Thursday, September 18, 2008

majalah dua - dslr photography & MH Metallica Thrash Special

semalam aku sound menteri kewangan aku, ( tak macam masuk paper hari ni, menteri kewangan aku takde tukar2 k.. constant huhu. )
Aku teringin sangat nak sambar magazine photography yang interview Iron Maiden nye tour photographer. Hidup kena prioritise beb \m/
Lepas Majlis Tertinggi Bangsa2 Bersatu kasi lampu hijo je kan, tadi aku gi kedai mamak kat bugis tu, selain dari majalah ada pasal Maiden tu, aku terbeli Metal Hammer's Metallica & Thrash Metal Collectors Special. Oppssss...

Its Ikat Perut Time, you know we will always win, Ikat Perut Time, You know its the only thing that keeps us together...
( versi Death Angel ok, bukan versi Kiss, bersempena majalah baru hehehe ).

Nanti senang aku review k, takde scanner ler, nanti aku nengok cammana..haha.

NEXT - Bukit Jalil dah start ler untuk bas musim raya..........

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