Thursday, January 30, 2014

..and warriors from Russia, Slovenia, Hungary, Brazil, Czech Republic, North Ireland......lalala..lalalaa...bla bla bla....

Zaman dulu kalau budak2 melayu, kat gerobok koleksi kaset rock ke pop dorang,
ada la kot terselit kaset Manowar Kings Of Metal ni.

Terbaik la kaset ni ye tak zaman Walkman dulu tu. Walkman...kuno siot.
Dan skarang keluar version MMXIV. 26 tahun la kira kan?
babi dah lama ye album ni.
ok aku tahu, dua2 cd band Ross The Boss "is the best Manowar album since Kings Of Metal" dan Manowar sekarang memang ke laut.
Tapi takpelah, aku tetap excited giler pasal MMXIV version ni...
28hb dua ni keluar.

ada nasik tambah la korang, ni sample 2 minit,
lyrics Blood Of The Kings MMXIV.
Berulang kali aku dengar nak tangkap negara2 mana ada dalam senarai.
Sorry, Malaysia, Singapore takde...
tunggu MMMXIV version kot? haha..

"....till the blood on your sword is the blood of a king, 
till blood on your hands is the blood of a king!

Our Armies in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales,
our brothers in Belgium, Holland and France will not fail.
Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Italy, Switzerland, Austria,
back to the Glory of Germany!!

and Warriors from Russia, Slovenia, Hungary, Brazil...
Czech Republic, North Ireland, Greece, Romania,
Turkey, Chile, Bulgaria, Estonia and U.S.A.
Argentina, Japan, Portugal, Lithuania, Canada, Spain
Raise your hands and fight for metal!

We're on a Crusade the world we bring!!! 
Four Kings Of Metal. Four Metal Kings!!..."

Here is the short edit Version of it

Aku sekarang tiap2 hari masuk forum Manowar, dorang pun lembab macam Maiden jugak, nak umum dates umum la cepat, peminat semua nak kena plan, nak kumpul fulus,

ni tup2 tiba2, main kat KL ke, main kat Spore, ke...last minit baru bilang...
Dah kena maki lagi dorang!!



Adi Herman said...

Perghhh kalo pergi South East Asia nanti, kompem byk yg buat entri viral pasal Manowar...hahah

berteromber said...

Best jugak kalau dorang turun KL ek...tapi aku harap sangat Motley Crue Final Tour sampai kat sini...

Rafi said...

diorang ni kadang usia dah senja baru la nak buat tour kat blah sini..

Ijau D. Koceng said...

hehehe ke laut...

Anonymous said...

japan, israel and poland fight for metal you not "raise your hands and fight for metal"