduk. Krabi Night Market which falls on Friday, Saturday and I think Sunday too.


traditional kebudayaan thingy sambil mintak donations.

ah ni sabun wangi2 gitu, warna warni macam2 pesen pattern bunga2 mamat ni buat... cantik.

ok la jugak kan..

Mula2 ingat takde makanan halal, then nampak ni... siap ada ayat2 suci lagik...korang tengok signboard kuning tu


mee gitu


ni kira cam sesi projekkan orang ler mamat ni diri cam batu, then kira semua orang boleh datang kat dia ambik paintbrush dan kaler2 badan dia. fun gitu.

apa ntah nama, pulut gitu.. nanti senang sambung, to be continued nanti gambo lain semua aku upload flickr nanti
ish3...seram weh aku tgk telinga ngn belalai gajah tu..tp aku xleh tgk la gajah2 tu dorg men panjat2 pukui2..klu aku tgk aku rasa sayu je..sian kat dorg..hehe..
perghh cam raja bersiong naik gajah he5
mmg best!!! syok layan sume gambar2.....pic gajah tu syok tu...mauu aku tgk dari jauh jek kalo betol2 ade depan mate huhuhuhu...
paint badan org tu pun unik....tak pasal2 die kene pedajal heheeheheh...mcm2 care org nak cari duit kan....
aku suka kolam yang 240 meter tu. Biru seyyyy kaler dia. Ni apa yang aku dapat:
Sra Gaew Cave
Gambar last sekali tu; ketupat palas. (pulut dibalut dengan Daun Palas). Kalau ketupat nasi, bentuk petak anyam dengan daun kelapa.
Nine Lives - Puss and booty
Nine Lives - Live again
Nine Lives - It ain't over
Nine Lives - Live for ten
*UNTUK gambo kucing kat atas tu....
syok arr dapat gi thai kan...
aku paling dekat thai ni bkt kayu hitam dan jersey United made in Siam...heheh...
thanks for info speed
- raja bersiong
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