dari skarang aku ada dalam tujuh bulan untuk menrealistikkan mimpi aku..
dalam tujuh bulan ni apa2 boleh terjadi... tapi tak salah pe aku mimpi dulu.
dan ni la mimpi-mimpi-mimpi aku... .

dan jugak ginilah tulisan aku, cakar ayam...haha.
Dapat pergi ke tak, waktu akan menentukan....aku cuma cuba u$aha...
$o dalam mimpi aku untuk 2011 ni,
be$t ca$e $cenario, tinggalkan beg aku kat lockers airports while aku melastik ke langit city to city with just my s90, handphone and show tickets..
Australia tak humid tak berpeluh sangat?
so I can skip my bath for a longer period haha. Siot je kan? mandi pun tak. huhu, ala..ada la tempat mandi aku rasa airport.
wor$t ca$e $cenario lak...only one city je la.
Really really wor$e ca$e $cenario lak, aku gigit jari..NOOooo!!!!!!haha.
Te..ta...pi...Hidup kena ada priority beb & as much as I love Maiden since I am 11 till skarang tua ni,
tapi a man got to do what a man got to do. Maiden ni takde takpe. aceh ceh ceh.. cam tak percaya lak eh haha.
2008 we were here hehe ( click to enlarge ) still one of the greatest evening in my whole life.

i mean burswood dome, not the photo background, lagipun kita kalah First to barrier lucky draw. Aku masih ingat, aku harap sangat menang lucky draw kita dua dapat chance 'hohohohoho' lagu heaven can wait on stage, siap carik komputer masuk online cek pm, tapi takde rezeki haha.
this time better half aku tak pegi, ( maybe history tour pt II around tahun 2013 is a possibility for my love ones. ). Maiden live is to be shared with love ones. Kadang2 aku baca kat porum, sekali tiga generation pergi tengok Maiden sama2...
Tengok fotos2 crowd... fantastic, ala...kalo korang nengok Flight 666 dvd tu kan Australia nye shows banyak families gitu.
Ntah eh, Maiden shows aku rasa is very safe la, selamat untuk semua orang, I mean their own shows la, macam tengok bola kat stadium, cuma satu stadium support satu team aje cam giler.
The hardcore wont mabuk2, no slam dancing or anything, just pure aggressive upanddown support tanpa usik orang keliling walau pun pack giler macam sadin himpit2.
Cuma kita rata2 pendek kalo banding ngan mat salleh ni, so kena susun strategi mana nak diri..dan being a Maiden fan, boleh agak timings dorang cammana, bleh lepak kat tepi2, tunggu doktor2 nye intro baru get into position.
Kalo tak just go for seats, especially yang tak bleh diri lama, atau yang tak larat nak berasak2...
tapi...5 of the 7 dates will be festivals with many bands which I will not pretend to even like them a bit, unless SLAYER SLAYER SLAYER, so what I say is best reserved for 2013? or maybe kalo wishful thinking.. Malaysia/Singapore shows 2011 before OZ dates.

kertas ku catit kalo aku gi either first 3 shows nye plans..dan locations 1st 3 shows.
kadang2 aku fikir, kalaulah peningkatan taraf kehidupan aku...peningkatan taraf pekerjaan aku, peningkatan taraf pendidikan aku - ambik kursus ke, sijil upgrading ke, fokus kehidupan, fokus tanggungjawab, fokus spiritual, fokus kehidupan selepas mati aku, aku dapat capai walau satu persen aje ( 1% ) dari fokus aku beri untuk all this planning and research for this mimpi mimpi that I have... wouldnt that be great? but well...nak sedapkan hati, maybe this gives my life a balance. This is an avenue, nope, make it a highway, for me to hide away even just for a little while from some things in life.
and speaking of show tickets, which aku harap sangat nak dapatkan tapi aku blum dapatkan.... well... I hope all turn out fine...
the thin line between love and hate...
wow bro...gi aussie ke....halamak!!! beh tu pi ostolia......jgnlupe shoot byk2 ngan kangaro, ikan lumbe2.....huhuhuh den ni nak pegi ntah bile tawun...tumpang tgk gambar pun jadikkkkkkkkkk laaaaa.....huhuhu
good luck...
aku tumpang tengok gambo jadi la...
semut pon tumpang tgk gmbr jer :)
dok singapura ker?
semut nk p ujong tahun ni pepehal email semut_cumel@yahoo.com
hahaha gud luck chuck!
anyway seronok tengok peole scrible their hopes, dreams and plans , all those will become reality...wow...
god loves those who try heh heh
pemikirin intelek je yg buleh faham benda2 cam ni hehehehe
oh my goodness...
lu punya dreams, gua salute,
insyallah. boleh pegi, boleh...!!!
Manusia tidak merancang untuk gagal, mereka gagal untuk merancang, tapi
ko merancang untuk berjaya. Salute to you bro!
Selamat berpuasa Deaf.
australia humid bro, mcm mesia gak, kena mandi!!
ko plan nk gi semua? respect....
thanks for all the encouragement ahaks
alamak humid? nak kena mandi la ye sehari dua kali? haha...
smua? mana boleh..haha..tak ah...maybe sydney/brisbane pasal dekat2, also melbourne probably..
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