Apa pun, aku suka tengok suratkhabar lama, mungkin berita sukan dah basi, tapi ada berita masih penuh informatif dan menarik minat aku. Ni, bila aku ada masa, nanti aku ambik keratan2 suratkhabar yang aku sorok kat tepi, aku akan baca.
Pasal ni best pada aku, jadi aku share kat sini.
Aku betul harap dapat gi Baitulmuqqadis nanti, tak tahu cammana, tak tahu mana nak cekau duit, tapi Insyallah.
Tapi benda2 gini takkan aku nak pergi sorang, so Aku masih tak paham pasal paspot Msia or and Spore and mana negara boleh pergi or what, apa aku tahu pasport Singapore boleh masuk no problem, tapi kena bawak dua pasal tak mau ada clash kalau kena lalu imigresen beberapa negara lain. Lepas je guna clear imigresen Israel, tak pakai lagi dah. Aku tak paham untuk Msia nye, tapi tu hari aku tengok tv, crew TV3 lepas apa River Jordan waktu dorang buat rakaman untuk " apa tu makna Israel? " nye segment.
Ni semua angan2 mat jenin aje, tapi who knows. Cam aku cakap Reading and gaining knowledge is for everyone, sekolah tinggi ke sekolah rendah aje. kolar biru atau keja kontrek, semua as good as anyone. So is travelling, cuma pandai2 je la ikat perut bertahun2, mungkin berdozen tahun. Anyway, gi Baitulmuqadis pun kalau niat beribadah pun lagi bagus. Masing2 nye mentaliti la ni semua.
Ini ialah keratan suratkhabar singapura 27 dec 2010, pasal masjid dan makam Nabi Musa (Moses). Terletak kat Jericho , Jerussalem or Baitulmakdis.
Kumpul duit dari orang2 biasa, Cuba nak upgrade tempat tu.. pasang kemudahan asas etc.
Apa aku belajar baca ni ialah, kadang2 kita Tak yah nak tunggu golongan high and mighty, orang biasa mata-mata ramai2 pun Insyallah menjadi jugak. So well done.
Kat artikel pun cakap pasal Abu Dharda. Baru ni aku jumpa nama ni, tak pernah tau pun sebelum nye. Dia sahabat Nabi Muhammad dan majistret pertama kat Syam ( Syria ).
This is a last year Singapore news article on the condition of the Grave of Prophet Moses and also the mosque at Jericho Jerussalem.
It would be great to be able to travel there. I know, right now its beyond imagination for the expenditure, but..Who knows if tomorow I stumble on General Yamashita treasures haha.
The article talks about the financial contribution done by some well-wishers to ensure a more improved and comfortable visit to Moses Grave by visitors, such as toilet facilities , water supply etc.
Also interesting in the article is about a Abu Dharda, the first Magistrate or Judge in Syam which is now Syria.
I'll try to upload a few of the articles such as the grave of Prophet Abraham, Isaac etc next time.
Here are the news articles -

Another thing, I bought the new issue of Karisma magazine with Maiden on the cover.
Many well written articles on Maiden, insightful and certainly not boring. Congrats to the writers of the Maiden segment which includes an old Maiden fan Krenmaut haha. So if you see this magazine in Malaysia, Singapore or Batam, buy it.
If you cant read Malay, buy it and get someone to translate all the long long articles for you.

Deaf...ko mesti happynya dengar ni news...akhirnya Maiden menang Grammy...huhu..
Grammy tu untuk budak Justin Bibir je....Maiden tak perlu tu semua...hahahaha!!!
..Maiden dah dapat Award tu dulu,kini & selamanya...
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