Tapi, selingan kejap,
So aku baru surf channelnewsasia.com, skali tu kan, aku baca pasal budak2 zaman skarang, makin ramai dah kena STD gitu. OK la, kalo bebual dari sudut agama kita memang haram kalo belum nikah, tapi ni cakap dari another angle eh.. CNA cakap kat website dia
" Up till September, the number of youths - aged between 10 and 19 - with STIs stands at 657. This is just 118 fewer than the figure for the whole of last year.
The attitudes of Singaporean teens towards pre-marital sex have also become more liberal. About half of adolescent boys surveyed said they had sex within one month of knowing their romantic partners, compared with about 23 percent for the girls.
In a separate study by the Health Promotion Board last year, 22 percent of students surveyed felt that pre-marital sex is acceptable while 15 percent indicated that they were likely to have sex when they reach 18 years old."
Zaman dulu mana ada eh ni semua? lepas sekolah, lepak kat beach, gi Hollywood Bedok Interchange makan jelly ice cocktail, cukup time magrib semua balik rumah masing2 pasal perut dah lapar, dalam poket satu sen pun takde. Jarang makan luar, kecuali kat kantin sekolah je. Budak2 sekarang, projek!! Nengok Sesame Street pun tak khatam lagik!!
So in one way or another, this news relates to my visit to the National Museum some days back. National Museum power siak, siap pakai personal komputer kecik, ada headphone kasi personal guide waktu korang pusing2 yang Historical section. Yang Living section, masuk keluar semua pakai sliding ticket. Power ah..
Tapi sesuatu yang tarik perhatian aku kat Hall Photography.

Ada this photo of two Japanese prostitutes during the early days of 1920s, betapa dorang hidup segan mati tak mau ( or something like that pepatah melayu ), dorang keeps taking photos and sent them back to Japan, pasal dorang tak mau orang kampung dorang kat Jepun lupa dorang, dan dorang tak tahu apakah penghabisan riwayat dorang, ye la muda2 lawa2 boleh la berlagak, tapi dah tua nanti takde orang pandang, krepot dah. Behind the huge old photos are narrative screens, telling about each photos history, dan aku go thru the Japanese lady narration twice pasal cam menarik gitu. Bukan aku nak glorify atau defend kerjaya dorang, tapi at end of the day dorang pun manusia, and " no demand where got supply " kan?
ni lak, aku suka poetry ni, ke rhyme ke hapa ke whatever la rangkap ni dipanggil ntah la, tapi aku suka... menyentuh perasaan aku.

dah tu je..
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