Friday, February 29, 2008

US Promo- The WICKER MAN ( radio version )

Photos and short review of the rare US Radio stations cd promo for the Wicker Man single.
Sambung nengok some rare Maiden release yang aku managed to get hold.

Korang semua mesti pernah dengar lagu Wicker Man, 1st single dan 1st track dari album " reunion " Brave New World kan?

Tapi korang pernah dengar versi Wicker Man Radio Version USA, yang korus dia ada nasik tambah " thy will be done ", korang try carik kat YouTube ada kot.
Ni versi dipanggil radio version.

the cd itself, with the details

OK, ni ialah antara satu2 nye tempat dimana korang bleh dapatkan versi lagu ni. CD khas ni dikeluarkan khas untuk promo di Amerika. Susah nak carik ler sekarang, pasal very limited. Tapi its worth it. Its one of the latter days memorabilla yang worth getting your hands to.

It comes with the US tour dates for the Brave New World Tour.

There are two tracks actually, the radio version and the radio edit version.
Some people likes the album version, while some people loves the radio version, but whatever it is, this song rocks especially the ending which so reminds of the Heaven Can Wait chant, although the intro similarities with the Judas Priest song " Running Wild " kind of blemish it a bit.

More Maiden reviews to come, till then UP THE IRONS!

the full back view.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Airshow 2008

'Fly into the sky never wonder why Tailgunner, you're a Tailgunner'
- Iron Maiden's Tailgunner

My review and some photos of the Singapore Airshow 2008.

terbalik terbalik gitu..Australia nye team
Click all photos to enlarge

Everyone knows how screw up the organisers are regarding what happen at Pasir Ris MRT and the travelling to the event at Changi. Hope the organisers wake up the idea. Tens of thousands of people very young to very old pay their hard-earned money to go and see the show and these people deserved better treatment. Embarrassing to the world sey. M E M A L U K A N.

Firstly, caught the RSAF Black Knights from inside the bus. Not bad not bad. But still managed to catch one photo.
Can see the fading love or not? Use handphone for this one ekeke. Very late already. But seriously not bad ah RSAF got all these stunts. Better dont get hurt, planes very expensive!!

Then this one F18 or F15 ah? I also not sure la.

Ah, next that glamoourous A380 airbus, double decker tau, I think currently carry most paxs in the world right now. Flavour of the month gitu, pasal SIA baru dapat, nanti besok lusa semua airlines pun pakai ni plane jugak then orang tak heran dah.

very slow like tortoise, so it is easy to take this plane photo la.

Siot ah, aku nak kena belajar ambik gambar betul2 la, ada mat salleh sebelah aku dia punye kamera, dengar bunyik je aku dah kagum, tick tick tick laju siak dah la canggih manggih dan dia cool je dongak kat langit carik planes tu semua padahal silau. Macam2 kamera sey orang gunakan, jealous nye aku, tapi apa pun kamera kita pakai, baik henpon kamera, kamera taruk pilem zaman 70an, kamera dc point and shoot, atau DSLR, yang penting ambik gambo mesti ngan feeling, heart and soul. Lantak orang cakap apa janji kita happy. Tapi kalo orang enjoy our photos lagi best kan.
So ngah semangat Aces High, aku pun cuba la snap Australian Roulettes nye display, nasib baik dorang tak pakai F16, laju giler mana la aku sempat nak snap wakaka.

Siak ah, aku nak kena belajar pasal editing jugak la cammana nak kasi terang mana patut. Skarang ni masih whatyouseeiswhatyouget. White balance pun nak kena belajar jugak pasal langit silau, dah la ngan Indon nye jerebu ( aku suspek la ).

The trick is, macam Ross Halfin eh, dia punye photos kan, masa dia ambik Iron Maiden ke sapa2 ke on stage, pada aku kan, dia dapat tangkap the essence. Maksud aku, semua pun bleh ambik gambo, tapi certain people, bila dia ambik gambo tu, gambo tu tell the story. Korang, korang try carik single Metallica lagu ONE, ok, korang pegi nengok gambo belakang single tu, gambo Metallica kat Hammersmith Odeon London tak salah, tu tak salah aku Ross Halfin ambik, I LOVE THAT PHOTO!!, dia caught in photo, the love between the band and the fans. Sorry wa ter off topic sikit tapi tu ah aku nak cakap.

masa terbalik2 ni aku seram jugak sey kot tersenggol kepak ngan kepak. Cat cantik2 dah terkopek ekeke.

Moving on to the statics displays...

Ni Leopard kot? Sg ada eh ni benda, tak tahu lak

Sg nye apache

Skarang semua dah tak pakai orang lagi eh, even ni dua, helicopter ngan airplane besar tapi remote control nye. Ksiao eh teknologi sekarang.

Kalo cuma satu kapalterbang aku datang nak tengok, aku nak tengok ni..
Amerika nye bomber B1-B.
Siak, dia punye Q nak masuk cockpit dia paling panjang beb. Panjang giler.
Lawa siol. Aku kecik2, main kad yang ada taruk2 gamba planes tu semua kan, ni kira aku nye feberet tau, sekali last2 dah tua, nampak ni plane in real life. happy siak.

lawa eh.
bawah lak ambik dari rear. Orang ramai ler, kalo tak ramai orang, mau sampai battery semua flat aku tersnap2.

Airbus baru yang double deck tu kan, ramai wooo peminat.

kepak dia.

Ni lak Sg nye Chinook

Sg nye F16 ntah versi a / b / c / d aku tak tahu tengok

ni lak kat dalam..

orang ngah q ambik souvenirs kat Boeing nye counter. Dorang promote F15 Strike Eagle pasal Sg baru upgrade ke beli baru ke hapa ntah ni fighter.

Saab nye area siap bleh join main golf kecik gitu

dia punye indoor expo besar sangat la, tak bleh jalan semua..

k nak blah, tapi kat jembatan tu apsal kena on-hold takut jembatan roboh ke apa sey.

tak dapat banyak la especially pins kecik tu semua dahbis kot, tapi F15 Strike Eagle nye topi, Black Knights nye diary dalam colourful pics pasal pattern2 dorang buat ngan F16 dorang, posters, stikers ntah hapa2.

Alrite la ni show, aku selalu everytime pegi Changi Beach je nengok air display, tapi this year, masuk dalam nengok lagipun this year dorang dah pindah kat dalam la, nengok dari Changi Beach dah tak boleh kot. Cuma next time kena datang awal sikit.

Monday, February 25, 2008

review gig~ HELLOWEEN 25/02/08

My review and "pretend to be Ross Halfin (snigger)" n73 photos of one of the happiest concert of the year ekeke.

Helloween Hellish Tour 2008
Fort Canning Park Singapore
24 Feb 2008 , 2000hrs

Sascha Gerstner, Andi Deris, Markus Grobkopf, Michael Weikath, Dani Loble

"Its a little bit hot, for Germans, and nevertheless, you forgave, forgive us sweating here like pigs on stage ok!" - Andi Deris.

1. Halloween
2. Sole Survivor
3. March Of Time
4. As Long as I Fall
5. A Tale That Wasn'r right
6. Drum Solo
7. King For A 1000 years.
8. Eagle Fly Free
9. The Bells of Seven Hells
10. If I could Fly
11. Dr. Stein
12. Medley :
a. I can,
b. Where the Rain Grows,
c. Perfect Gentlemen (band introduction),
d. Power,
e. Keeper of the Seven Keys
13. Future World
14. I want Out.

Negative point kita kasi settle dulu - Apsal security check semacam punye leceh?
Aku tak cakap tight, tapi aku cakap LECEH!!, menyusahkan orang Q punye panjang. ( masa Dream Theater tu hari ada problem videotaping ke hapa? hehe ). Ten by ten gitu dilepaskan masuk. Tapi aku tak Q ler, masuk bila Q dah abis. Other than that semua ok, dan happy happy helloween :-)

Helloween pakai AC/DC "For Those About To Rock" nye lagu sebagai introduction.
First song Halloween, lepas tu Sole Survivor.
Crowd ramai melayu, gerek.

Third song, March Of Time...( Loud audience singalong hehehe )
aku suka ni part break before chorus si gitarist Sascha Gerstner ada nasik tambah "feuii!! feuii!! "

Then Andi Deris bebual pasal crowd tahu liriks, then introduce new album, 1st single - As Long As I Fall.

Next - A TALE THAT WASNT RIGHT - One of the all time most tragic sentimental ballads ekeke.
Lagu ni terus dah jadi macam choir siak. Singalong siak budak2 melayu semua. Happening abis ni lagu.
By this time, aku rasa semua yang masih rindu suara Michael Kiske, dah lupa dah. Andi Deris put in 101% effort siol. Ada band, vokalis asyik hilang2 je, tapi dekni maintain professional the whole show.

During A Tale That Wasnt Right. The stage lights in red.

Then Drum Solo si Dani Loble - sapa dah tak tengok last dvd Helloween yang live 3 continents tu, dekni aku suka bunyi drums dia la. Pada aku sedap.

Next is the long 10 minutes song A King For A Thousand Years. ok la, tapi aku lagi prefer lagu2 pendek dari Keepers Part III. Lagu ni cam ...seret ah gitu, dan aku tak minat lagu ni sangat.

Start of King For A 1000 Years, Michael Weikath is still behind the speakers

Then Andi Deris borak2 pasal cuaca panas kat Singapore , macam sauna la apa la.

Then terus introduce next song Eagles Fly Free and all hell break loose siak.
Happy siak semua orang.
Andi Deris tak yah nyanyi pun takpe, semua singalong. Antara lagu paling best pada aku.

The Bells Of Seven Hells, ada crowd participation. Not bad la eh lagu baru ni.

Then lagu If I Could Fly dari album Dark Ride. Lagu ni ramai orang suka eh. Dia punye melody piano dia best.
Aku suka part lepas gitar solos tu yang 'if i could.. if i could..' gerek siak.

Michael Weikath tu, berapa batang rokok dia hisap eh satu hari? real ler dektu.

Then Andi Deris tanya pasal ok ke tak , nak jatuh ke tak, kalo tak dia nak panggil doktor.
Terus Dr Stein. Yahoo!!! Lagi satu lagu yang all hell break loose.

Helloween then took a short break, lepas tu Perfect Gentleman nye intro then terus masuk I Can, then Where The Rain Grows ( macam siak, cuma about a minute of this song is played aje, boring siak aku, aku suka lagu ni weiiii )
then terus masuk balik Perfect Gentleman..ada singalong crowd participation. Apa pun, crowd sporting ler.
Andi - Yes I am!!!
Crowd - I am a perfect gentleman!!
Andi - Yes you are!!
Crowd - Perfect!!!
Then band introduction. Musicians semua short solos taking turn.
Sascha introduce Andi Deris last part.
Terus masuk Power, hehehe. Gerek, patut ni lagu ni main full pasal sesuai eh main live. Singalong, siap ada melody line bleh "hoooo oooo oooo " kuat2.
Then masuk lagu Keeper Of Seven Keys, part last tu yang " satan screaming and earth swallowing.." tu... best best best.

Terus encore time.. By this time, Andi Deris wear the Gambling With The Devil suit gitu. Ada top hat, kayu apa ntah. Cam kelakar lak. Tak panas ke. Tapi cam aku cakap dia ngan satu band pro abis.

Encore -
2 lagu yang paling kecoh - Loud singalong and faces beaming with joy session.

Then the end.

hi 5 ekeke

Speakers main lagu " Light Up The Universe " Helloween duet with Candice Night ( Ritchie Blackmore's missus ). Aku suka siak lagu ni.

Aku enjoy betul ni show. Helloween put in a lot of effort. Walaupun cuma tinggal Michael Weikath dan Markus Grobkopf je tinggal dari zaman aku dan dan most dari korang grow up with in the late 80s, drummer original pun dah mati bunuh diri terjun kat bawah keretapi bergerak, Kai Hansen dah kat Gamma Ray, Roland Grapow ngan Uli Kusch dah ntah kat mana, Michael Kiske dah tak rock tapi nak release Helloween accoustic coming soon,
tapi I really like this latest line up ler. Aku suka si drummer ngan si Sascha tu. Album baru dorang memang best pun, korang gi carik.

Friday, February 22, 2008

masjid albukhary, jln hang tuah, kl (part i)

hail. Once in a blue moon dah datang lagi, Awooo..!!!, ( pada aku kan, album Ozzy Osbourne - Bark At The Moon gerek tau,lagu Waiting for Darkness power siak , ni zaman Ozzy masih best, tak cam skarang ngan si Sharon suar tu. oppsss terofftopic )
so kita layan wa snap guna henpon n73 wa - mesjid2 yang ada ceritanye sendiri untuk wa.

Since the last few were in Singapore, this time, kita gi KL lak. Masjid Albukhary kat Jalan Hang Tuah KL. Reference senang " ala...mesjid kaler putih tepi jalan tu.."

(click all photos to enlarge)
Apsal ni special untuk aku? pasal... kalo korang semua naik bas masuk KL nak stop kat Puduraya, I think kalo korang dari selatan kan, takdeperal korang akan lalu mesjid ni ler before dia koner kiri arah Puduraya tu.

Location dia untuk sapa2 guna public transport mudah ler.
Dia kat ngan stesen2 Monorail dan jugak LRT Hang Tuah. Walking distance to Berjaya Times Square, dekat jugak ngan Bukit Bintang ler. Naik bas nombor berapa? sorry wa masih fail kalo naik bas kat KL.

Mesjid ni mostly white. Tu yang buat pengsi abis.

ni bawah lak tempat amik air semayang dia ( ablution area )

bawah ni main hall lak, mimbar,mihrab etc

nampak cam nak ada pattern je, tu hari mesjid temenggong pun ada kaki terkeluar ring, ni pun ada lagik.

lawa ek semua putih2 gitu.

rehal2 susun gitu kat depan very neat eh.

dome dia dari dalam lawa sey.

my henpon and phototaking skills dont do justice, very detailed siak dome dia kalo korang nengok betul2. Ukir2 nengok bleh nampak details dia better tak.

Nanti senang sambung ek...domestic responsibilities calls ekekeke.