Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I think I had changed the way I listened to Led Zeppelin...

Since I first listen properly to Led Zeppelin, my listening structure to each song was solely based on the complete FOUR plus TWO cds arrangement by Jimmy Page on that wonderful boxsets many years ago when he first personally remastered the Led Zep studio collection, where Jimmy Page squeezed every studio Led Zep songs then into just SIX cds, and he arranged it in a way that he thinks the songs works the best one after another.

 This was most noticeable on the first boxset which consist of the first 4 cds. And that is how Led Zeppelin songs are embedded in my brain, by that specific Jimmy Page rearrangements and never by the track sequence of studio albums.

I never ever listen to Led Zeppelin as per based on their studio albums released songs sequence.

But now I think its going to change, besides upgrading my Belinda Carlisle collection slowly to her deluxe triple discs studio albums one by one.

I decide I would like to collect the new Led Zeppelin releases, I cannot afford the amazing boxsets nor the vinyls, and as I only listen while walking and on public transport nowadays, I decide to go for the more humble 2cd deluxe editions of each album.

I only got the first three, which are the ones released so far anyway.... and I think its worth it on the double cds of each release and packaging, and I think I will enjoy them even better when blasted on my headphones in the crowded buses and trains...

I hope to get the rest as its slowly released, and I will talk cock about it more next time...

And yes, THE WHEEL CAN TURN!!!...on the III digipak. How happy I am to turn the wheel....and it works.

(One of the reason I avoid buying the previous digipak single cd version was it seems the rumours and gossips going around the internet that ^HINA-PIRATED COPY are so great that they can also make THE WHEEL TURN!!

and worse they create exact copies of the Japanese boxset versions..and its jammed up on EBAY and it get so confusing, and I am not surprised if single copies are found in shops and flea markets and sold at original prices.)

If I want to buy a pirated or a bootleg copy of an album, I will buy it because I know its a FAKE and I buy it for the novelty and collection, And the *ussians do create fantastic novelty albums reproductions which we know are bootlegs, but we support it because of the beauty of the packaging. Their packagings are so good with Gatefolds and everything....

I do buy *ussian Iron Maiden studio albums that are pirated/bootlegged/counterfeited/ because I know thats what they are.... Specially cute beautiful repacking that you cannot get on an original release ever..

But I dont want to be duped into thinking I am buying an original....spend my money thinking its original, then realising its a fake. 
If I know I beforehand its a fake, but I love the packaging and its novelty, thats different.

Friday, September 26, 2014

six years later the blog text is still present but all the photos had dissapeared, so.. - a photo update of the Art Of Derek Riggs' Run For Cover hard cover book.

Its been more than SIX YEARS AGO since I talk cock about this book.
I realised some of you guys are still checking the posts all these years later, 

UNFORTUNATELY all the photos are wiped out from original postings at ..
- http://deaf-angel.blogspot.com/2008/04/ulasan-run-for-cover-art-of-derek-riggs.html
- http://deaf-angel.blogspot.com/2008/03/ulasan-buku-run-for-cover-art-of-derek.html

So one more time, a few photos from the Sold-Out Hardcover version of the Derek Riggs book which was quick to be grabbed when its first launched.
I believed the soft-covers version are still available.

But at that time, I remembered getting the Hard-Cover version and I emailed him to say I love Trooper the most, and he personalised for me my copy with a Trooper Eddie, and he got me a Trooper Print and personalised it also....

This are are some stuffs I got from him then... I remember there is a bookmark, he got me another print of the book cover and personalised it also. Kind of him. And there is the sketch printout or something...

Actually I already talked a lot about this book from the abover two links , its just that the photos are already long gone.
so these are some random photos of the pages one more time, this book is about 180 pages? or something...


I was looking at it again a few days back when I took some snapshots..

and yes, this book is still awesome...


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

More of Makan & Walking In Nantes....(my Maiden Europe 2014 backpacking to Serbia, France, & Hellfest 2014 PART 14)

Continuation and last part of my Exploration by foot thru the city of Nantes for a few hours and discovering this wonderful place the day before Hellfest 2014 starts at Clisson. 

Before I move on to other things...

Sambungan jalan kaki sekeliling kota Nantes dalam satu hari sebelum HELLFEST 2014 kat Clisson tiga hari tiga malam bermula esoknya.....

Apa pun, kita mulakan dengan MAKAN. Lapar Nasik, so jumpa tempat ada Nasik, apa lagi...makan...

Boleh dikatakan Aku buat silap kat sini pasal aku GELOJOH!!, lepas aku syok melantak nasik beryani waktu tengahari, dengan harga yang fixed rate, aku gatal, jadi aku kembali ke tempat yang sama, aku order lauk campur2. Aku mintak apa2 lauk ikan, dengan lauk sayur... So aku dapat ni...

kalau pekedai tu cakap tu vegetables, aku percaya je la haha... Penyek2 gitu dah.

Macam biasa aku heran, apasal nasik putih dia taruk tepi, depan aku ada pinggan kosong??

Membazir je la pinggan mangkuk nak basuh

Aku korang tahu tak? Aku punya tatasusila ok nak masuk restoran ni mula2 masa tengahari aku kebulur,
Ye la, ni tempat orang...
PASAL... orang semua pakai cantik2, aku pakai tshirt rock iron maiden, pakai seluar jeans, pakai flip flop Selipar Jepun, dah tu ngan beg sling silang kat bahu kecik...  (backpack aku semua aku dah humban dah kat belakang counter staff kat accomodation aku sebelum aku gi explore ni).

Jadi apabila pekedai tu takde hal apa2 ngan pakaian aku, so aku masuk dah duduk la meja kosong... Class.

LANTAK LA dressing code aku fail pun...  tapi serious, aku rasa sangat glamour ok jalan kat Peranchis pakai selipar jepun, jalan seret2... MELESER!! 
Satu ni, Eropah ni orang2 dorang semua pakai kasut, proper gitu...
Tak macam kita, pergi kerja pun pakai selipar, kat kerja baru tukar kasut.

Anyway pasal aku miang gi mintak lauk campur2 gitu, bukan yang dah fixed price gitu, Harga terus melambung la...tapi tetap murah dari apa2 pun makan kat Paris. Kat Paris, beli roti taruk sayur2an je pun rasa cam mahal. KONGAJAR betul!!! 
Nanti aku cerita, aku gunakan Paris sebagai tempat tidur je, kira rugi la eh, tapi aku dah memang penat giler tu jam dari Serbia, korang tahu aku naik boat keliling sungei Paris tu pun aku tidor, nasib baik aku atau backpack aku tak jatuh sungei haha..
...nanti lain kali, aku tunjuk korang apa aku buat kat Paris dalam mana aku tidur satu malam sebelum pergi Nantes, dan lagi satu malam pasal aku nak gi tengok Exteme main kat Le Bataclan depan hardcore Peranchis dorang. Magical Night tu!!.

OK, aku jakun tengok ni benda pasal aku nampak sendiri.. Kereta Polis berhenti.. (GENDARMES!!), ye tak??
"Murders IN the Rue Morgue!! Someone called the Gendarmes!!"..

Ni barrier boleh turun bawah tu untuk kereta polis lalu, then naik balik, tak perasan lak cammana dorang control, aku rasa pakai remote dari dalam kereta dah boleh kot?

so lepas lalu je keta polis tu, barrier ni naik balik...

OK aku ingat malam tu aku gi kedai2 orang minum Wine tepi jalan gitu, aku tumpang tengok bola..

kan musim World Cup, dorang pun cam kita kedai tepi jalan semua tunjuk bola siaran langsung sambil dorang minum wine.., tu la yang aku cerita kalau korang dengar bootleg Iron Maiden nye show headline Hellfest, sepanjang show... Bruce Dickinson buat laporan lawak, semua bahasa Peranchis pasal France versus Switzerland, aku tak paham la.. tapi cara penyampaian dan keliling aku semua orang gelak2, aku dah tahu mesti Bruce lawak jenaka abis....

Ze Swizzzz Zeroooo,  memang bijak pandai betul la si Bruce ni, aku kagum sangat.. Superman.

Kira masa Iron Maiden main tu, memang orang Peranchis semua tengah gembira dorang menang besar 5-2 kan?? dah lupa dah...

Hah, balik semula, malam tu kat Nantes aku gi tepi2 jalan, kalau cam kita gi Bistro dekat rumah ke, kedai mamak ke, tapi sana aku gi tengok kat tempat orang minum2 wine tepi jalan relak2 gitu,

Masa aku explore Nantes waktu magrib2 gitu, tu jam...Uruguay lawan England... Apasal aku rasa bila Uruguay score nak abis tu, semua orang suka? HAHA..  Takpelah... tu semua England lama, selenger bacin, Suka nah pakai players dari team ntahapahapa, lain kali masa depan England baru, aku rasa kebanyakkan semua player Arsenal, baru syok tengok!! HAHA.

Sana cam... waktu summer kan? kul 8 malam pun masih siang lagi...

Kedai2 jual barang semua dah tutup, lampu semua dah pasang, cuma kedai2 makan dan minum je bukak,

tapi lambat gitu nak gelap terus...

So, anyway, aku kagum ni...

aku bayangkan... Hmmmnn tempat ni suatu masa dahulu, orang orang kaya gitu, orang2 Royalti Peranchis... ada ballroom dancing gitu, joget2 zaman dulu tu, pakai topeng...

Ala... macam kita tengok wayang gitu........pilem2 lama gitu... WAHH KAGUM AKU!!

Pasal cam aku cakap, dorang punye Magrib tu kan lambat tau, dah tu macam apa nak cakap eh, tapi suasana matahari nak turun tu cam lambat gitu...

ntah, ni apa aku perasan la...  So memang suasana cantik la....

Again, kat Nantes ni aku takde rasa cuak ke hapa ke, aku rasa selamat je la... Kat Paris, aku rasa aku macam kat Ghetto gitu....

Ni serupa macam aku pergi Derby untuk jadi base aku pergi Donington Park aku rasa selamat, kat London aku tak rasa selamat.. hah cam gitu la...

Derby aku masih ingat aku malam kedua yang Maiden headline Donington Park aku lambat giler sampai, aku jalan sorang2 je tau dari station keretapi tu, aku jalan dalam 3km lebih nak sampai accomodation aku sorang2 dalam gelap kat streets dorang,
ok tau....  aku takde rasa was-was..

London, Paris, siang hari pun aku rasa macam nak kena mug.

Sorry la, mungkin korang cakap, aku gatal gi jalan kat tempat2 bahaya, dah la aku sorang,

tapi lets say, aku budget giler, so apa aku boleh buat? nak duk atau lepak tempat berduit??

Semua aku jalan kaki je la.... 2km , 3km jalan kaki je la.. tapi advantage jalan kaki tu semua korang nampak dan dapat ilmu, cehhh...

Cam aku cerita aku pusing jalan kaki kota London 4, 5 jam jalan kaki je tengok tempat2 menarik, lain la aku ngan love ones kan? tu of course lain la kan... cara kita travel.

tapi ni aku backpack nak gi tengok konsert rock terutama Hellfest, so since aku sorang, tak perlu la, apa yang penting...Selipar Jepun yang keadaan tip-top...
dan aku carik tempat murah2 la nak duk, nak apa...

lagipun, aku suka explore, aku bukan tourist ok! aku traveller. Cehhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

tourist cam...hmmmnnn.. well...

tapi aku rasa kalau sampai Cotswold, hah tu nak kena ada guide kot... Cehhh Korang jangan memain..

Dulu aku tengok video 1881 tu aku fikir, hmmm sedap lagu ni..

Sekali tu, oooo ni semua BBC drama nye lagu2 ... korang tahu..zaman Victoria gitu punye Drama...

Hah, Cotswold la tempat nye nak rasa kan? haha.
OK back to Nantes..

So dah malam, ada macam persembahan ARTS gitu... memang berseni la tempat2 Eropah gini...


next, kat Peranchis ni korang akan selalu nampak GARGOYLES kat bangunan2 lama..

Ni korang tengok filem Gremlins hah, ada satu Gremlin jadi Gargoyles kan bila dia kena selaput simen basah.. Cehhhh... Melayu aku... Selaput sey..

Gargoyles ni, walaupun nampak ganas

tapi ada fungsi dari segi arkitek dan design bangunan untuk buang air hujan...masa zaman2 dulu la kot terutamanya...

Nanti lain kali, aku buat pasal Notre-Dame, hah tu aku ambik banyak siot gambo2 Gargoyles kat Notredame  Paris...

Hah... Panggung Wayang old-school Peranchis....

Aku tengok ni je aku teringat filem Inglorious Basterds tu...... yang adegan2 kat panggung wayang tu....

Charlie Chaplin tu kat notis tu...

OK la, ni belen2 gambo....

Anyway part satu pengembaraan aku kat bandar Nantes ni kat sini...


Anyway, aku nak abiskan kota Nantes ni, pasal lepas ni aku nak cerita pasal ibukota Serbia...., Belgrade.

ni yang kontroversi tu kan zaman Yugoslavia berpecah tu kan...

tak usik ok, sampai sekarang....mungkin nak tunjuk dunia, mungkin nak ingatkan bangsa dorang... well...

tapi seriously cantik tempat ni...

dan jugak ni satu contoh Museum Perang dorang......

To be continued......................