Friday, November 30, 2012

Rumah STEVE HARRIS untuk dijual... Sapa nak beli? 33 Juta RM aje.

Steve Harris is selling his home. The one that has the Barnyard Studio, the one that appears on magazines and also the 1990 Holy Smoke video.

Steve Harris nak jual rumah dia yang famous tu sapa nak beli?
harga...6,750,000 Pound, tapi korang kena pindah kat England ye.
Kalo tukar duit Malaysia dalam 32,949,457.68 RM
Kalo tukar duit Singapore dalam 13,209,432.39 S$

kalo ni semua duit satu sen....ada tak sebanyak pasir2 di tepi pantai yang indah? cehhh.

Kalo ramai-ramai2 mata-mata, korang rasa boleh tak beli sofa set dia?
Tapi aku suka tengok karpet merah tu.....golek2 best wooo karpet cam gitu. Ni yang karpet Blaze Bailey gi kotorkan ngan bekas tapak kasut dia ada taik anjing peliharaan Steve Harris ke hapa ke aku tak tahu la, tapi yang dia cerita kat buku dia tu.

Sila layan gambar kejap..

Korang semua patut rasa tumpang gembira untuk deyni, korang dari korang kecik2 dulu beli Iron Maiden punye kaset, cd dan beli berulang2 lain-lain pressing haah, vinyl, dvd, videotape, LD, tshirt, jadi fanclub member, merchandise ( Semua yang Original punye je la ), dan jugak korang yang dah pergi tengok konsert Iron Maiden mungkin menyumbang sikit sebanyak jugak. Ada la kot mana2 wall tile ke, belikan dia punye cecair basuh toilet ke , ubat gigi colgate dia ke, haha.

Tapi.... yang penting dia mampu, dah duit dia hasil titik peluh dia dan anggota2 Maiden lain, dia punya suka la.

Dari hasil tak jujur, tak amanah dan rasuah dan menipu dan mencurik.. ye tak?
So Peringatan Untuk Diri AKU Sendiri....... dan sapa2 la korang jugak yang rasa diri mereka tonggang terbalik dan tak betul.  Tak mau malu dan segan kalo kita ada kawan2 yang sesama kita kurenggg sikit, kita saling ingat mengingati. Contoh " eh ko dah bayar zakat fitrah ke belum SIOL raya nak dekat ni? ". Example je la.

So rumah dia...ada..

•5 reception rooms
•7/8 bedrooms
•2 bathrooms
•3 shower rooms
•games/cinema room
•indoor pool complex with gym area
•galleried recording studio
•football pitch
•in all about 8 acres

  tennis court ada....swimming pool giler nye mewah dalam kira kalo salji turun pun, panas je kan berendam dalam swimming pool tu.  
Ada Padang Bola la ... Giler kebabai...kalo ikut budak skarang..dorang akan cakap  " BAPAK giler kaya " . Tak boleh accept siak aku dengar..sikit2 BAPAK sikit2 BAPAK, .nak ketawa pun ada, terkejut beruk pun ada. Tapi still better dari budak dulu nye makkao! atau k.n.n. atau full extended version atau apa je la.

dulu2 aku nak main bola, main bawah kolong flat atau conquer basketball court aje,
Kalau nak main kat rumput? cari mana2 la ada rumput sekangkang kera. Cewah... skali2 buat ayat.

Dan jugak ada studio Barnyard tu beb.... Baru korang boleh shooting korang punye sendiri punye video Holy Smoke...
Best giler kan, ada studio, ada taman bunga sendiri... Siak ah rumah nye kawasan ada tractor tu semua...

Gini kat video bawah ni kawasan rumah dia tahun 1990 dahulu....( abaikan pompuan2 seksi tu untuk perkenakan mereka yang bertopengkan agama mereka, pura2 jadi pendakwah agama , padahal...padahal.... ni inti lagu ni sebenarnye pun, tu Martin Birch tu penerbit album dorang yang pakai cam jantan kaberet tu )  

Video ni rasanya antara paling lawak dan kelakar abis dalam sejarah ltMaiden, walau lagu ni lirik serious sebenarnye..
" I live in filth I live in sin but I still smell cleaner than the shit you're in ".
Yep how true, kalo kita tak menipu dan  hidup jujur, apa kita nak malu atau rasa miskin atau low-self-esteem dalam hidup ye tak?
Dorang tu yang nak tidor malam pun takut sebenarnye...

dalam video ni semua perangai katun2 gitu nak2 penyanyi si Bruce Dickinson, aku paling suka time part ' nazi look ".
anak pompuan Steve Harris , si Lauren Harris pun ada nak abis video ni, tapi tu jam dia kecik je la...

Guitar solo lagu ni....exciting giler.... aku suka dengar bootlegs tour No Prayer On The Road pasal lagu ni live lagi kecoh abis. Welcome Janick Gers....Maiden choose the right person to replace Adrian Smith then walau ada orang tak suka style si Janick ni.


go here -

And please invite me go this house...but must blanja airticket also.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Kiss The Elder

Dari heavy rock melayu Steel Damage ke Kiss.
Walaupun aku kena kutuk ngan kawan pasal minat sangat kat Kiss
tapi aku tak pedulik - KISSFOREVER.

Concept album paling aku minat ni dua la - Operation Mindcrime ( yang ori paling hebat sila dengar kalo tak pernah, yang part II tu aku tak minat, macam sial gitu, walaupun ada Dio) dan Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son yang mana seluruh album dari lagu 1st sampai last, semua berkait dan menjadi sebuah cerita,
Kalau kita dengar lagu sebijik2, memang cam dengar lagu biasa la baik rancak atau lagu rentak perlahan, tapi bila dengar seluruh album dan mungkin mendalami , baru kita tahu semua berkaitan satu lagu ke satu lagu jadi buku.

Tapi awal sebelum tu Kiss dah ada ni Music From The Elder..
Jalan cerita ok la kot pasal seorang budak lelaki ni dapat latihan dan persiapan dan emosi jiwa raga dia untuk lawan geng jahat gitu. Kira cam Luke Skywalker belajar ngan Yoda sebelum lawan The Empire gitu.

Memang la, tak terkejut kalo ni album paling macam siol Kiss, dari sambutan dan kutukan diterima waktu tu, aku rasa Kiss mesti trauma kot, sampai tak buat tour untuk promote ni album lagik. Seronok baca sejarah dorang zaman album ni.
Dengan gaduh sesama band dan apa je la masalah. Ace Frehley keluar ( tapi aku suka lagu dia nyanyi kat album ni). Kira aku rasa ni antara zaman Kiss paling huru hara la kot.
Lou Reed pun ada nama dia kat satu dua lagu, tukang tulis lirik.
A World Without Heroes dia tukang tulis lirik kot.

Tapi aku suka ni album.. Eric Carr dah masuk..suka aku kat mamat Eric Carr ni, suka dengar drumming dia, suka tengok video2 dia main drum, suara pun sedap, handsome giler rambut dia pengsi, tapi dia dah takde, sakit cancer. Sampai skarang tau, aku kadang2 masuk youtube, tengok mendiang Eric Carr nye persembahan.
Pernah cerita kot, masa sekolah kecik2 dulu aku jugak belajar dengar dan memahami bahasa Inggeris pakai lagu " Just A Boy ".
" Who steers the ship on the stormy sea, its hopes are lost and so are we.."

Kebabai bodoh bangang, ulang2 dengar aku tak tahu apa dorang nyanyi kat lagu ni, tapi aku nak sangat tahu apa dorang nyanyi, pasal aku suka giler lagu ni.
Sangat merdu dan perlahan lagu Just A Boy ni, romantik giler. Suara Paul Stanley sedap tau.

Kat album ni masa lagu Only You, terus masuk melodi Just A Boy, best la pusing2 gitu kan. Only You punye starting aku suka sangat..
Lagi lagu lain aku suka, The Oath, rock rancak,  Under The Rose, Dark Light yang Ace nyanyi.. , A World Without Heroes walau yang versi Kiss MTV Unplugged memang gerek. Gene Simmon nyanyi lagu slow kadang2 je gitu, tapi best. Perasaan.
Escape From The Island...kira bleh imejin la kan kalo prison break pakai ni instrumental. KANCHONG giler gitu.

Best la kadang2 borak pasal benda2 lama gini...
memories gitu..kenangan.

Monday, November 26, 2012

these colours don't run ( again )

I was just looking at these young, fresh, handsome faces on this youtube posting...

I'm not surprised if some of these boys and young men would be spending their Hari Raya and school holidays with relatives and families and friends  in Tampines, Bedok, Yishun, Jurong, Boon Lay, Marsiling and other heartlander areas...

And I was just plain wondering...

why? and How come it can reach to this extend??

Maybe, I guess its all about being a Weekend Warrior, and not losing face among "friends".
p.s 1827hrs addition - But then I realise, there is at least one kind soul, who seems not to participate.
Maybe his parents, his elders, his teachers, has taught him well or he just has a conscience.

cd steel damage - rockers

Intro - Sentiasa Best bila dengar lagu atau tengok live band2 rock melayu dari Singapura dan Malaysia yang aku suka dari zaman dulu. Band2 yang dah established, dah jadi household name.
Tetapi, dalam masa yang sama memang kadang2 kejong kalau takde new songs,new albums lagu rock melayu baru, dan album rock melayu baru.
Jadi cam aku cakap post lepas, aku happy setiap kali ada band rock melayu keluar album baru, dan paling penting selalunye album2 rock melayu baru ni tak menghampakan aku sebagai peminat dan pembeli.

Last aku cerita album band rock melayu ialah Antologi nye cd yang heavy dan gerek tu kan. So ni lagi satu cd baru keluar, aku pun sambar sekeping dah seminggu dua lebih kot.

"Again, very heavy rock, so tak yah bimbang la untuk peminat2 Rusty Blade, Rockers, Malex, even Osairis dan yang lain2. The fire still burns gitu untuk heavy rock/ heavy metal melayu."

kumpulan Steel Damage - Rockers.
10 Lagu, rasanya almost or all songs ciptaan band members sendiri.
Semua muda2 belaka. 5some.
Self made, self produced. Aku rasa ni semua ni self-financed pakai duit sendiri. Very well made dari semua segi. Aku suka cd inlet ngan liriks semua dan colourful. Memang salute abis ler.

First lekas-lekas cakap sikit pasal lagu2 rentak perlahan,
Ada about 3 slower songs, slow rockers gitu. Alrite la tiga2.

Lagi tujuh lagu rancak, memang gerekkkk - Hoi Hoi Ya Hoi ( - ni lagu original with great lyrics bukan lagu penyamun ceta bujang lapok ali baba tu ), R.O.C.K.E.R.S, Rempit!Rempit!, Tahu Tak Apa!, Kau Tak Guna!, Lenny Erylna... Lenny Erylna ni sesuai sangat untuk radio pada aku la.

- menghiburkan, tak boring walau aku dengar seminggu dah,
- heavy rock / metal, melodic, nice time changes,
- some modern metal influence,
- guitar solos and harmonies, nice singing,
- I like the drumming,
- great intelligent lyrics
- dan last song ialah sebuah instrumental - a bit thrash, Fantastic.
Nama instrumental lagu terakhir ni ialah Hell Yeah.

" warkah ditulis perwira negara musibah dinamakan Perang Dunia jangan diinginkan kali yang ketiga "

" suruh buat baik tapi kau nak jadi gangsta..silap langkah akhirnya kau masuk penjara...lain kali kau jangan nak tunjuk terror!". 

Cam biasa aku tak dengar radio saluran melayu, jadi aku tak tahu radio main tak lagu2 dari album ni. So again its a waste ler kalo orang tak tahu. Sokkabar melayu pun aku tak pernah nampak tulis pasal ni band, so again a waste ler. Harap the radio stations and newspapers give them coverage, kalau ada, thats great.

For those who know this cd, I think they will like it. Nampak kat kedai, give it a try.
Rock Never Die, Rock Maintain.

p.s - Aku rasa ada la lagi cd rock melayu band2 baru yang aku ada aku belum cerita sini...nanti la senang2.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Sheba + Journey

Two things.
Satu sedih , satu happy ,

Sheba, beruang kutub ( polar bear ) yang emak tu, dah mati minggu lepas. Umur 35 tahun. Selalu 25 tahun dah kick the bucket, tapi dia hidup sampai 35 so kira ok la.
Sheba ni lahir kat tengah2 manusia ( captivity ), so kira seumur hidup dia tak pernah rasa Lautan Artik dan tak pernah rasa hidup liar.

Anak dia la tinggal sorang, Inuka. Dah umur mamat ni dah 22 tahun kot.
Kira kalo nak lepaskan kat liar aku rasa kerja giler. Mau mamat ni mati kebulur tak pun kena bunuh ngan members lain. Tak pun kena buli ngan Penguin dan singa laut haha.
Polar bear ni kan, aku belajar satu benda, aku mati2 dulu ingat, konfem bulu dorang mesti warna putih sesuci gitu. Oooo then tengok depan mata oooo kelabu2 gitu la kalo ikut suhu temperature gitu.

So, looking forward to Inuka nye new den kat third zoo nanti, aku rasa mesti pengsi la. Cuma sedih la kan,
dia dah tinggal sorang.
Memang la dorang sekali swing, atau sekali hempap kat kita, konfem kita semua mati, tapi tu la dorang cantik, cute dan dorang pun ciptaan Allah. Buat kita fikir.. terutama sebelum buat sesuatu benda..terutama zaman2 gini.


Moving on...

Journey is coming... I dont know about any Malaysian dates, but Singapore will be March 2013.
Journey is liked I think by different type of people growing up in the 70s to 80s.

From P*%k Khianats to Budak2 Tea Dance to Mat Rock to Mat Metal to even I think one of the best thrash metal singer in history. Pa Ka Liao.

Even now, their songs are still used by all these pop Glee tv series, Mariah Carey, and a very cool moment, the final ending of the Sopranos. How cool is that.

I dont know why people still talk about Steve Perry is not around so its not Journey.
- I always think Journey belongs to Neal Schon and Jonathan Cain.
- Ross Valory is also a long time member.

- Deen Castronovo is ex-Wild Dogs, and also play with Neal Schon and Jonathan Cain in Bad EnglishHe drums fantastic, and he can sings superbly while on drums. Reminds me of Eric Carr.
- I dont have any problem with the Filipino Arnel Pinada, because he is similar to Steve Perry's voice. That is what Neal Schon and Jonathan Cain wants I think.

Revelations album is so a spectacular rock album, very unexpected. I never thought Journey would come out with an album that good with this Philipines guy.
Furthermore, for those who are so obsessed with Steve Perry not in the band,
wake up, because before Arnel they already have Steve Augeri and even Rising Force' Jeff Scott Soto also sang with Journey.
And now, maybe Neal Schon and Jonathan Cain should kick out Arnel and employ the best singer possible to join Journey and he already know the songs and even audition using a Journey song for the world famous band back then-  Joey Belladona from Anthrax. and I would be very happy haha.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Perpaduan Nasyid Singapura 1982 LP (10 of 10 youtubed)

Aku rasa banding ngan lagu2 dari release kumpulan nasyid big three individually,
ni piring hitam rare koleksi lagu-lagu dakwah yang mungkin hanya dapat kat LP ni je kot? I dont know, wa pu ce tao,
mana aku dapat eh, dari kedai pakcik Angel's jugak kot suatu masa dahulu .

terutama pasal mungkin ni release aku rasa hanya untuk Singapore je. Untuk derma dan amal Mendaki as per the cover. (Mendaki kalau sapa tak tahu is a kind of Malay Muslim self-help body, yang after all is said and done, banyak dah tolong budak2 Melayu dari dulu sampai zaman ni dalam pelajaran, dan tak lupa kasi latihan dan bantuan latihan kat orang2 dewasa Melayu Islam, get a chance, an opportunity, to make some progress in life.
Aku dulu budak tusyen Mendaki jugak, siap cikgu ambik berat, telepon rumah komplen pasal aku cabut tak kuasa nak masuk kelas, aku pergi hurray-hurray tunggang terbalik. Giler babi la fikir balik perangai betul2 cam puaka dulu. To that cikgu, thank you, its a Sunday class, ko tak tepon rumah pun, ko tak rugi apa2, its not your bread and butter right? pasal its sunday tuisyen class, tapi rasanya ko nak budak2 melayu maju dan belajar kot. Salute).

Dan jugak dah 1982, mungkin rasanya tu jam zaman dan selera hiburan dah nak tengah berubah, atau dah berubah.
Aku rasa tak salah la ye aku taruk semua kat youtube, rasanye lagu2 ni susah nak dapat lagik, dan ye la nanti another example of excellent malay music hilang gitu2 je dimakan zaman. chewah.

The 19 Nasyid groups were listed as

Al Jawaher
Al Imraniah (Masjid Mujahidin)
Al Muttaqin
Azzahraul Batul
Angkatan Belia Singapura
Baitul Hamdi
Hadratul Islam Sembawang
Nurul Akhdar
Nurul Iman
Nurul Jannah
Nurussaadah (Masjid Kebun Limau)
Nurul Al Shidiq
Nurul Ittihad
Nasyidah Almujahid
Nor Hilal
Sinar Islam
Ukhuwah Islamiah

Lagu2 dan penyanyi utama setiap lagu ialah

1. MAULUDIN NABI (Asmah Lamat)
2. AMALAN SUCI (Nursiah Ghani)
3. INSAFLAH (Sofiah Abdullah Fauzi)
4. TUNJUKKAN JALAN (Salbiah Majid)
5. PERSAUDARAAN ISLAM (Habibah Othman)
6. ISLAM AGAMA SUCI (Sofiah Abdullah Fauzi)
7. HIJRAH (Faridah M Amin)
8. JANGAN DURHAKA (Norlizah Suep)
9. BILA AJAL (Habibah Othman)
10. ALQURAN (Latifah Ibrahim)

As usual, its at

korang tunggu kejap la eh kalo takde, aku ngah upload skaranggggggggggg...

Its interesting tu note Faridah M Amin is featured as one of the singers but then Al Mizan is not reflected in the list, So it would be nice to know what happen then. Also, kalau sapa2 boleh cerita sikit selain lead vocals, sapa yang perform backing vocals tu, is it as individual groups or as a combination of groups.

Alrite la lagu2 dia especially ngan involvement famous names cam Indra Shahril , Nona Asiah semua.

Aku cam dengar la lagu2 ni so ada satu lagu tu Persaudaraan Islam, ada lirik " Jaki dan hina cuba elakkan, dengki khianat jangan amalkan ".

SO aku was like " JAKI!!" . Ni word orang2 dulu suka pakai. contoh..." dekni jaki ngan dekni sebenarnya". So cam happy lak dengar balik ni cam nye word kat official audio gitu. Sama ngan boxset Search 30tahun tu tak salah Nasir or another Search member dalam interview tu dia sebut " terpeleot".
One day aku nak kumpul semua word2 pengsi stylo mylo zaman dulu atau jarang orang pakai lagik dan buat satu post.

Some very old time nostalgic info kat sampul LP ni..

Penerbitan dan ditaja oleh
Angel's Rhythm House/Angel's Deparmental Store
122 Jalan Pasar Baru Singapore 1440
Tel 4471636
N yang kedai kaset deret belakang ngan toilet belakang Panggung Wayang Singapura tu.
Postal code masih zaman 4 digit
Phone number pun masih zaman 7 digit
Kat mana eh kedai ni skarang lepas Perkampungan Melayu roboh..  Sapa tahu bilang sini.

ermmm syok jugak share benda2 gini, next..piring hitamsss.FLYBAITS!!
kenangan lalu beb haha.

anyway, moving on to something yang buat aku rasa tak terbakar bila dengar, haha.
A new malay language heavy rock/heavy metal album release is always anticipated especially from young bands.
And fortunately, its mostly consistently good releases from these Singapore bands. I think there is no need to worry about the continuation of great music done by Rusty Blade, Rockers, Malex etc etc
ok, baru keluar jugak la kot, aku baru beli bila eh? last week kot. Harga 19 ketul.
Nanti senang aku borak pasal lagu2 aku dengar kat cd ni.

Friday, November 16, 2012

extreme britain - terrorizer's secret history of...

Dari nasyid Hidayah ke sesuatu yang heavy lagi sikit.

Last year Terrorizer magazine came out with the special edition Secret History Of... Thrash Metal featuring James Hetfield on the cover.
Recently they came out with another special edition Secret History Of... Extreme Britain. This times its Steve Harris who is gracing the cover. I like it.

Again about 98 pages thick and this time
focus on everything British roots of metal, black metal, death metal & grind, thrash, punk, hardcore, riffs and spiffs, also mentioning about Scotland, Wales and Ireland acts, way of life and environment, some articles from old Terrorizer magazines,  nice new articles, 50 terrorizer essential extreme british albums countdown,  Dani Filth editorial, and an interesting write-up on legendary radio personalities John Peel & Tommy Vance. Plus lots of other things and expect a lots and lots of bands that you may enjoy, like, dont like, have heard the name before, never heard the name before, to be in this mag with great photos. 
Also kind words and references to the influences of bands from the mid 60s to Led Zep, Deep Purple, UFO, Rainbow, etc etc

I think, its as good as the Thrash Metal edition.

I had a good leisurely read.

Plus a cd I havent heard of newer bands.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hidayah - Tiada Yang Kekal Melainkan Allah LP ( 9 of 10 youtubed )

Macam mana nak mulakan ni posting aku pun tak tahu. Pasal kalo ada mood dan time lain kali, posting cam gini ada sambungan.
So Aku rembat je type apa kat kepala hotak aku.
Harap korang paham apa aku ngah merapek-meraban.
Aku layari youtube, tengok2 lagu2 nasyid lama, zaman2 legend2 akhir 70an awal 80an, cam takde full album. Selalu ada lagu yang famous amos je, atau dari koleksi terbaik gitu. Mungkin ada complete? cuma aku je yang selenger tak tahu search keywords kot? So I thought it would be nice if a proper presentation of the complete vinyl is available complete with the skips and damages of the vinyls.
Unfortunately one song is way out, but luckily it is a song that you can purchase the official original release on cd.

Apa pun, Ni piring hitam, lp, vinyl, album
HIDAYAH " Tiada Yang Kekal (Melainkan Allah)". 1978 EMI pte ltd. ( maybe the ori owner can identify the lp ).

Hidayah ni pada aku zaman dulu sampai skarang ialah Singapore nye BIG THREE Nasyid group ngan Al Jawaher & Al Mizan. Pada aku la.
So 10 lagu kat album ni, dan semua lagu pun gerek, tak bedek punye,
songmakers dia ialah...
Muka 1
Tiada Yang Kekal (Melainkan Allah)
(S.Atan/Haron Abdulmajid)
Bersyukorlah Kita (Pada Illahi)
(Copyright Control/Rohana Sa'at)
Nilai Usia
(Copyright Control/Haron Abdulmajid)
Mengenal Dunia
(Copyright Control)
Rukun Hidup
(S.Atan/Haron Abdulmajid)

Muka 2
(Copyright Control)
Bimbinglah Aku
(S.Atan/Haron Abdulmajid)
(Copyright Control)
Sembahyanglah (Wahai Budiman)
Rukun Yang Kelima
(Copyright Control/Rohana Sa'at)

Front Cover/Back Cover photos LP macam kat Fort Canning Park je?
jadi sebelum HELLOWEEN, TOTO, MEGADETH, BLACK SABBATH's HEAVEN & HELL, MR BIG, DEEP PURPLE, JUDAS PRIEST dan lain2 sampai Bukit Larangan, Hidayah dah sampai dulu k. ( kaitan yang tak relevan aku tahu, tapi saje je..)

Lagu Habbibi kat LP ni skip giler...Tapi since lagu ni top hits, jadi ada dalam bentuk cd original untuk didengar. Tapi mungkin ada berapa lagu yang takde dalam bentuk cd rasmi from what I observe, dan kot hilang2 gitu je dimasa depan.
jadi aku rasa aku up je la lp rip ni kat youtube ( ngan crackles dan skip2 repeat2 dia ), pasal ni semua memang treasures gitu.

Of course kat youtube dah berlambak dah top hits dari album ni tapi aku rasa takde full album appreciation yang aku nampak.
Kalo ada ni album officially keluar kat cd sebagai full album off course la aku tak buat. Tapi rasanya takde.. dan lagu2 cam Mengenal Dunia dan fast tempo Fajar kat album ni memang best giler, so kalau tak pernah dengar, dengar ler. Fajar ni cam lagu dikir barat pun ada.
kalau lagu cam Sembahyang Wahai Budiman, hah tu aku rasa dari zaman berangan jadi Vic Morrow Combat tembak jerman main2 kat longkang dulu2 dah ramai dah rasa terbakar bila dengar lagu ni. dulu2 ingat2 lupa gitu, ada satu hari bendera or hapa, Pergas nye flag day masa kat Kampung Melayu Kaki Bukit Jalan Damai or something, kat stiker kecik tu ada taruk " sembahyanglah sebelum kamu disembahyangkan" or something like that.

ok main hentam type2 sebagian lirik senikata lagu2 kumpulan Hidayah kat album ni.. Kalau salah betulkan..saje2 je.

Tiada Yang Kekal (Melainkan Allah)

Kecantikkan paras wajah mu
akan hilang bila sampai waktu
dari itu jangan rasa bangga
itu semua tak tahan lama
melainkan Allah

hari ini hidup mu senang
kawan saudara keliling pinggang
bila kau susah diri terlantar
tiada sapa untuk kau mengadu
melainkan Allah

ingatlah semua insan insani
kita makhluk ciptaan Illahi
harus selalu menginsaf diri
sebelum tiba saat ajali

apa guna yang kau miliki
wang yang banyak harta melimpah
tak mungkin dapat kau bawak mati
tiada yang kekal di dunia ini
melainkan Allah

Bersyukorlah Kita (Pada Illahi)

Muhammad Rasullah nabi terakhir
memimpin umat Islam kejalan yang diredha (2x)

Beryukurlah kita pada Illahi (2x)

Sentiasalah bertakwa kehadrat Yang Esa
diberikan rahmatnya di dunia dan akhirat (2x)

Beryukurlah kita pada Illahi (2x)

Mengenal Dunia

Kalaulah engkau mengenal dunia...
tahulah ia barang terpedaya (2x)
hidup di dunia hanya sementara..
hanya badan meminjam nyawa (2x)

kalau engkau mengenal akhirat..
tahulah engkau dunia mudarat (2x)
bila bertemu kampung akhirat
tunggulah dulu dunia kiamat (2x)

sebelum kita menempuh akhirat..
jangan terpedaya mudah tergoda (2x)
hindarilah godaan syaitan laknat
semoga kita tidak tersesat (2x)

rukun hidup

Hati yang suci dan bersih
perasaan jujur dan mulia
menjadi asas utama
berbaik sesama manusia

hapuskanlah rasa iri hati
melihat kawan mu berjaya
usahlah merasa dengki
buat fitnah disana-sini

hidup hendaklah rukun
berdamailah kita semua
bersatu kita maju
bercerai runtuh berderai

bertakwalah pada Illahi
pohonkan rahmat dan hidayah
panjang usia murah rezeki
hidup rukun aman sentosa

Bimbinglah Aku

Aku insan yang terbiar
bak musafir di padang pasir
tiada kawan kiri dan kanan
apa yang ada sendirian

carik tempat berteduh
dari hujan dan panas mentari
perjalanan ku masih jauh
ku rasa tak berdaya lagi

andaikan benar hati mu suci
dada beriman ilmu Illahi
bimbinglah aku untuk berdiri
menuju jalan robbul izzati

hidup banyaknya cabaran
jangan biarkan aku tersesat
ku perlu segala bimbingan
dunia dan jugak akhirat..


Tikalah fajar menjelang
terdengar suara azan
memanggil semua insan yang beriman
mari bersembahyang (2x)

di saat fajar mula menjelang
mari berdoa kepada Tuhan
lindungilah insan yang beriman

hanyalah padanya
kita kan bermohon
serta meminta..

Sembahyanglah (Wahai Budiman)

Sembahyanglah wahai budiman
sebelum kamu disembahyangkan

bagi mu sedia dimohonkan
kepada Allah mintak keampunan
berusia muda jangan abaikan
kelaknya anda kerugian

Sembahyanglah wahai budiman
sebelum kamu disembahyangkan

bertaubatlah kamu pada Illahi
amalan suci sanjungan tinggi
bekalan kita di akhirat nanti
bersedialah soalan diberi

Sembahyanglah wahai budiman
sebelum kamu disembahyangkan

perginya sudah mengadap Tuhan
sanak saudara sedih tangisan
tanpa harta dibawak teman
kain putih pembalut badan

Sembahyanglah wahai budiman
sebelum kamu disembahyangkan

wahai budiman hanya sementara
kealam pentas ciptaannya
keindahan dunia segala direka
janganlah kita lupakan Allah

Sembahyanglah wahai budiman
sebelum kamu disembahyangkan

Nanti la ada time aku taruk liriks lain...

AKAN DATANG, COMING SOON, if got time and got mood.

Perpaduan Nasyid Singapura nye 1982 LP,
which kumpulan Hidayah is listed as one of the 19 nasyid groups..

Sunday, November 11, 2012

slang + acoustic in singapore ( def leppard 1996 double cd )

TERKEJUT BERUK. " Baboon's Surprise " is what I get when first listen to Def Leppard's Slang many many years ago when it came out. The first song and I was like " so where is the harmony chorus? " haha. klank klunk klank klunk.

- I still remember I dont like the more modern rocking songs on this Slang cd, but still enjoyed the slow love songs that Def Leppard is really good at.
- Seems Slang is made when Def Leppard members have big personal problems and without their regular producer. Sort of like Maiden's X Factor isnt it?

- After Slang, I lost interest in Def Leppard later albums except for a few songs,
but I really really like "Promises" from Euphoria, such a catchy pop song,
and from X , I think Def Leppard made their best love song ever " Long Long Way From Home".

- This is also the first full album with Vivian Campbell playing on it.
- Speaking of Dio related, when Ronnie James Dio died, did any Def Leppard member say or give out any messages or tributes? Or they also got trapped in the bad situation between those two people.

Song by song -
TRUTH was like, errm industrial? ok ok Dio also has his own Angry Machines haha.
TURN TO DUST was like " taste of india " and " kashmir ", so I kind of like it.
SLANG was like a pop radio single, just different.
ALL I WANT IS EVERYTHING - ok, familiar territory haha. Love this song, and this song got this beautiful lyrics " Its Hard To Hold Your Head Up, When You're Kneeling Down To Pray ". You can learn about humbleness and humility everywhere, even Def Leppard songs.
WORK IT OUT. I hope they come out with another remix of this song when SLANG is reissused next year as a double album with remixes.
BREATH A SIGH. Love this song. Def Leppard always can be relied on when it comes to slow motion songs haha. Slow Snap Fingers song.
DELIVER ME. Like the startinggg...
GIFT OF FLESH. Rocking song.
BLOOD RUNS COLD. Another slow song. Really nice. Really unbalance album, I like the slow songs, but I got problems adjusting to the rocking songs on this cd.
WHERE DOES LOVE GO WHEN IT DIES. This album has its more than fair share of slow songs.
PEARL OF EUPHORIA. Unmemorable, and there was like some empty space till the song ended.

Now lets talk about the 2nd cd on this Slang limited edition release. Accoustic in Singapore. I remember it was at Hard Rock Cafe, I never go, cam siyak kan?. Where was I then? serving Full time NS, I think so.

- ARMAGEDDON IT was like so fantastic when performed as an accoustic song.
Def Leppard playing accoustic is still so melodic and with very harmonic vocals from the band members.
- TWO STEPS BEHIND. I cannot listen to this song often, makes me feel bored easily but live versions is better and the electric version is nicer.
- FROM THE INSIDE. The best song from retroactive. " I am bad, I am evil, I am winter, I am pain, I messed up your life, I beat up your wife, I lose all your friends, and I win in the end, so you'll be the joker and I'll be the clown". ONE OF THE BEST ALCOHOL ABUSE DRINKING SONG EVER!! Personally for me,  if anyone cannot handle intoxication with calmness and worse suddenly turn to an angry evil ugly orc representing Sauron, please dont drink. This world has enough problems.
- ANIMAL. acoustic and yet still a monster of a song.
- WHEN LOVE AND HATE COLLIDES. love this song always. phewits.
- POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME - acoustic and transformed into out of this world. Happening version.

So that night to hard rock I never go, or at least I can say I have seen Def Leppard play live.

So now waiting for SLANG deluxe version 2013. Remixes, unreleased songs. I really want to hear the remixes of the songs in the this original Slang.

p.s - So I was like thinking, ok skip Slipknot headlining night, skip Ramstein headlining night, ok maybe I try to see Ramstein to check them out, which reminds me that I am so highly waiting to hear Depeche Mode new album coming out 2013. I really dont fuck care the other bands, I just want to see Maiden on the Saturday headlining Donington with SSOASS theme just like 1988 in front of their 100,000 home fans. For others, I rather go sightseeing in Derby area, then news just in... Motorhead, Alice In Chains are confirmed. Phhewwiittt.
and now the biggest rumour is KISS!!!!!!, ooo it would be nice if KISS is willing to play 2nd from headliner show, ooooo I really got to try my best go to Download for 3 days. Ahhh internally I am so stressed up ha.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

this is how I listen to Savage Garden s/t

Savage Garden alih cakap melayu apa? Taman Kejam? Kebun Kejam? Kekejaman Kebun?

Masa zaman hurray-hurray dulu-dulu (cewahh!!) keluar ni istimewa nye limited edition double cd Asian Tour Package -> Savage Garden nye 1st album 11 lagu campur lagi satu cd ngan 8 lagu, 4 remix ngan lagi 4 lagu bsides.
Tak bedek, sampai skarang dengar masih gerek sey. Aku memang suka release pop yang pelik2 sikit ni. Ah, nanti aku tunjuk Def Leppard Slang yang ada 2nd cd Live at Hard Rock Singapore accoustic lak nanti la lain kali untuk sapa tak pernah nengok. Pengsi.

Been listening to these 19 songs from the 2cd limited edition Asian Tour debut album from Savage Garden when walking and taking public transport these past few days.
Besides Pet Shop Boys, Roxette among others, another duo I enjoyed listening to is Savage Garden, with one main singer, and another the instrumentalists. Darren Hayes and Daniel Jones.

Savage Garden self titled first album, starts with the 3 big pop hit singles, beginning with the exxagerating TO THE MOON AND BACK, I WANT YOU and the take your breath away song TRULY MADLY DEEPLY hah.
Then once song number 4 starts...surprise...its a serious discovery of great pop songs by these Australians.
This is certainly a very good enjoyable album, I emphasis ALBUM. The packaging and booklet includes art called 'the garden of earthly delights'.

the exotic TEARS OF PEARLS, CARRY ON DANCING, the rocking BREAK ME SHAKE ME, A THOUSANDS WORDS, and for me the best song of the whole album SANTA MONICA plus a few other songs which  are also good like Violet, Promises and Universe which reminds me a bit of Simply Red.

The 2nd cd has a very nice last song , I'll Bet He Was Cool is very nice, but sounds religious with all the JC references.  Guess the same applies to the song Mine.

Lastly, A little bit about the slow and full of sadness SANTA MONICA.. So is this a song about Inferiority Complex? Low Self-Esteem? HUMILITY? Humbleness? Multiple Nicks? Pervertness? Awckwardness? RUSA MASUK KAMPUNG???
I dont care...this is a most beautiful sad pathetic yet meaningful song.. As good as Every Breath You Take, another song, that if you think too hard about it, is also a pervert song haha.

Beauty so unavoidable
Everywhere you turn
It's there
I sit and wonder what am I doing here?

But on the telephone line I am anyone
I am anything I want to be
I could be a supermodel or Norman Mailer
And you wouldn't know the difference

On the telephone line, I am any height
I am any age I want to be
I could be a caped crusader, or
Space invader
And you wouldn't know the difference

Or would you?

Thats the magic of internet.. People can cheat easily.. So be careful.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Maiden FC resub tshirt 2012 & magazine no 93

Got these in the mail within a few days of each other.

This is how the resubscription fanclub tshirt for 2012 looks like. I would have prefer a white one with a more loud design, but never mind.
I think I have a fair deal, even though "rest of the world" pay more for postage. Full color A4 magazines with lots of pretty photos, fc resub tshirt, online forum that I enjoy reading, , pre-sale codes worldwide, FTTBarrier chance, contests. So I guess I am ok with paying the fees.

They delete the online member only, maybe due to ticket touts joining to get pre-sale first access to Maiden show tickets and then reselling it to Maiden fans later. The negative impact is that there will be Maiden fans who will not want to join the full membership for whatever reasons. So its a lost for Maiden and fans, for the ticket touts , they can surely find other solutions.

ok, the Iron Maiden fanclub magazine number 93 next. 50+ pages in this time.
I like this issue, very fans orientated.
They got fans to do write articles, the fc trips stories, they got fans to do the live photography of Maiden on stage, lots of things. All these are things that will never happen to me, so its to read the wonderful experience of other fans.
Also a nice interview with Steve Harris on British Lion. Questions for Dave Murray (he was asked what song they have never played live but Dave would want to play?, the answer is ATG, so hopefully before Maiden retire they would do it) . And other stories and infos and of course lots of pretty photos of the band members, the fans, and other beautiful Maiden related photos ,pictures and designs. Oh, also a good article on a Maiden fan who represents Great Britain in the London Paralympics.

Some more photos..

love this last pic