Gambar & foto raya aji nye sembelih korban
( Macam biasa, some photos make be a bit gore to some of you )
Kalau 2006 dah kambings -
So this year 2007 lak is the lembus.
( click photos to make bigger )

In the morning..after smayang raya..

people gather around..

first cow for the day - blue eyes. Mata lembu ni biru tau...

bring to position..

baca doa, takbir, then semelih

give space..

gi semelih next one lak..

then hide removing process and potong2 pun bermula..


hind portion kena remove dah..

remove remove intestine thingy..


Bring to tent to cut to smaller pieces..

apa eh tu? aku tahu makan je tapi tak tahu nama, paru kot, limpa kot

Meanwhile at the khemah.. lepas potong kecik2, siap timbang before packing..

meanwhile..more cows being semelih, and the kids pegang2..

while another cow is being cut, while budak kecik tu ngah nengok..

at same time blue eyes leftovers and skin is brought to another area for disposal and final salvage of usable parts and hide cleaning.

Meanwhile, more of the heads were arranged here together with their tails and hoofs ( betul ke? aku rembat je )

this one kena sit on lak..

ni yang 1st photo nye lembu2 kat atas tadi, abis dah..

headcount bertambah..

daging yang dah kena packed makin banyak..

ni tempat disposal dia gitu ler, lepas tu timbus ler..mana masih bleh salvage, usus2 tu nye bahagian gitu orang masih keluarkan.., waste lembu semua banyak jugak eh, tapi tak geli pasal semua cuma makan rumput jugak kan..

ngah bersihkan hide lembu2 tadi..

while the tempat potong2 makin busy...

final headcount

the end..
this post made while listening to the new Search CD " Live at Planet Hollywood " yang aku pun pegi nengok tu hari hehehe..Review live cd ni next change hohoho..
tak peduli kata orang terhadap dirinya..
tak peduli nista yang terlempar padaku...
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