pasal 1.bootlegging, 2.Portdy nye soalan, 3.TERBAIK- artikel CNN pasal rakaman video handphone dimasa tengok show, 4.istana budaya, 5.Jeff Hanneman
Bootleg, bootlegging ni pada aku la ye,
pada pandangan aku perkataan ni ada dua makna.
makna bootleg pertama - tiruan haram untuk dapatkan keuntungan, dalam apa2 bentuk pun.
Kalau korang minat zaman Prohibition, zaman gangster Chicago, Al Capone, Boardwalk Empire, Untouchables - ni lebih kepada minuman alkohol.
Kalau dekat ngan kita, samsu haram pun aku tak tahu boleh masuk kategori bootlegging tak, mungkin tak kot atau mungkin iye.
Dalam muzik pun boleh kalau muzik2 disalah cetak untuk tujuan buat duit, dan duit tu tak masuk balik kat artis tu contohnya.
Sebab tu kalau betul2 peminat, dorang takkan makan duit dari muzik2 artis atau band pujaan mereka, trade only, tapi... ok la korang rasa nak sambung ayat ni, korang sambung sendiri.
TAPI OF COURSE, aku pun zaman dulu pun beli ni bootlegs terutama ngan packaging2 yang cantik dan unik, dan jugak dari syarikat2 famous macam Octupus, KTS Kiss The Stone etc,
tapi dulu zaman skarang, dah ngan semua orang pun ada cd burner tak yah la kan, macam zaman dulu bootlegs yang dijual selalunya ngan packaging dan pressing factory.
makna bootleg kedua - untuk aku la, ialah rakam artis atau band kegemaaran kita bila dorang main live untuk koleksi peribadi kita. Zaman ni pun ramai pun dah ada handphone yang boleh buat rekod bentuk video,
tapi untuk aku personally, aku mungkin dari zaman dan pencampuran dan dibesarkan ngan cara " by ear ". Live recordings peminat semua bentuk audio.
Tapi ni masing2 la kan, aku pun suka pergi tengok kat youtube, peminat2 share rakaman handphone dorang kat konsert2 dorang pergi..
Tapi aku, selain dari aku pakai handphone cap itik, aku pun tak sanggup nak pegang, dan jugak aku tahu kualiti konfem ke laut.
Aku tengok band live, aku terutama zaman ni aku akan rakam, tapi aku takkan bootleg live show Iron Maiden, pasal ni la satu2nye band aku akan "goes fuckin mental" especially bila aku sorang2 dan takde orang kenal sekeliling aku haha. MALU Sey.
Untuk Portdy
1) dulu aku pakai minidisc untuk dengar muzik, pasal minidisc sound paling terbaik, jadi aku akan rakam bootleg guna minidisc sambung mic. External mic. Kalau ko pakai jenis external mic, pakai yang ada built-in battery.
Tapi external mic ni, aku dah tengok sendiri satu mat salleh ni dia ni ialah pada aku antara peminat Maiden paling legend dan jugak dia pakar merakam Maiden main live untuk dihayati peminat2 Maiden satu dunia,
Microfon dia memang terbaik, tak tau pun tu Microfon, dua wayar berasingan dan ada batteri pack besar sendiri khas untuk microfon tu je.
Dan dorang hardcore2 ni semua akan rakam guna gadget2 bentuk LOSSLESS dan kongsi walau satu dunia pun ngan bentuk lossless jugak. Lossy dorang tak main.
Ni ialah PASSION untuk dorang, hanya yang paling terbaik.
Sekarang aku pakai gadget lain tapi tak yah la aku tunjuk, gadget cap itik. Malu. Tapi pasal aku banyak prektis jadi mungkin ada la nampak kebaikkan sikit haha.
- aku selagi tu show ada tiket diri, of course aku diri, aku tak reti tengok rock band duduk, tapi kadang2 tempat show tu sendiri ada limitations dia tak boleh diri.
- untuk dapat bootleg terbaik, pergi dekat ngan sound mixer, tu la paling dekat ko boleh dapat kat soundboard.
TAPI aku takkan pasal aku datang nak tengok band kegemaraan aku ngan clear, aku tetap usaha nak gi depan.
- aku tak diri ngan orang mulut bising, dan paling utama mulut lucah. Pasal it spoil everything.
- Practise a lot. Kau akan tahu sendiri apa nak buat lain kali.
- Its a passionate hobby, rakam bootleg sendiri band2 kegemaraan korang main.
Since bentuk audio, tak la ganggu korang nak horray2 atau penat tangan atau ganggu orang lain.
Ni rencana CNN...MAY 2nd 2013.pasal satu band ni buat sesuatu tentang peminat yang pergi tengok show dorang tapi sibuk rakam ngan Handphone dan tak fokus kat persembahan dorang sebenarnya.
Ada jugak cerita pasal member Pink Floyd buat persembahan The Wall, siap ngan "kapalterbang jatuh dari langit" tapi penonton bukan tengok dari mata sendiri pentas tu, tapi tengok dari screen kaca handphone mereka.
Ada time sila baca....
Editor's note: Each week in "Apparently This Matters," CNN's Jarrett Bellini applies his warped sensibilities to trending topics in social media and random items of interest on the Web.
(CNN) -- "Wow! I totally just watched the awesome cell phone video you shot at that concert!"
Said nobody ever.
Yet, at some point, we've all done it.
The band is on stage. The phone is in your pocket. And, lest you actually just dance and enjoy yourself and maybe scan the floor for dropped cash, you decide, instead, to shoot three minutes of unlistenable pixel puke.

"Apparently This Matters" Is Jarrett Bellini's weekly (and somewhat random) look at social-media trends.
Because you can.
Perhaps you upload the blurry mess to Facebook or YouTube, but in the end, it ultimately just gets filed deep within your camera roll with the pointless images of some overpriced, mediocre meal you ate from a trendy new food truck.
For, at the time, that, too, seemed worth documenting.
"Look, Sarah! Mexican-Chinese-Ethiopian-Pittsburgh fusion!"
It's difficult to explain just why we do it -- why having a very basic camera in our pocket compels us to shoot photos and videos of live music that, deep down, we know we'll never look at.
Part of it might be the delusional notion of preserving a memory, but it's probably more about showing everyone in social media that you're actually out of your house doing something culturally important. As opposed to staying in and slathering your body with ranch dressing.
Once again, I believe I've shared too much.
But for exploring your city and having a true, cultural experience, live music counts. Going to Home Depot doesn't.
Otherwise, we'd all be tweeting arrogant selfies next to lumber.
"Must be nice to be Gary. Always hanging around wood."
Of course, cell phones annoyingly blocking your view at concerts is nothing new, and even complaining about them (like I am here) has grown rather cliché. Yet, it seems to be getting worse.

The Yeah Yeah Yeahs kindly ask: PUT THAT S--- AWAY.
So, recently, the indie rock band the Yeah Yeah Yeahs decided to try something. They posted a sign:
This all came out a couple of weeks ago when a picture of their sign from New York's Webster Hall was tweeted by Spin magazine, and it quickly got passed around the Internet. The band's sentiments seemed to strike a nerve.
But never mind the annoyance of having to look at the stage through a sea of bright, glaring viewfinders. Even more than that, it's all just become sort of sad. We're disconnected from the music.
It was incredible. This show had explosions. And shiny things. And planes falling from the sky. It was complete sensory overload, and when I got home, I decided my life needed more lasers.

Are there any cell phone users in the theater tonight? Get them up against the wall!
I considered attaching some to my dog. In fact, I'm still thinking about it.
"The Wall" was simply amazing. Yet, so many people missed the entire show.
And they were literally right there.
Amidst all the operatic madness of the classic Pink Floyd double album, everywhere I looked, people were watching it through 3 inches of glass on their phones. One of the greatest rock spectacles ever was directly in front of them, yet they actually made the conscious decision to have a worse visual experience.
If "The Wall" was fine dining, it would be like ordering a beautiful steak and then asking the server to put it down his pants for five minutes.
"Look, just run around the building a few times, do some burpees and bring it back."
But, for all those people at the Roger Waters show, I guess it just seemed like the right thing to do at the time.
However, I assure you it wasn't.
So, as an experiment, I want you to pick up your phone, scroll through your photos and videos, and stop when you get to something you shot at a concert.

Cell phone photo taken at Wanee Festival: Somewhere in there is a band.
Then ask yourself this: Did I actually pay to see Creed?
And if the answer is yes, go jump into a river.
Otherwise, take a moment and really think about that photo. Or that video.
Was it worth annoying everyone else behind you? Has it made your life better? Will you ever look at it again?
If you've answered "yes" to any of these questions, please join the Creed fans somewhere downstream. Your services are no longer needed.
Interestingly, though, on a positive note, last weekend I went to Wanee Festival in Live Oak, Florida, for a weekend of Allman Brothers and Widespread Panic and several other bands that rule your face.
Deep within the trees among the masses of people, getting a cell phone signal strong enough to utilize the interwebs was next to impossible. Which may explain why I saw so few people actually using their phones to begin with.
And as the night sky darkened, I was struck by the absence of little glowing viewfinders. People were just enjoying the music.

Widespread Panic's John Bell at Wanee Festival: This was taken up close with a professional camera.
Part of that is a reflection of the overall music-first vibe at Wanee Festival, But it still proves that it's entirely possible to be a part of the live music experience without having to document it in some way.
Of course, if you have a quality camera and can get up close, there's definitely an art in concert photography. And people certainly appreciate that.
But for everyone else, let's all agree to give it a rest. Do it for you. Just experience the music, take it in, and we'll talk about our favorite moments over late-night food.
I know a great place for Mexican-Chinese-Ethiopian-Pittsburgh fusion.
OK, tu hari aku pertama kali gi Istana Budaya.
Sebelum mula, semua hadirin diminta berdiri hormat menyanyikan Negara Ku.
Tempat ni memang ada protokol.
Jadi kita ikut je la apa arahan. Dan aku macam rasa enjoy lak, pasal takde langsung distraction, sapa2 nak rakam handphone video.
I mean this is nothing new, kat Singapore, Esplanade pun sama, tak boleh rakam video cuma dorang tak pakai Laser je la, usher sound je. Tapi aku rasa ada posisi yang boleh kot? hehehe. Practise and observations makes perfect.
Anyway, kalau korang suka rakam band kegemaraan korang live, korang automatic akan observant mana lokasi best untuk rakam haha. So lain kali....
Ada satu aku tengok Maiden kat Melbourne Hisense Arena intimate show, aku tak tahu apa jadi hari tu sampai Security strict giler hari itu. Kamera point and shoot semua sangkut kat entry, talipinggan pun kena cek dan kena surrender kalau security tak berkenan.
Aku macam heran, aku tak tahu la apa jadi at that specific show....
Tapi aku lepas, pasal aku masuk time First To The Barrier haha.
Tapi ada satu peminat Maiden Malaysia sangkut kan? haha. Kesian datang jauh2.
So macam aku cakap ni masing2, aku pernah tengok Dream Theater main kat Indoor Stadium, tu paling tak boleh accept, aku tengok orang office attire pun kena swipe dorang punya long sleeve shirts la beb, haha. Tapi tu la tugas security dan kena tengok keadaan dan mood.
ok lastly,
Semua ada nak cakap sesuatu pasal Slayer.
majalah Terrorizer cakap "No Slayer, NO Terrorizer".
korang semua pun ada...
untuk aku,
" Slayer ialah band yang paling kasi aku penat bila tengok dorang main live".
Semacam la dorang.
Slayer ni kalau dorang empat orang tu...sapa? Araya/KerryKing/JeffHaneman/DaveLombardo.
dorang ni macam Beatles la, The Fabulous Four.
Untuk peminat rantau ni, rasanya Singapore Expo berapa tahun lepas tu la jadi kenangan tengok ni empat main, walau dua lagu tak main dalam setlist malam tu pasal tak lepas censorship board.
Tu memang tak dilupakan la.
Bila aku tengok dorang lagi sekali, Jeff dah sakit, si mamat Exodus, Holt tu dah ambik tempat dia.
Tutup mata, takde beza la, Holt ni titik sama.
Bukak mata, pada aku la, hhhhmmmm pergerakkan...haha. ToingToingToing. Holt ni kira cam Janick Gers masuk Maiden la, pergerakkan atas pentas ubah.. Pada pendapat aku la sebagai bukan peminat hardcore dorang pun.
Tapi...aku jugak pernah baca
" Slayer is at its best when they are standing still".
Cuma aku bukan peminat besar dorang,cuma aku cam heran waktu Jeff sakit tu ada ke members lain gi melawat2 dia ke hapa ke, nampak cam semua guna manager je..
tu ah Dave Lombardo pun konflik cam2 sekarang ngan lagi dua tu..
Macam wasted lak bagi peminat2 hardcore dorang.
Tapi takde band cam mereka la, "Mat Rock Omputeh" semua giler babi tengok Slayer, aku dah pegang kepala, Boot kasut dah terbang cam mana tu? aku dah la pegang kepala jangan la kena tendang ke apa ke haha, dorang dah la lagi besar lagi kuat, last2 gi la tempat selamat sikit haha.
Takde band cam mereka.
Jeff dah mati, Dave Lombardo lak dah cakap macam2 dah...
Wasted betul.
Bootleg still consider a crime, but whattaheck! Kalo dah ada depan mata, beli ajer la hehe...
minidisc ni ada buit in memory ea?
hahaha tak pernah guna minidisc...
apa pun nanti nak try apply guna smartphone atau sony digital recorder...
apapun tenkiu abang dep . keep continue posting tips
So far bootleg dari abg dep memang best..tak kisah la bunyi dia mcm mana pun tapi feel live konsert tu ada..
Slayer aku rasa cam dah tak best la pasal Jeff dah takda..jgn Slayer pasni jadi cam Metallica dah la..hehe
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